Chapter 35

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A/n: WHO'S READY FOR THE DRAMA TO UNFOLD CAUSE I SURE AS HELL AM. The next chapters are gonna get interesting so stay tuned and enjoy! (This hasn't been proofread yet so sorry if there's any mistakes).
On another note got my MRI results! Not much to say right now but I'll find out more on Thursday.

Bonnie's POV:

As soon as we arrived on the Romanian coven's land something smelt off. "Can anyone else smell that?" Most shook their heads but Charolette and Demetri nodded. "What is that?" Charolette asked holding her hand over her face to block the scent. "Immortal children.." Demetri growls. I take a moment to think about this, the queens told me about immortal children a week ago and why they're so dangerous. "So we need to look for the mother and then kill the kids then we're done?" Demetri nods and Caius groans. "To think they thought building an army of immortal children would be a good plot or maybe they had the gall to think this would actually put an end to the Volturi. Someone go collect some fire wood." A male vampire went speeding off into the woods and we continued on.

From the looks of things the Romanian coven are simply lounging about, "clearly they weren't expecting visitors yet." Charolette says whilst rolling her eyes. "So do we just charge or what?" Aro simply smiles and Charolette races off as if that was the confirmation she needed. Within an instant a vampire was missing her head and arms, then quickly followed by another three. After Charolette's first kill the rest of our coven went racing after her to join the fight. Marky and I laid back for a minute to sneak into the house in case there were any vampires or immortal children still inside.

There was two children and a young female but Marky quickly took care of them and we went further into the house. Yet again another odd smell filled my nose, I followed it to a door which seemed to lead down into a basement. "Great, a basement. Welp we're going to die." Marky looked at me horrified, I sighed and patted his shoulders. "We are going to watch some horror movies when we get home okay? You need to be educated. Though I will be hiding behind you most of the time..." Marky chuckles and holds out his hand for me to take. He descends down the stairs right behind me.

In reality I knew it was safe because I couldn't smell any vampires just some humans and something odd, but it was still slightly nerve wracking to go down a bunch of creepy stairs to a basement in an unfamiliar place.

I popped my head around the corner just to check what was on the other side and to my surprise there were multiple women down here. Some dead, some in the verge of death and all of them visibly pregnant. There was one oddity among them though and that was a young male, probably around 7 or 8 growling at me to protect a female. At first I thought he was an immortal child but something smelt off about him, I held up my hand to stop Marky from harming him then raised the other to show I meant no harm to the child or his potential mother. The closer I got the stronger the smells were and a strange sound filled my ears. "What an odd heart beat..." I hummed. The boy stiffened and that's when a familiar scent filled my nose: blood. Lots of blood.

"What's going on?" I ask to no one in particular. The female behind the boy groans in pain and pants heavily. "My water just broke and I think a few others just began labour too..." I look back at Marky panicked. "You- you're not like those others...can you help me deliver this child?" I shakily nod and help the woman as much as possible. Time around me seemed to slow as I held a small little girl in my arms, Marky helps cut the umbilical cord and I look at the now mother. She smiles wearily, I come closer so she could hug and kiss her child whilst not having the weight on her. "What's her name?" I ask as softly as I could. "A-Anne.." All the colour drained from her face and the boy began shaking her in an attempt to wake her up. After a minute he gives up and cries into my side.

I don't know how long we were down there but two more women died along with their children, a woman survived but her child did not, and one more woman successfully gave birth but died before the venom could take over. Somehow I ended up with a crying child and baby in my arms whilst Marcus held the other baby and an unconscious woman over his shoulder. "How are we going to explain this? I don't even know what just happened!" I whisper yelled at my mate. "Say it as it is, I suppose."

We exit the basement and the sun was already high in the sky- it was around dawn when we got here and now it seems to be midday. Jane runs up to me with her brother close behind. "You do not need to touch the immortal children my queen, we can deal with them ourselves." Alec says reaching for the sleeping baby and scared young boy in my arms. I hissed at him- hissed! I didn't even know I could do that. "These are not immortal children. Listen to their heart beats." Most of our coven began surrounding us to see what was going on and all got the jist of things. Another vampire took the unconscious woman off my mate and that left us with three kids.

I wasn't even thinking of having one and here I am with three. The queens and kings walked over in shock and awe. "What is that?" Caius almost seethes, I hiss at the man and he quickly shuts up. "These are the three newest additions to our family wether you like it or not mister." Everyone was taken aback by my attitude, myself included, but I already felt so protective of these little ones and I can imagine Marky was feeling the exact same with the sleeping baby in his arms.

"I do not know if there are any other children like this but they seem to have body heat and a heart beat but also have fangs and from the looks of things this young lad has venom too, but no male vampire in this coven is to sleep with a human female and no female vampire is to sleep with a male human. Even after we figure out what's going on or how this occurred. Understand?" My coven mates nods their heads and a chorus of 'yes' echo around the now deserted snowy plains. "Let's go home.." I sigh, leaning on Sulpicia. She chuckles and rubs my shoulder, "you heard your queen! Let's get moving people."

It hits me when we're about to hit water, how are half vampires meant to walk across the bottoms of the ocean or breathe under there? In the end a plane was sent over. Marky and I along with our new additions plus some royal vampires enjoyed a relaxed plane ride home. "Can't wait to hear about how fun the ocean is from Charolette when we get back!" The two queens nod and laugh in agreement whilst the kings simply smiled and nodded their heads.

The young halfling places the side of his head against my chest and gets comfortable, his breathing evens out and I'm stuck in my seat. I kiss the top of his head and close my eyes although I know I am unable to sleep. What a day it's been...

Word count: 1330

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