part: 51

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3rd POV

"oh," y/n huffed, "son of a fuck nugget."

"and the one fighting my favorite boy toy is... ragazork the destroyer!" the giant grandmaster hologram said, gesturing to the other side of the arena where fake smoke began seeping from the doors.

"if you wanna call me a boy toy then come down here and say it to my face you limp-dick-no-nipple-bitch! i swear to god when i get out of here the first ass i'm absolutely obliterating is yours!" y/n screamed— not even knowing if the grandmaster heard him.

the grandmaster roared with laughter, and he wiped a tear away. "my god! he's got such a dirty mouth for someone who's got a pretty face! do you guys hear him? my goodness!"

the crowd laughed in agreement.

loki had to focus on controlling his breathing. had to focus on not walking up to the grandmaster and crushing his throat in his hand. he stood still behind the glass, a hand to his mouth as he stared down at his lover.

it was the first time loki felt alive since he arrived at sakaar— such a god forsaken place. he would smile, smirk— anything, at how y/n was still, well, y/n. the man
he grew to cherish. he was there in all his glory, in that ridiculous golden armor. he would cry and laugh and smile at knowing that y/n was here if he wasn't so angry.

a roar was heard and loki shifted his gaze from y/n to the other side of the arena. a dark figure was walking through the ominous mist —probably put there on purpose— and loki squinted to see if he could see through it.

"i will not fight for your entertainment! i am not your toy! if you want a fight you come down here and fight me yourself you fucking coward!" y/n yelled, glaring angrily up at the vip booth.

the grandmaster just waved his fingers at him with a smile. the grandmaster then pointed to the left, and y/n followed his finger to see a giant pinky from doom kind of looking monster charging at him, club raised above his head.

"oh fuck!" y/n shouted, diving out of the way just as— what was his name? rakazurt? ragomart? ra...

"ragazork!" the monster shouted. ah, that's what it was.

"ragazork! friend —best friend— maybe, even, we don't have to fight!" y/n shouted, ducking as ragazork swung at him again.

"ragazork!" ragazork shouted back at him. it suddenly occurred to y/n as to why he was called ragazork.

"i don't want to fight you, you're a tortured soul— forced to fight for entertainment! it isn't right!" y/n pleaded, refusing to take the offensive.

was it right when you killed all of those hydra soldiers? was it? what if they, too, were brainwashed? what if they had families?

y/n froze in his spot as the voice in his head spoke to him. he felt sick to his stomach. y/n barely dodged ragazork's next attack.

y/n squeezed his eyes shut, slightly curling into himself.

"i had no choice!" y/n screamed out. ragazork's club collided with his side, sending him skidding across the ground. he rolled over onto his back with a groan and stared up at the blinding lights above him.

what makes you think you have a choice now?

he saw ragazork in the air above him, preparing to smash him into the ground. y/n rolled away just as ragazork landed. y/n scrambled back to his feet— only to have to dive for the ground to avoid ragazork's club again.

he pivoted on his knee and swung the butt-end of his spear right into ragazork's cheek— and the red beast stumbled backwards and brought a hand to it's face.

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