Chapter 27

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Bonnie's POV:

Things quickly escalated from there, clothes were quite literally torn off and thrown across the room somewhere. I felt embarrassed being under this man who looked like he had been sculpted by god himself but if god made him and I'm his mate then we're perfect for each other. Right? "Ah!" Oh, maybe not to time to be second guessing myself. I couldn't help but gasp when I felt Mark's lips touch my collar bone and his right hand grip my thigh against his waist. He looked into my eyes checking for any sign of hesitation, I simply nod my head and snake my hands into his hair. Gripping it gently as his head starts to make his way down my stomach and to my legs, where he playfully nips at my thigh that he held and he chuckled at the small gasp that left me.

"Are you s-"do not ask my that one more time! I will tell you if I'm uncomfortable or feel scared okay?" He smiles softly for a moment before licking his lips and lowering his head. Oh god oh god oh god. Okay! It's fine just breathe! Wait fuck I don't breathe?! Uh- "oh..." I couldn't help but be brought out of my thoughts again and bite my lip as he removes my underwear, his tongue grazes my clit. It felt like electricity coursed through me for a second.. His tongue continued to work its magic, somehow he managed to work my little bundle of nerves very well. Marky lifted my legs onto his shoulders and lowered himself into the bed a bit, now having a free hand he lined up a finger at my entrance. I could feel how much slick covered his finger alone as he pressed it into me. It was one finger but was amazing. Why have I never...I can think about that later...

Marky soon adds another finger when he thinks I'm loose enough and starts scissoring my insides, his fingers curling in the perfect place, making me tighten around him nearly every time he thrusted his fingers in. At the same time, his tongue never let up on my poor clit, I don't know whether to thank vampire stamina and no need to breathe or to curse it...I felt as if I was in heaven! Soon enough I griped the sheets and curled my toes, I stopped biting my lip. "Mark..m-my mate..I'm gonna-" he didn't stop even when I was trying to speak, my body was spasming and my legs wrapped around his neck pulling his head in closer. I was riding the high of my orgasm. "T-that" Marky chuckled and wiped his mouth. "Oh piccolo, we've simply just begun~" oh well fuck me- wait I take that back.....

He's big- no that's an understatement, he's huge! I felt as if I was about to be torn apart! But after all the prep he's done, he practically slid right into me. I was full to say the least. I shakily lifted my hand to feel a small bump in my stomach, was this his? Oh my god. He didn't move until I gave him to go ahead, but by that point I was craving him so badly I couldn't take it. I grabbed his shoulders and flipped him over, without thinking, I began thrusting my hips seeking the pleasure I was promised. And as I've found, my mate never goes back on his promises. His hands found their way to my hips and gripped tight, stopping me in place before hungrily snapping his hips against mine. The both of us seeking our high, seeking pleasure within one another.

I was quickly thrown off of him and into the sheets, his hands land either side of me. He lines our bodies up against each other and presses himself into me, pushing himself in until he bottoms out. His chest is against my back and his face is resting on top of my shoulder, "that was lovely piccolo but I much prefer being on top...I get to pleasure you more this way~" he hums in my ear, that hum soon becoming a growl as his hips snap into me making me gasp. All I could do was moan and gasp, it felt so good I couldn't form proper words. The feeling of our bodies snapping together, pleasuring each other, groaning and begging for one another then being filled. It's a sensation I did not expect to enjoy let alone climax from! This...this is why people love it so much..damn. I felt shaky but I knew this was no where near over.

The amount of times we did it blurred together but the most memorable of them all so far was when he picked me up in those strong arms of his and lifts me up against the wall. Th surface he chose had a tapestry on so it didn't hurt my back but let's just say by the end of it the tapestry was nearly ripped to shred between the two of us and the wall had begun caving in on itself...he did say this room is soundproof, right? Or maybe it was the time just after that where he quite literally threw me on the bed and pounded my insides so hard I thought I'd break! I mean a few cracks in my hips sure but they quickly healed, in comparison the bed had caved in from the force of us fucking. By the time it was all over the sun had set again and I was starting to get thirsty but I wasn't thirsty enough to warrant blood.

Instead, we laid down on the bed, our legs intertwined and under the sheets. Although we have no need to stay warm, being in his arms like this made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. We stayed there for what felt like mere moments but in reality it had probably been a couple hours. When suddenly the door is slammed open by one of the queens bursts into the room, I yell out of shock and Marky starts panicking. "Bonnie?! Bonnie where are you?" I tilt my head, "I'm right next to you? I haven't moved." His head jolts to the side, looking at me as if I'm invisible. "What's going on?"

I look between my very startled mate and the blonde queen who is now rapidly looking around the room for me. "What's going on?" The oak doors burst open again and the other two kings and queen enter the room, all of them confused as to why everyone was yelling and why the door wasn't properly shut. "She was right here!" "I am here!" All heads turn to face me. "Well this is quite the predicament, I must say I'm rather surprised by this. Invisibility- a power to hide one's self from harm. Oh it matches you wonderfully my dear!" Aro gives his usual Cheshire Cat grin and stares at where I should be with a shocked expression. "As amazing as that speaks was, HOW DO I TURN IT OFF?! I don't wanna be invisible forever!" I yell/whine at the man, he freezes in place. "I think you may just need to calm yourself. How about we give these two a few minutes? Hmm?" Sculpicia takes her mate's hand and leave the room, with the other king and queen quickly following behind.

A/n: wow...I had a friend read this over for me and she loved it but uh how'd you feel about it? Ngl I had to re-write two paragraphs cause I promised the bed would be broken but somehow the wall broke instead? But yeah both have been included. Enjoy, whatever this is.

Word count: 1312

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