Chapter 11

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No one's POV:

The day progressed and Bonnie woke up, she was in pain but less so now that she knew that her mate was getting closer. On the other hand the two sane kings had to help their souls brother onto the plane as he was barely conscious. The kings were just getting of the plane when they got a call from their dear friend Carlisle. "How far out are you?" He asked in a worried tone. "We've just gotten out of the plane, we'll be there in 20 minutes." He answers. A groan could be heard from both sides of the phone, Marcus groaning more when he hears his sweet mate in pain.

The kings help their brother into the car as their coven members rush into another car, Demetri gets in the front of the car the three kings are in and starts it up. "Do try to be quick." He nods and presses his foot down onto the peddle. Thanks to Demetri speeding they got to the Cullen's residence is under the 20 that was promised.

Carlisle rushes out of the house and leads the barely conscious Marcus up the stairs and straight into Bonnie's room. He growls at the sight of Jasper under her. Jasper quickly jumps out and evacuates the room to leave the new mates be. Carlisle sits the two other kings in the living room to catch up for a bit whilst the two of them scent each other.

Bonnie's POV:

I wake up feeling paralysed, my body was in immense pain and I felt as if I couldn't move. I groaned and tried but my body wasn't working with me. Not to mention my anxiety had sky rocketed. What is wrong with me? "Bon Bon are you awake?" I groan in an attempt to say yes. "I understand you don't know what's going on but your feeling the mating pull. It's what happens when mates come in contact some way or another and 'cause your not together it hurts until you are. He's in his way ok." A wave of calmness washes over me and the pain subsides a little bit, I nod and shift to look around. My bed was surrounded by pillows and I was wrapped in my comfort blanket, aka the giant fluffy blanket. Something felt wrong though and I didn't understand what. I ignored it and waited for my mate to turn up like Jazzy said he would. What is my mate a guy? I mean I'm up for it. No I think Jazzy is sure my mate is a guy.

My internal conflict is cut short when my door is slammed open and a very sad looking man comes rushing in. Jazzy quickly separates himself from me and leaves the room. The man sits in the edge of the bed then places his cold hand on my cheek. I'm guessing he's my mate. I wriggle out of my blanket and open my arms for a hug, it just felt right to do don't judge me! He immediately crashes on top of me and holds me tight. "What's your name little one?" He asks, his voice hoarse as if he never uses it. "Bonnie." I say in almost a whisper, I felt embarrassed and I don't know why. This mate thing is making me feel weird! "I'm Marcus." I nod and we roll onto our sides. Marcus shifted down so his face was in my chest, "your human yet you felt the pull so strongly?" He says almost shocked. "Is it a surprise to be human?" I ask as I gently run my hands through his shoulder length hair. "Yes, but not one I mind." I hum and we continue to cuddle for what felt like forever. At some point Marcus began gently peppering kisses around my neck, it felt good but at the same time I was nervous. I can't fight off a vampire what if he forces me? He seems so nice but what if? There's always that off chance. "Marcus?" I say holding back a whine, he stops kissing my neck and looks up at me with a sweet smile on his face. "I-" I couldn't say anything, without thinking I shot up from my bed ,even if it pained me to do so, and ran out of the room straight passed the Cullen's and into the forest to take a breather.

It felt so right being with him but at the same time I'm so scared to be with him. He seems like an amazing guy but I've just met him. I feel as if the world was collapsing around me, the forest became bright with stars then my vision faded to black. Crap I think I just passed out....

Marcus's POV:

I was finally in her arms, she was warm to the touch, I was scared I was going to break her. My excitement overrides my fear and I hug her tight, she smelt so good like lavender and cookies. I miss cookies. Stay focused! We hug for a short period then my body moves on it's own, I start kissing her neck. Gently as to not break skin or to hurt her in any way but enough to make her feel loved. Sadly she pushes me away, I can understand if she's not ready we can take things slow. Though I would have to talk about completing the bond at some point...what if she doesn't want to?

As I'm lost in thought Bonnie pushes me away from her and she runs out of the room, I'm left on the bed speechless. A pain shoots through me and I get up to follow her. We can't be separated until we scent each other. I make it to the top of the stairs before I start feeling dizzy and the world starts spinning. "Marcus! What's going on." I hold my hand on my forehead and steady myself, "I don't know. One minute we're hugging the next she runs from me, did I do something wrong?" I look over to the Cullen's hoping they'd know something, so I could make things right. All of them look solemn. "I don't want to be the one to tell you, I want her to be but don't let her constant happy face fool you. She's had a dark past, things have only been getting better recently so tread carefully." Before I can ask anymore a light this sound makes it's way to my ears.

I run outside and into the forest where I see my mate on the ground unconscious and quickly breathing. I hold her close to me, wrapping my arms from her lower back up to her shoulders, not wanting to be separated or to see her in pain. Carlisle walks up to me and pats my shoulder, I hiss at him to back off but he doesn't. Instead he kneels down and looks me dead in the eye. "I need to check her real quick, she might be hyperventilating and/or having a panic attack." I loosen my grip slightly and he checks her pulse. His eyes widen slightly and he runs into the house coming back a second later with an inhaler and rabbit stuffed animal. "Give her the rabbit and turn her this way." I nod and do as I'm told even if I don't want to.

"Baby you need to wake up. Your safe, the family is here." Her breathing slows slightly and her heart rate drops. Her eyes slowly open, showing me those brown eyes I've just come to love. "Do you need the inhaler?" Carlisle asks, she shakes her head and nibbles on the rabbits ear. She then does grabby hands to Carlisle which whilst being adorable hurts me. He picks her up and gives me a sad look. "Let's go inside so we can talk." He says. We walk back in, Caius
And Aro have confusion written all over their faces. Bonnie keeps her face hidden in the crook of Carlisle's neck which only continues to anger me.

"I understand you want her in your arms as soon as possible Marcus but your going to have to be patient with her. Like we said, she's had a dark past if you get what I'm saying." I shake my head, "what do you mean?" Aro speaks up. "Don't wanna talk 'bout it" Bonnie mumbles from Carlisle's shoulder. "You don't have to talk, I can use my power to see." She looks up slightly and tilts her head. "How?" "Like your friends Alice and Edward I too have a power. Mine lets me see the past events and thoughts a person has had." She looks a little upset by hearing this, "you'll hate me." We we're all taken aback by this, how could I hate her and why would my soul brothers hate her? "I promise you I won't judge you or hate you or be mean to you. Okay?" She reluctantly agrees and Aro holds out his hand for her to take. She slowly gives him her hand, he grasps it tight which causes me to let out a low growl that surprises everyone in the room including myself .

"Relax brother. Now then." Aro says before zoning out, his smile soon fades after seeing her life. He soon lets go of her hand and looks at me with a saddened expression that back at my mate. "I am so sorry that has happened to you my dear." She puts her hand back on Carlisles shoulder then nods. "Carlisle is right brother, you'll have to take things slow with her. Even slower with completing the mating bond." I nod not fully understanding what he saw, it must've been really bad by his reaction though. I can only imagine what could have happened to my lovely mate to cause her to be so frightened.

Word count: 1657

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