Chapter 3

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Bonnie's POV:

By the time I wake up Emmy bear is already gone and it's morning. I stretch and yawn then peel myself from the covers, as I do dad knocks on my door. "Come in dad!" He opens the door and has a tired look on his face. "Hey baby girl..about last night. I think I sugar coated how mean your sister is. How about this, by the time you get back home you'll have a finger print lock on your door so only the two of us can enter oh and the cullens obviously." I hug his waist tight and thank him. He pats my back and kisses my head, "I've got to go, something odd has been going on and I'm being sent out to check on it." I walk downstairs it's him and say goodbye, not even a minute later the cullens have arrived. Rose brings me to the bathroom and Alice goes straight into my closet to find me something 'decent'. Rose fills the tub with a little bit of water and I sit on the edge of the bathtub, I'm slowly getting better with water but after yesterday I don't trust myself. I think Rose understand and grabs my sponge from the side and gently washes me, afterwards she wraps me up with a big towel and we walk to my room. Alice has already laid out a simple outfit for me. It consisted of a pair of ripped blue jeans, a white and black striped top and a big black shirt over the top. I got dressed and went downstairs.

Emmy was sat on the couch with Eddy and Jazzy was in the kitchen, I went to the front door and grabbed a pair of black trainers then joined Jazzy in the kitchen. "What you got?" I ask, he turns around and hands me some toast with a fried egg on top. I do a little squeal and hug his waist then get to eating my very yummy breakfast. I finish with a little time to spare so I sit on the couch with the other two. Emmy passed me my back pack and I checked if nibbles was there and my textbooks were inside. All there! I nodded to all of them and we left the house. Today's cars were yellow, red and silver, I chose Jazzy, and Alice's yellow car. We spoke about nothing in particular on the way to school and when e got there we met up with everyone. First lesson was art and I was with Jazzy! Next lesson I had English with Rose and I don't know what I have after that.

Me and Jazzy walk to class hand in hand and we sit in the corner away from everyone, though it isn't hard when there aren't many in art class. I grab a new canvas and some paints, the teacher talks with us all for a few minutes then lets us do our own thing. I got my paints, mixed them and got to work. I painted a beautiful forest but my mind wandered and without realising I had yet again painted my worst nightmare. It was a dark forest with a cabin. I dropped my paintbrush and ran out the room to the girls bathroom. I threw up everything in my stomach and rested my head on the toilet seat and sobbed. I wanted to get over it. What happened. But I can't, what happened it won't leave me alone. Why can't my past stay in the past?

Before I could continue thinking such negative thoughts someone knocked on my bathroom stall. "Bonnie? It's Rose can I come in?" I opened the stall then got back into position over the toilet bowl, I was still nervous and don't want to throw up over her. She gently placed her hand on my back and starts rubbing small circles, it was actually quite calming. "What's wrong baby?" I throw up what little is left and cough, my throat was burning from it coming coming back up. "I did it again! Why can't it leave me alone?! I just want things to go back to normal! I want to be able to live normally again. To be able to go out at night without fear, to not cry every day, to not have panic attacks all the time. Why can't I have that?" She pulls back my hair and sighs, "You have come so far, stop belittling yourself! You've managed to step outside the house and come back to school. You're having so many less anxiety attacks. Stop looking so negatively when you need to look at the brighter side of things, I know easier said than done but for us please.." I grab some toilet paper and wipe my mouth then turn to face her and give her my best smile. "I'll try." She kisses my forehead and flushed the toilet then we leave the bathroom. As soon as we leave we're met with all the Cullen kids. Eddy passes me a bottle of Dr Pepper, I crack the lid open and take a big gulp. "Thanks Eddy!" He smiles and we all go to sit in the library. "I just need to calm down and after break I will go back to class. I will make it through a whole school day!"

So we end up skipping our next class but I head to my third class. It's the first time I'll be in the class so I don't know what to expect. I walk in by myself and the teacher looks at me confused, "may I help you?" I felt all eyes on me and that dreaded lump formed in my throat. "I- umm.. I'm in your class." He raises a brow, "My name Is Bonnie Swan..." something clicks in his head and he goes, "ah welcome to geography miss Swan." I nod and sit in the only available seat which is in the front row. I take out my text book and he begins teaching. I'm fine for most of the lesson but near to the end I feel like crying, the teacher was having me answer all his questions and people were not so subtly whispering about me. I got the questions correct but I think that just made the teacher angrier. 10 minutes before the lesson ends I grabbed my backpack and ran out of class straight to the library.

Without missing a beat I squished myself between the two corner bookshelves and took out nibbles from my backpack and began to mumbled to myself that everything is fine. Not even 5 minutes later Jazzy appears as if he knew where I was and he picked me up out of the corner, he went into the 'calm corner' and sat us both down on the bean bag. "What's wrong Bon's?" I try to get my words out but my voice doesn't work with me. I wanted to tell him how much I hated the class! Suddenly a wave of calmness washed over me and I could get my words out, "my teacher was mean, he picked on me and made me answer most the questions. Plus people- they were talking about me.. I think I made him angry.." I rested my head on Jazzy's chest, "made who angry?" "My teacher. I kept getting all the answer right..." Jazzy shakes his head and sighs, "don't worry about him, you can drop that class and take history with me instead." I nod and decide to do it later.

I don't think I was in the right class but Jazzy brought me with him to what I think was his next class. He sat beside Alice and they switched every now and again with having me on their laps. The teacher didn't seem to mind or maybe he didn't want to question it. Lesson ended and I held both their hands till we got to the cafeteria, that's when I let go and ran over to Rose and everyone else. I nuzzled straight into Rose and sighed happily, she always has a calming scent. I don't know what it is but I love hugging with her and Jazzy the most! My list of favourite cuddlers are, Rose, Jazzy, Emmy bear, Alice then Eddy. If I could they'd all be my favourite though I don't think that's how it works.

I hold nibbles close to my chest as I eat, I had a few bites of my sandwich and some party fox rings (if you don't know what these are- shame on you. Jk luv ya) then I stopped eating and joined in the conversation with everyone else. Lunch ended and I had my final two classes, one was with Eddy and the other was with Alice. The rest of the day went okay! Then they drove me back home, Rose and Emmy stayed with me till dad got back then we set up the finger print lock thing and went to bed. Eddy stayed with me tonight.

I held my hand against his looking at the size difference, "why is your hand so big?" I ask, his reply was. "Why is you hand so small?" Touché giant man touché. He gave me a big hug and covered me with the bed sheets then I drifted off to sleep. Thankfully I didn't have any nightmares, I might have had a dream but all I remember is darkness. Maybe I forgot it?

(Cabin painting: I do not own)

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(Cabin painting: I do not own)

(Cabin painting: I do not own)

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Word count: 1596

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