Chapter 4

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Bonnie's POV:

As per usual by the time I wake up Eddy is gone but there was a lot of noise outside my door so I go to investigate. I throe off the covers and hop out of bed, when I peer out the door I see all my friends sitting on the couch and passing around the finger print thing that's going to go on my door. Dad sees me at the top of the stairs and asks me to come downstairs. "This will only recognise your finger print, mine and the Cullen kids. Okay?" I nod and hug him, "Thanks dad.." He kisses my head and passes me a plate of pancakes, "Rose helped me." I smile brightly and happily eat them. "I know today is the day your sister is coming so why don't you stay with the Cullen's after school for a bit?" I nod staring blankly at my plate. Dad sighs, kisses my forehead and says goodbye to everyone. "Come on! Time to get ready." I nod and follow Alice upstairs, she runs the bath and I get in. I manage to stay calm through most of it but when it came to washing my face and hair I panicked a little so Alice helped me wash my hair in the sink, I wiped my face with a small warm towel. Then we towel dried my hair cause now its short enough to let it dry naturally. Alice and Rose fought about what I was going to wear today whilst I sat on the bed in a large towel, I think me sneezing snapped them out of their argument. After that they quickly agreed on something for me to wear that we all liked. I wore some large blue jeans and a skin tight long sleeved shirt which we then added another darker coloured short sleeve shirt on top. To finish my look I chose to wear my Doc martins. I hopped down the stairs and struggled with my boots, then I got my backpack and put my lunch that Jazzy made inside. "Ready?" Emmy asks, I nod. "Yup!" "Then let's go!" We both ran out the door pushing past each other to the cars. I decided to go with Rose and Emmy today, I opened the car door and climbed in then buckled myself in. The other two sat in the front but I was given control of music! We had a mini concert on the way to school, it was lots of fun!

When we got there we hopped out the car and waited for the others. I immediately run up and hug all of them, I stuck with Eddy for a bit. "What lesson have we got first?" I ask no one in particular. They all answer me, "PE" I nod and walk over to Alice and Rose cause I have it with them, well I'm guessing I do anyways. I usually don't do PE so I think we'll be sat on the side or doing our own thing. We walk into the changing room and things go quiet for a minute but soon go back to the normal talking level. "Do I have to change?" They both nod and I sigh, "Ok.." "Don't worry baby you've got joggers and a big baggy shirt." My frown instantly changes and I'm a lot happier now. I take off both shirts and the room goes quiet again, I look around confused then I see my back in the mirror. It was covered in burn marks, I shy away from everyone and put the baggy shirt on. "Has it always looked this bad?" Rose shakes her head, "No, it looked worse at the beginning. It's gotten better but don't forget it's only a year old. It'll take much longer to fade I'm afraid." I could tell Rose was sad so I hugged her waist and gave her my best smile. "I'm okay! I can't feel it." She pats my head and smiles sadly. Alice brings us back into reality by clapping her hands, "Come on, we haven't got forever!" I stick my tongue out at the pixie and run away, she chases me around the changing room. When she catches me she picks me up and brings me back to our area. "Just change into your joggers. We're the only ones left." I nod and pull down the jeans and shove on my black joggers. "READY!" I yell, the both nod and we walk into the gym where everyone else is already playing basketball.

We sit on the side lines for a bit then the game ends and we're called up to join a team and play. I hold Alice's hand as we go on the court then let go when we have to get in position. At first I was really scared but then I saw how much slower everyone else was to the Cullen kids so I was able to evade them and get to the net easily. The problem was I couldn't throw the ball up high enough so I passed to Rose and she tossed it in perfectly. The three of us hugged and high fived. After that we all sat down and didn't join in again. Half way through Emmy joined us in the gym although his class was probably still on going.

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