Chapter 1

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Bonnie's POV:

I wake up by the usual dull morning light and stretch. Looking around I can't seem to find my toy rabbit so I start to panic. I try calmly looking for him but after awhile it became me trying to calm myself down "it's fine, your fine. Nibbles is here. Your ok. Calm...calm..." I try my best to not cry but the tears end up falling and I end up balling my eyes out over something so small. I felt ridiculous. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when dad comes running in. "What's wrong baby?! Are you okay? You hurt anywhere?" He asks rushing up to me placing his hands either side of my face to check if I'm ok. I whimper and throw myself in his arms and cuddle into him. "I'm ok. I can't find nibbles...sorry" he hugs me close and shakes his head. "Don't apologise I know how much he means to you. Now how about we-" before he could finish the sentence the doorbell rang. Only one family would ring our doorbell this early in the morning and that's the Cullens. Dad kissed my forehead then runs downstairs, I could hear muffled bits of them talking followed by a bunch of footsteps racing up stairs. I'm still rubbing my eyes when they come in but I welcome them with a smile even though I was just crying, over something dumb mind you. "Hi guys!" Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and all the Cullen kids were either in my room or in my door frame. Rose rushed over and picked me up, "why were you crying baby?" I shrugged not wanting to tell them because I felt childish. "She couldn't find nibbles." Edward says from the door, I huff at him. "I see. You panicked a bit when you couldn't find him?" I nod, she nuzzles into my neck and sighs. "Don't keep things like this a secret, we want you to be safe and happy." I nod and point to my bed to be put down. Instantly I start searching for nibbles but I can't find him so everyone else starts looking with me.

By the end of it I was in Jazzy's arms and he was trying to keep me calm, thankfully Emmy bear found him! I hug his neck then give nibbles a teddy crushing hug. "Why don't you boys help her dad make some food or pack her bag whilst we help her get ready?" They all nod and get to work. Alice carries me to the bathroom and places me by the bath, "I know how you feel about water but I'm here okay?" I nod trying to hold in my tears as best as I can and slowly place myself into the tub. As soon as I'm in I fill with anxiety and want to leave. Alice noticed this and sighs sadly, "okay, how about I get you a wet clothe? I can wash your hair in the sink ok?" I nod and climb out of the bath onto the floor mat.

It doesn't take me much longer to get ready though, with the help of Alice and Rose I was ready quickly. One helped me pick clothes I would be comfortable in whilst the other dried my hair and styled it for me. I wore grey jeans with a green shirt with black stripes and poofy sleeves then some comfortable trainers. I nodded to the girls and we walked downstairs. Emmy bear was talking with dad whilst Jazzy and Eddy were in the kitchen talking about something. We walk in and they all give a thumbs up for the outfit today and Alice gives them an "Obviously she looks amazing I picked her outfit!" And Rose pitched in and said, "don't forget I styled her hair." They were proud of today's look and I was too. Jazzy passed me a two slices of toast and I started eating when Dad had to leave so I abandoned my toast on its plate and rushed up to him and gave him a big hug! He kissed my forehead and we said goodbye then I waddled back over and continued to eat my toast. It takes me forever to eat two slices of toast for some reason so I get picked up just after finishing my first slice and I'm carried into one of their cars to school.

When we arrive I just finish my toast. I hop out the car and do grabby hands towards Emmy bear who had my backpack, he gave it to me and I placed it on my back then we began walking in. This was the big part for me. Step one: get into the school. Step two: make it to class. Step three: stay for a whole day. Step four: survive the year. Those were my goals and I was ready to achieve them...well not really. My heart felt it was going a million miles an hour and my head was running through all sorts of horrible situations, I could feel my breathe quickening. Jazzy quickly rushed over to me and picked me up facing him, "Bon Bon?" I nod and he smiles wearily, "I know it's scary. Don't look at anyone else focus on us and we'll protect you." I nod and let him carry me into the school, I was able to keep calm because Rose was walking behind us talking with me the whole time. They all look after me so well, I don't deserve them at all. I know they're too good for me but I just can't leave them they mean to much to me. Eddy looked as if he was in pain and I tried to ask him what was wrong but he wouldn't tell me.

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