Chapter 15

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Bonnie's POV:

The drive back was completely silent, a tense silence. When we got out Jazzy and Eddy came to meet us, the both of them looking worried. "Are you okay? These three are about to kill someone?" "Why do they have such strong killing intent." I take both their hands and walk inside the house to give them a moment to calm down. As I open my mouth Jane growls, "your sister isn't weird she's a monster! What kind of sibling wants such a cute sister dead?" I know she wasn't snapping at me but it still hurt. My only reply was to nod. She walks over to me and picks me up bringing me into a hug, "I'm sorry for yelling it's just- I don't understand? How could she? Why does she think that way?" I shrug not knowing the answer to that question, it's been one I've been wondering my whole life. Aro gestures for us to come closer and Jane places me in his lap, he holds out his hand. Understanding that he wants to see what happened I take his hand and let him see, once more his smile became a frown. "She is such a cruel creature." I sigh wanting to argue back and say she isn't but my mouth won't move, I couldn't lie to him. He'd know.

Da walks in and I do grabby hands so he picks me up and I attach myself to him like a koala. "Rough time with your sister?" I nod into the crook of his neck and huff. "I see. Things didn't quite go to plan I'm guessing." I nod slowly as I feel my eyes grow heavy, "she said mean stuff again and ask which person I was sleeping wiv again. Why's she think I sweep around?" I say barely awake at this point.

Carlisle's POV:

Bonnie falls asleep with her head resting on my shoulder. I sigh and keep hushing her in hopes of letting her sleep a bit longer, she's been getting less nightmares but she still doesn't sleep for as long as I'd like. "Carlisle I assuming you know why the swan girl keeps saying our Bonnie sleeps around?" Marcus says, I nod and look to Aro. "Who's the 'scary man' she mentioned?" Jane asks. I shush them as Bonnie starts to stir in my arms, we all fall silent till she stops wiggling about. "A year ago a man kidnapped her and a few other girls from different counties, he raped and abused them. She was in a horrible state when we found her. The guy who did all of this got out of jail recently on good behaviour. You know how Alice or Rose usually go in the bathroom with her when she bathes, that's because she has trauma from him trying to drown her. We've slowly been getting her used to water over the past year and now she can bathe properly but always has someone with her just in case as she has relapsed a few times." The entire Volturi that are with us minus Aro we're shocked by this. "I didn't want to be the one to tell you but she never will. She's too scared he'll come back." Marcus opens his arms and I give him  Bonnie, a small smile grows on his weary face and he holds her close.

"Why don't you bring her up to her room until dinner, it seems school and dealing with her sister took a lot out of her." He nods and walks up the stairs and silently makes his way into her room. "So you know where that man is?" Caius asks, I shake my head. "No where near here I know that much but you can never be to careful." He nods. "I think Bonnie will be happy with the Volturi then considering how tight our security is." Aro says with a hint of smugness in his voice. I playfully roll my eyes and ignore the fact he was bragging. I walk over to Esme who's in the kitchen and kiss her cheek. "What you making?" she turns her head to me and kisses my cheek, "Pasta bake." I hum and kiss her cheek then walk upstairs to my office to do a bit of work before she wakes up.

Marcus' POV:

I walked up the stairs with my adorable little mate in my arms calmly sleeping, we get to her door and I gently open it as to not wake her. The bed is still unmade from this morning which makes thing easier for me, I climb into bed placing her beside me. She wraps a leg around me and places an arm on my chest, guess she's getting comfy. Even though I can't sleep I closed my eyes and focused on the sound of her breathing as it lulls me into the closest thing I can describe as sleep.

(Ik it's short I'm sorry TwT I'll try to make the next chapter a bit longer)

Word count: 842

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