Chapter 32

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No one's POV:

The Cullens drove along the large black cars that brought their sibling back to them, sadly heading towards the airport. As much as they want Bonnie to stay they realise she should go back to the castle and calm down with Marcus. The goodbye wasn't permanent, they knew that, but it's so hard to see her go again.

The plane ride was pretty uneventful for the most part, they sat Bonnie in front of the Tv and put on Lion King 2: Simba's pride then moana. (Idk how long it takes to get to Italy from Forks. I'm guessing here). So things were quiet, apart from Bonnie's outrage with some scenes but she was otherwise happy to sit with a blanket wrapped around her and nuzzling into Sulpicia's side.

-when they get back to the castle-

"God there just had to be someone coming forward about something at this very moment in time." Marcus growled, he had been itching to leave for the past hour even though he knows he would still have to wait for his mate to arrive. "Oh hush now, you'll see her soon. Let us be done with this first." Caius motions for a guard to bring the vampire in. "Why are you here?" He asks in a bored tone.

"Im here to tell you about the Romanian coven." The kings are now a bit more interested. "I'm not apart of the coven myself, some nomad called Victoria changed me and brought me and a couple of others to their coven to try and get them to join us but they weren't interested. Anyways, I didn't want to harm the Cullens I got a soft spot for one of 'em anyways." This only intrigued the kings more, she had a connection with the Cullens as a human and left Victoria? Aro stood up and walked over to the young woman, "give me your hand child." The girl rolls her eyes but gives him her hand anyways. "Oh my!" Aro laughs a couple moments later, "this one has a connection with our Bonnie! What a small world! And to think to even defended our queen before. We will look into the Romanian coven, they are up to no good again. And as for you, Charolette I believe it was, stay. Our young queen will be quite ecstatic to meet you again."

Aro goes back to his throne and a guard escorts Charolette out of the throne room. "Well, that was interesting. Hmm brother?" Marcus grunts in reply to his souls brother who is still smiling creepily. "Right, I'm going now." Aro sighs but smiles and waves goodbye to Marcus before he leaves the throne room. "Things are going to be busy for awhile it seems." Caius jokes, "it's seems it will be. Oh well, bring in the next prisoner!"

Marcus' POV:

I pace around the hallway in front of my room waiting for Bonnie to return. How could I not worry after learning that the youngest Cullen thought he had the right to hurt my piccolo, to even be in her presence is enough for scum like him.

Moments later a small group of vampires are speeding down the hallway, the witch twins, Sulpicia and my mate are in front of me. Bonnie is in the other queen's arms and very content. Wasn't she upset after what happened? Sulpicia nudges Bonnie who looks up at me with a huge smile on her face, I've never seen her smile so brightly before. What happened? "You truly are a fool Marcus.." the queen tutted. She handed me my mate who was now happily playing with my hair. "Is no one going to explain to me what's going on?" I huff, the twins leave and Sulpicia places a hand on her hip. "Okay listen to me well, I will only say this once. She regressed. She was so scared that her mind reverted back to that of a Childs and it seems she does this whenever really scared or panicked because the Cullens seemed to be used to this. I have no doubt in my mind she will become hungry so get her a spill proof bottle or the closest thing full of blood and make sure she doesn't spill. She will leave her headspace when she feels safe again." With that the queen left presumably back to her friend (the other queen) or her mate.

I mean how badly could this go? Feed her, keep her safe, keep her entertained. Easy enough right?

Wrong! Very very wrong!

Two hours into looking after Bonnie I realised I do not know how to properly care for someone, I only just started taking care of myself after a millennia! Within the two hours I've been looking after her she has managed to knock over a bookshelf, rip some of my paper work that I have yet again neglected, jumped on the still broken bed and nearly fallen through the floor, I failed to get her to watch some Tv and she has nearly escaped about 8 times.

I rub my eyes with my hands, I look up to Bonnie who is sat on the floor playing with her stuffed rabbit and a stuffed bat she got from somewhere. She must have noticed me looking because she paused and stared at me, it is slightly unnerving to see someone so happily stare into your soul. "What is it piccolo?" She stands up and walks over to me, she lifts her rabbit then her bat, "nibbles...Luna.." their names? "Such lovely names piccolo, but why have you come to me?" She lowers her arms and pauses to think for a moment before something clicks in her head. "Food!" Ah..right Sulpicia said she would probably get hungry. Spill proof? Uh...right.

I pick Bonnie up and walk out of our room, her stuffed toys still in hand and happily humming whilst fiddling with the fluffy toys. Walking through the hallways wasn't the problem, nor was the fact that piccolo was groaning about being hungry and pouting, it was all as if all the females in the castle knew what was going on and squealed or cooed whenever we passed them. I forgot that most female vampire has strong maternal instincts..

"This is just plain adorable!"
"Look at the stuffed animals!!"
"Awe...considering she's in 'formal' clothes she still looks so cute!"

The list could go on, but you get the idea. Lots of females and some males were all gushing over her and I was starting to get worried that they would steal my mate from me. I know of only two women brave enough to do that. "Oh Marcus!" Fuck...speak of the devil.

Both Sulpicia and Athenodora were standing in front of the kitchen doors, both of them looked at me then at Bonnie. "Don't you even think about it." I warn but clearly it didn't work. "Already did. Sulpicia can you go get this cutie some food whilst I snatch her." So, the queens are quicker than I thought. Within a second my mate was within Athenodora's arms with her stuffed toys laying against her stomach as she plays with the queen's hands. "..." "got something to say Marcus? Did you really think that you would have long with Bonnie?" I nodded, "Sulpicia left things to me, didn't she?" "Meh, not really." Said queen says as she exits the kitchen with a bottle filled with blood in hand. "Unless you know how to feed a child and make sure they don't mess, then go right ahead. Oh and do remember she is not only a new born but currently in the mindset of a child, she is going to be very hungry so unless you feel like changing her out of a bloody shirt constantly I suggest you leave it to us for now."

I sigh, would this be a good idea? Sadly it was. I kiss Bonnie's head. "If she cries watch what happens.." "I know you are not threatening my queen." A somewhat familiar voice says from behind me. What was her name again? "Charolette! My what are you doing here?" Athenodra's smile grew larger than it already was, if that was even possible. "Explorin' honestly these hallways go on forever and I'm kinda lost." She laughs awkwardly whilst scratching her head. I stood back and watched her talk with the queens, for some reason I felt as if I don't belong in this conversation.

 I stood back and watched her talk with the queens, for some reason I felt as if I don't belong in this conversation

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(bat!! I want this so badly!!!!)

A/n: hello again! My friend is currently writing a story and is thinking about publishing so I'm reading her short story and helping out. If just put me in the mood to write. Also gotta love that I'm pretty much always posting after midnight- sleeping simply doesn't exist 💅🏼✨ As always hope you enjoyed. The next few chapter gonna be fun to write lol, Marcus is so clueless.

Word count: 1495

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