Chapter 37

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-3 days later at the Cullen residence-

No one's POV:

Alice is in the middle of helping Bella with her make up and doing her hair whilst Rosalie is grumbling in the living room about her becoming family, everyone else apart from her and Jasper are helping set up the wedding that will be taking place in a few hours.

Bonnie on the other hand is vibrating with excitement, her leg is bouncing and she's death gripping nibbles in the car. "How long till we get there?" She turns quickly to face her mate, Marcus sighs fondly and pats her head. "Like I said a moment ago piccolo we're almost there." She nods and continues to bounce her leg until they arrive at the house. Jasper and Rosalie rush out to greet her, by giving her bone crushing hugs.

"I missed you so much Bon Bon!" Rosalie almost squeals whilst death gripping her 'little sis'. Bonnie grips onto her shirt and hugs her back with the same strength, "I missed you so much.." when they step back Jasper takes his chance and swoops in. He picks her up so she's basically sat on his arm, "it's been awhile." He chuckles, Bonnie places her head against his and sighs. "I've missed you too silly" After eventually convincing Jasper to put Bonnie down she strode into the house with a faux confidence even Marcus has never seen before.

Carlisle and his mate stood in shock along with Emmett as Bonnie slammed open the door with open arms saying, "who missed me?" Though it didn't take long for them all to rush over and start fussing the youngest. Esme was checking her over for any bruises or lasting scars whilst making sure she's healthy and Marcus is treating her well, Carlisle simply knelt down and hugged Bonnie tight. She couldn't help but relax into his embrace, it felt so familiar and warm. Next was Emmett, he picked her up and swung her around before holding her in a similar manor to Jasper. He instantly began teasing her and joking about, Bonnie either laughed or jokingly smacked his arm.

When everything calms down a little Bonnie rests her head on Emmet's shoulder, "I've missed you guys a bunch." Emmett hums whilst the rest of the family who are currently present agree. Marcus and Carlisle go into his office to talk about the bonds between his family and Bonnie. Her pseudo brother puts her back down on the ground and they all start chattering, which brings unwanted attention.

Bonnie's POV:

"What are YOU doing here?" Bella screeches as she rushes down the stairs towards me. I look at her blankly, "I was invited? Duh? Cause you know people actually like me." Everyone in the room froze, except for Emmy of course who began laughing way too hard. Then everyone else started laughing or giggling along, not even because anything was funny anymore but all of us laughing just made us wanna laugh more!

Bella on the other hand was bright red and looked super angry. "You- you- you're a-" "a-a-a bitch" I say in a whisper mock like tone, but loud enough so she could hear me. (If you get it Ily) Emmy continued cackling and Rose had to elbow him in the stomach to make him stop. Bella began opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water but never actually ended up saying anything. Instead she groaned whilst stomping her foot and rushed back up the stairs. Alice peered down after my 'sister' ran away and gave me a thumbs up with an evil grin, I nod back in return and continue chatting with my family.

"Dads gonna be here?!" Mom nods and I start panicking, "if you guys haven't noticed my eyes are red and I'm kinda not breathing and I don't have a body temp and argh!" I stop rambling as I walk into a wall, aka Emmy, who pats my shoulders. "We all have contacts. We should have your colour somewhere..."

-10 minutes later after coaching Bonnie on how to be human again-

"Ok, ok. I got this!" I say to myself as I hear dads car pull up into the cullens driveway. "Bonnie?! Lass what are you doing here?" Dad yells rushing over after he exits the car, I laugh and rush over as well. "How could I miss this? Or miss a chance to see you!" Dad hugs me tight and strokes my hair down. "Ahem!" Someone fake coughs behind us to get our attention, surprise surprise it was Bella. "You're here for MY wedding not for that thing!" I roll my eyes and dad sighs before kissing my forehead and walking over to Bella. "Don't start acting like this on your wedding day, your sister is here to support you. Not to ruin your wedding. This silly rivalry you keep trying to have with her has to stop." Bella turned her head away and walked away, again. "I can stay out of the way if you guys think that's best, I think me waiting inside would be better so she would only have to see me after the ceremony."

Everyone tries to comfort me but I shake my head, "it's her special day! I don't want to ruin it for her and if that means staying out of the way for a little while I'm fine with that." Marky places a hand on my shoulder before pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead. "If you aren't going to sit out there I'll stay in with you until the ceremony ends." I nod and hum. "Let's get this over with then so we can party all night!" Emmy says with an evil grin on his face. He leaves the room and goes into the garden, grabbing a giant log on his way down. "Do I even want to know?" I ask Rose who also has a slight grin on her face, she shakes her head and hugs me. "Don't worry about it sweetie." "Okay?" I say tilting my head.

(The dress Bonnie wore to the wedding: I can't remember if everyone just wore light colours or wore white and cream colours soo

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(The dress Bonnie wore to the wedding: I can't remember if everyone just wore light colours or wore white and cream colours soo....🤷🏽‍♀️)

A/n: I hope everyone had an awesome Valentine's Day! I spent mine sick in bed so I can't say much about mine. I was sick so I took some medicine which knocked me out for half the day, woke up with a headache and was sick again later on then had to take another lot of medicine and here I am. Love having a weak immune system. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and your day! Until next time.

Word count: 1123

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