part: 42

1.9K 85 49

song: time after time - cindy lauper

3rd pov

y/n opened his eyes and squinted a bit, the bright white ceiling blinding. the white ceiling of the infirmary.

he looked to his side without moving and saw loki with his nose in a book.

"i'm beginning to get sick of waking up in this room," y/n said, his voice hoarse and dry.

loki's eyes snapped up from his book, and all he could do was stare at y/n wide-eyed for a moment.

"what— do i have something on my face?" y/n asked teasingly.

loki snapped out of his trance and closed his book, setting it down on the bed. he stood up off of his chair and leaned over y/n.

"give it to me straight doc, am i gonna die?" y/n asked, failing to keep a smile off of his face. he slightly winced as his lips stretched, the cuts in them opening a bit.

loki frowned. "i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have approximately five minutes left to live."

"then i guess you should give me goodbye kisses, right?" y/n said, lifting his sore arms to wrap around loki's waist.

"if it's what you want, of course," loki whispered, lowering down to y/n's lips.

before they could connect their lips, exaggerated gagging noises came from behind loki.

loki pulled away from y/n and turned around. there stood tony stark, still fake gagging.

"alright, alright, we get it. why are you here, stark?" y/n asked, and tony looked at y/n and immediately grimaced.

"nat was right, you look awful," tony said.

y/n rolled his eyes. "thanks."

"shut your mouth, mortal, before i make you look worse," loki said, folding his arms behind his back and glaring at tony.

tony threw his hands up. "am i wrong?"

"i'm only going to ask one more time. why are you here, tony? it can't be just to make fun of my face," y/n said, pushing himself up to a sitting position.

tony fished his phone out of his pocket and tapped random things on the screen before he showed it to y/n.

a man in red and blue... pajamas? was swinging from building to building, webbing shooting out of his wrists.

"isn't this crazy? look at him go," tony said, excitement in his voice.

"huh, interesting. so— what, is he like a new hero or something? do you know who he is?" y/n asked.

"i don't know, and yes. he doesn't seem evil. i managed to track him down. he lives in queens," tony said, taking his phone back and slipping it into his pocket.

"so, did you just want to show me, or...?"
y/n asked.

"well actually, all of us did rock paper scissors to see who had to come down here and see how you were doing. i lost," tony said.

"oh, great," y/n said, throwing the thin blanket draped over his legs off.

he pulled the iv out of his arm and everything attached to him. he swung his legs over the side of the bed and landed on his feet.

he held the bed for support until loki wrapped an arm around his waist.

the three walked to the door, tony turning left and y/n and loki turning right.

loki and y/n stepped into the elevator, and as the doors closed y/n saw his reflection in them.

"oh my god, i do look terrible," y/n said, leaning closer to the doors to see his face better.

"oh, you don't look that horrendous," loki said, patting y/n's back. y/n turned back to him and frowned.

"you don't have to lie," y/n said.

loki furrowed his eyebrows. "i'm not."

y/n sighed and turned back around to look at himself. he had stitches in his left cheek and forehead, and his cheekbones were swollen and purple.

both eyes were black eyes, and his lips were split.

"i'd heal you, but stark figured out how to take my magic away, so i'm useless," loki sighed.

"oh! the thought of using magic didn't even cross my mind, though, i'm not very good at healing ma—" y/n paused. he turned around to look back at loki.

"tony did what?" y/n asked, his voice lowering an octave. loki thought it was hot.

loki felt the corner of his mouth twitch upwards. he liked the feeling of someone being angry on his behalf.

but he also didn't like y/n being upset.

"stark figured out how to use his midgardian technology to limit my powers. i can only make small illusions and use a little bit of telekinesis. everything else is lost to me," loki explained, shrugging.

the elevator dinged and y/n stormed out and down the hall, entering the living room and plopping down onto the couch.

loki followed after him at a normal pace, taking a gentle seat beside y/n.

"why didn't you tell me tony did that? you wouldn't be wearing the limiters right now if you did," y/n said.

"he put them on me when you were..." loki's voice faded out, not wanting to bring up hydra to y/n. "when you got back, i was more concerned about you than i was about getting my magic back. it just wasn't important then."

"but still—"

"gods! and then you got blown up! although i do admit i did wish i had my magic then, it would have saved you so much pain," loki said, not giving y/n any opportunities to argue.

"i'm going right now to tell tony to take off your limiters," y/n said, standing up. loki caught his wrist and pulled him down.

y/n grunted as he landed on loki's lap, and loki wrapped his arms around y/n, trapping him.

"my love, my darling. give yourself time to rest," loki said, "and while i do find your constant need to defend me endearing, i care more about you getting better."

y/n conjured a book, or rather teleported it from their small library, into his hand. loki raised his eyebrows.

"read to me then, so i have something to focus on other than ways i'm going to torture stark," y/n said, handing the book to loki.

"i don't recommend going down the torture route. it didn't work out so well for me," loki said, scanning the cover of the book.

"the princess bride, s. morgenstern's classic tale of true love and high adventure," loki read aloud.

"it's the best ever, i swear," y/n said, situating himself so that his head was laying in loki's lap.

"is there violence in it? death? torture?" loki asked, smiling down at y/n.

"are you kidding? fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles..." y/n went on.

"alright, you've got me," loki said, opening up the book.

of course, he had wanted to read it the moment y/n had handed it to him, trusting his taste in literature. he just liked to tease.

GUYS SO BASICALLY i got like the best idea for a tom hiddleston ff, and i'll probably make it a story but not until this one's finished.

but like it's such a good idea 😩😩😩 i'm tellin y'all it's gonna be good

also if you havent read or watched the princess bride... go do that rn. like rn

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