Chapter 8

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Bonnie's POV:

I felt weak in the knees and I could barely walk, did that just really happen? Did my sister just pull out a knife on me? I'm her sister... Rose carried me out of the house and into her car. "I thought you guys left?" I whisper with a shaky tone. She gently rubs her thumb over my cheek and shakes her head, "no baby, we were waiting until you got to you room." She answers, her eyes red as if she was about to cry but it was like she couldn't. "I- she...does she really hate me that much?" Rose pulls me close to her chest as I sob, without realising we have gotten to the Cullen's residence and I'm being carried inside. Rose passes me to mom, I wrap my arms around her neck and continue to cry. "She...she pulled a..a knife out on me." I tell her between deep breathes as I try to calm down. "Shh shh shh, your fine we've got you now. You're safe with us." Mom coos trying to comfort me, I nod into her shoulder and wipe away my tears with my shirt sleeve. "How about you stay with us whilst your sister is here? We can call your dad over and explain the situation and you stay with us." I nod not really feeling like talking, my throat hurts from crying.

Mom sits down on the couch with me on her lap constantly whispering sweet nothings in ear to keep me calm. Da and dad come running into the house straight from work it seems, they run up to me and both check me over then ask me a bunch of questions. "I'm okay just a bit shaken up. Like before it would've been worse if Rose and Emmy weren't there." They both nod, da puts his hand on my cheek and I lean into the cool feeling. I chuckle quietly, "what's so funny baby?" Da asks, I hold his hand on my cheek and smile slightly. "You smell like medicine." He smiles at my comment, "well I have just come from work. What does it smell like? Is it a bad smell?" I pause to think then shake my head, "uh uh, it has a bitter smell that burns but it also a smells kind of sweet at the same time. It's hard to describe." He nods and kisses my head, "good to know I don't stink at least." He jokes. Dad is silently crying beside me, I turn to him and wipe his tears. "Why are you crying?" He opens his mouth a few times but immediately closes it. "I- I could've lost you baby... you're all I have. Baby you really need to stop getting hurt, my heart can't take this." I place my head against his and smile, "I can't promise but I'll try." He stands up and straightens his uniform. "Where are you going?" Carlisle asks from beside me and mom, "going to put someone in a holding cell for the night and hope it clears her head." Without another word dad leaves. "Guess I'm staying with you guys now?"

For the night I'm staying with mom and da, they wanted to keep me close, and I don't exactly have a room. I think we're going to be decorating a room for me tomorrow. But for now they just want me to rest. After changing into something more comfortable, aka one of Emmy's huge shirts and a pear of shorts from Alice, mom carries me into her room and places me between her and da. "You need to sleep. You've not slept well these past few days, I can tell. Just look at those dark circles around your eyes." I yawn and sigh, "too scared to sleep." She nods and stands back up, coming back a couple seconds later with some water, two small pills and a spray bottle. "This is melatonin, our body creates it naturally to help us sleep but sometimes we need a little extra help, that's what these are for. Completely safe and natural. Then this." She shows me the bottle, it's grey with a lavender on the side. "This is a lavender spray, it also helps induce sleep. Again both natural and safe to take." I nod and take the pills. Popping them both into my mouth then swallowing some water after it, I place the water down on the side whilst mom sprays the pillow with a bit of the lavender. I lay down on the pillow and inhale the smell, it was calming in a way. After about 30 minutes my eyes were starting to droop but my mind was still running too fast for me to properly sleep. Another 10 minutes or so later I was out like a light. Last thing I remember is cuddling into mom and da petting my head.

Bella's POV:

My heart is racing, what if she's told him? Nows not the time to stand about I need to leave, go back to Jacksonville. Away from all of this. I run upstairs and start packing my bags as quickly as I can but I was fast enough. The front door opens and dad yells, "Bella! Where are you?" I continue to pack without saying a word, "Bella I know you're here I can here you!" I groan and walk over to my half open door. "Heyy dad what's up?" I ask trying to play it cool. He does not look please, his face tell me everything I need to know. That wench told him.

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