Chapter 38

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TW- smut scene

Bonnie's POV:

In the end Marky stayed inside with me, he said he didn't want me to be alone but I'm starting to think he had other ideas. As soon as everyone sat down and Bella walked through the door into the garden Marky dragged me upstairs into my old room. He picked me up and places me in the centre of the bed, he then tugged at his tie so it was a little loose and climbed on top of me. As soon as he began peppering kisses down my neck I realised what his intentions actually were but I couldn't find it in me to stop him.

His hand slid up my dress and quickly pulled down my underwear, "mm I'd love to take my time but after being interrupted last time and now....I'm not sure how nice I can be." Marky purred, his eyes black and half lidded. I could tell how much he wanted this and I would never admit it but I was disappointed when we got interrupted last time too. "We have 15 minutes." Marky's smile becomes a smirk and he slides two fingers inside, my body bucks up into his hand and I couldn't help but gasp. "M-maybe warn me n-next time?" Marky laughs gruffly and continues to scissor my insides.

He pulls out after a minute and hastily unbuckles his belt and unzips his suit jeans. I place my hand on his bulge then lean back and open my legs slightly, within the second he has lined himself up with my entrance. Marky leans forward sheathing himself inside me then leans down for a kiss whilst my insides get a moments brake. I felt myself twitch and tighten at the thought of so many people being outside, it was both fear and excitement, I was more interest in the fact it made my handsome mate grunt into the kiss though. He broke the kiss and licked his bottom lip before grabbing my waist and slamming himself inside me again. "D-don't you- ah- don't brake...fuck...bed!" I think he got the idea because he nodded or maybe I'm just shaking?

Marky's dominant hand left my waist and found itself on my little bundle of nerves. "Oh shit- fuuck!" Marky's hips snapped into mine almost violently whilst he worked his magical hand on me. It didn't take long for that godly feeling of pressure to get to breaking point. "Marcus! Marky! I-...mmf Gods!" Marky grunted in response and snapped his hips against mine a couple more times before I felt the dam gates flood and Marky twitch. I let go of the bedsheets I didn't know I was gripping onto and sigh as I let my high slowly wash away.

-TW over-

"This will not become a habit..." Marky grunts in response and starts fixing both of our clothes. He sprays some perfume on me, one I didn't realise I had left behind, probably in hopes of washing away the scent of sex. I'm then carried downstairs and into the kitchen, Marky places me on the kitchen counter and let's me rest my head against his shoulder. That sensation in my throat when I purred before came back to me and I melted into my mate's embrace.

-5 minutes later (the ceremony is over)-

"Why is she purring?" Edward asks as he and Bella pass by. "Nothin'....I'm just a very dependable mate..." I snort before breaking out into a small fit of laughter, smacking my 'dependable' mate's chest in an attempt to not burst out laughing like Ed the hyena from lion king. I didn't realise that the two of them left but by that point I was wiping away a fake tear from damn near crying. After a minute I calm down again and sigh contently.

"Why is she- OH MY JESUS! YOU GUYS FUCKED!!" Emmy yells in laughter as soon as he enters the kitchen, Rose looks at Marky in disgust and quickly snatches me from my mate's arms. "Seriously- half the other covens here heard you guys!" I hide my face in her shoulder before I could embarrass myself any more. Mom, Da and Dad walked in a few minute later, dad was confused why Emmy was on the floor in fits of laughter whilst Rose death glared Marky and how Alice and Jasper casually sat there and watched. "What happened?" Dad asks, I panic. "I- uh, well? Marcus ate a bug?" It came out more like a question and I definitely don't think dad bought it but he didn't question me further. "Right...I'm going to talk to your sister for a few minutes..."

"A bug! A BUG!" Emmy still hadn't stopped laughing and Marky looked like he was about to pop a vein. Mom quickly diffused the situation and calmed Emmy down. Da walked over to me a tucked a strand of my short-ish hair behind my ears, "I've made sure your..mother..wouldn't be able to find you. She's being preoccupied by another coven currently." I give Da a thankful smile and hug him tight. "I'm glad to see you're doing well, physically and mentally." I hum, "I can bathe pretty much by myself without being scared and Jane and Alec are super nice and the queens are super nice to me and remember that girl that defended me about the whole police rumour well she's a vampire now and one of my guards and-" "calm down sweetie. We've got all day and night. No need to rush and tell us everything at once." Mom says with a chuckle as she walks over from scolding Emmy.

We couldn't stay inside for long though 'cause it's a wedding and all that so we had to listen to the speech things. It was so embarrassing, dad just kept talking about his shotgun, Emmy was his usual self and although I'm not okay with Edward anymore his speech was kinda cute- probably would've been better if it wasn't Bella cause half the stuff he said about her wasn't true. My mother saw me after she sang the old lullaby and gave me a small glare before walking off stage. When the after party came around I got to meet lots of vampires and they were super nice, though the three blondes looked at me kinda weird, I ignored them though.

Then I smelt it, that smell that Alice would always describe when I came back from meeting Jacob and the pack. I look around to try and find him, he's hidden away but the tree line with Bella. They were talking but she quickly left when Edward appeared. I took my chance and ran over, "jakey!!" "Bonnie?!" I jump into his arms and we fall to the ground with a thud. "Hehe hi!" "What are you doing here?....Right wedding. Silly question." I roll my eyes playfully and place my forehead against his. "I miss you guys on the rez, uncle Billy the most. I could go see him before I leave!" Jake grabs my arm before I could run off, "I-I'm sorry..I thought Sam told you." I could feel my heart sink, I didn't want to hear what was next. "He died."

(He doesn't actually but yk drama)

"C-can I see his grave?" Jacob nods and picks us up from the ground, "I know you can hear me blood suckers. I'm taking her to the Rez to say goodbye to Billy so don't panic." With that he sets me down on the floor and does the wolf transformation thing then lets me hop onto his back. When we got to the Rez a few other new shifters noticed me and gave me weird looks but Jacob walked right past them and to the rez's grave site. I slide off his back and reach out to the grave that read 'Billy black- a loving husband, father and grandfather.' I wanted to cry so badly but the tears wouldn't fall, my eyes stung and my body heaved, I clenched into the ground and let out the most guttural scream I could muster.

After that I dry sobbed beside his grave until a very warm hand touches my shoulder. I'm starting to recognise peoples scents and I could tell it was Sam without looking. Neither of us spoke but he quickly enveloped me into a hug. "W-when d-did he..?" "Not long after you left and we found out you became a vampire." My mind was swarming with negative thoughts, I should've said hi last time I was here, I should have been here, I- "don't blame yourself...Please...It was unexpected- nothing...nothing could of warned us of his passing." I nod into Sam's chest and let him carry me into what smelt like the pack house.

A/n: Sorry for such a late update, my second lot of mocks had me hella stressed but now they're over I can get back to writing! Hope you liked the plot twist at the end.

Word count:1519

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