Chapter 42

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Bonnie's POV:

"Bonnie...sweetheart..." I snapped out of my daze and looked over to Marky kneeling beside the bed with Kris in front of him and Anne in my arms. "Yes...I'm here, I uh got distracted. What's wrong?" Kris smiles brightly which makes me cock a brow and look at my mate both confused and amused. "I was talking with our son here and we both agreed it's been sometime since the two of us met and we haven't really put a proper label on our relationship..." Marky nudges Kris gently and he lifts up a small velvety box, "whilst it isn't as fancy as our 'Engagement rings' I thought you would prefer something more simple this time. So- Bonnie Sylvia Swan will you marry me?"

I covered my mouth with a free hand and look at our little happy family before nodding and feel the familiar burn of unshed tears. "Yes! My god yes!" Kris swats Marky's hand away and puts the ring on for me whilst he places his on. "So you guys will really really be my mom and dad?" Kris asks awkwardly whilst fiddling with the bedsheets. I give Anne over to Marky then pull Kris into a big tight hug. "The second I saw you, you were mine. The moment little Anne was born and her mom passed she was placed into my care. I love you both as I would my own. I will never not love you." He looked a little down for a second, "wait...wait! You said two negatives! You will always love me?" I nod and smile softly before kissing his forehead again. "You are family. I always have and always will love you, got that buddy?"


"You're getting married?!" Charolette and Rose scream at me simultaneously. I nod and hold out my hand to show them the new ring. "I mean we've never actually labelled anything but this- he- he proposed to me this morning! Makes me wonder how long Kris and Marcus have been planning this...My god a wedding. I haven't planned anything!" I start pacing and rambling to myself. Rose makes me sit down and the two of them nod at each other. "We did plan for this if it did ever happen." Charolette slams down a thick book onto the table. I open it and see at least 10 dresses on the first two pages, three more pages are filled with more dresses, then wedding settings and decorations along with other things. "Wow..."

"Just leave it to us! I think you should worry more about telling your dad Bonnie. I'm not sure how you're going to explain this one considering Marcus is meant to be a college dean or something and how he would be in a room full of vampires. I mean half the guard have like zero control around humans and there's at least like seven new borns in the Volturi right now." Rose slaps the back of Charolette's head, "Ignore her. Why don't you go talk to mom and dad?" I nod and walk over to the kids room- mom and da decided to spend the day with the kids.

"Da! I don't know what to tell him! I can't say we're vampires 'cause then he'd need to be turned or killed and his work is his life so I would hate to drag him away from it, but then there would be too many vampires in one room and some of the guard are newborns and have zero control and-" "Bonnie..Calm yourself. Stressing won't help solve the situation. Take a moment. I get how important he is to you but why don't we all call him and see how he feels about coming over here then maybe just maybe we explain things." I nod softly and cry lace my head in the middle of da's chest.

"To think this bundle of nerves is your momma huh? Huh?" Mom giggles with Anne. My two will be the most spoiled kids in the world, right along side their cousin(?) Maria. The three of them will be nightmares.


"Heyy dad, you know I love you right?" Great way to start, he sighs. "Yes? What have you done?" I look over to Marcus who gives me a bright smile and thumbs up. Rip it off, like a band-aid. "I'm getting married in two days, can you come to Italy?" Silence...

I look at the clock, a full two minutes pass before there's an actual sound on the other side of the phone, "when I get there you've got some serious explaining to do." I internally sigh, I am so dead- double dead. "Yes dad....see you tomorrow?" Dad hums then he hangs up. "He's gonna kill me! God I need to plan out how I explain this. Okay uh- so..."

-The next day at the airport-

"Dad!" "Bonnie!" I run towards him and he gives me a huge hug before letting go and staring at Marcus who is awkwardly standing behind me and trying to disappear. "I should've known. Well you have an entire car ride to explain things so let's get moving." I nod, Marky takes dad's suitcase and we walk to the car.

"So, before I start explaining myself. Could you live without police work? And how do you feel about immortality?" Dad gave me an odd side glance, "I could live without it as long as I had something else to keep me busy I suppose, and immortality?" He sighs and scratches at his stubble- his usual habit when he thinks. "Uhh again as long as I could find things to do things would be fine, but I wouldn't want to outlive any of my loved ones." I inhale, "what if I was immortal as well then?" Dads eyes widen slightly, "This isn't hypothetical anymore is it?" I shake my head.

"Does this have anything to do why the Cullens disappeared right after Bella's wedding or why Jake was asking about if you were okay the other day?" I nod again. I felt so guilty all of a sudden, not telling him anything, being so secretive, all of it felt so wrong all of a sudden. Especially since he means so much to me.

Somehow Marcus is the one to crack first. "We're vampires." I stare at my mate in shock. Is being a vampire a not so secret secret now or am I missing something? "Huh...." Dad stared at me and Marcus like we've just grown a second head. "And your daughter is my mate or fated person to make things simpler." Dad's jaw drops and so does mine.

"So uh you're not meant to know about this stuff for reasons and the law is if a human knows about vampires then they have to be turned or...killed." I mumble the past part, the thought of dad dying hurt so much. But taking him away from his life also hurts. "Turn me then." My head whips up to look at dad, his eyes were soft and he was smiling sweetly, he lifts up his hand and cups my cheek brushing his thumb over my cheek bone. "Everything will work out just fine Bonnie lass, don't you worry child." I nod and lean into his hand.

The car stops and I open my eyes to see the castle doors. "One more thing dad...." I say holding onto his hand. "We kinda have kids?" "I'm going to kill you-" he says pointing at Marcus, "but before that I think I'm going to pass out real quick."

A/n: I'm on holiday so I got time to write! So enjoy this new chapter. Update on the bomb thing: apparently I live near an old military base that got taken down after the Second World War and they forgot to get rid of their stash of like 60 chemical gas grenades. The more you know. 

CAN WE TRY TO HIT 100K reads before I finish this book?! Cause like I would lose my shit. Anywho-

I said they would marry and I am following through with it! Also how do y'all feel about me turning bonnie's dad cause like I think he could defo live as a vampire and whip the guards into shape XD

Word count: 1387

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