Chapter 31

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Bonnie's POV:

Jake was a bit scared of crossing the treaty line but thought it would be best to 'escort' me back to everyone. Talking about everyone, they were all inside the house sat on opposite couches waiting for me. I think they now trust me enough to not get injured or maybe are a little less concerned about me dying cause I'm a vampire now? I don't know.

I am carried to the door by Jake, before he even knocks the door it's flung open and I'm being squashed between Jazzy and Rose then Emmy then Alice, Eddy looked like he didn't want to be near me but mom and Da quickly walked over and gave me a hug, Sulpicia bonked me on the head for worrying her then gave me a big hug. Jane and Alec didn't hug me, Jane checked me over for any injuries or any sign of something attempting to harm me and Alec waiting for his sisters nod before standing back.

"No one going to talk about that God awful wet dog stench?" Eddy practically growls. I roll my eyes, I've had just about enough of this. "I smell like a 'wet dog' as everyone seems to keep describing it because I ran through the treaty line and Sam rescued me when the pack was gonna hunt me. Then I saw Jake, we caught up then he brought me back. End of story. You on the other hand! You have a lot of nerve acting like these after protecting me for over two years and helping me get through trauma just for you to now turn on me for my sister who caused half of that trauma! Just what on earth is wrong with you Eddy?!" As my voice progressively gets louder Rose walks over and strokes my arms in an attempt to calm me down and Jazzy at some point picks me up. Ah, I missed this...Not Eddy being a jerk but the family.

"Why am I acting like this? All of what you went through was a ploy! You just wanted everyone's attention on you 24/7! Who knows how much of it you made up!" I was frozen, how could he? Of all people? He has been in my head countless times and seen me struggle. Jazzy has read my emotions and told Da what I was struggling with without me realising I needed help. Countless panic attacks, flashbacks, vomiting sessions. All of that and he has the nerve to say I faked it...for attention? That's the kinda stunts my sister would try!

Eddy lunges then jumps at me, he quickly dropped to the ground when Jane used her power thingy on him. ""

Jasper's POV:

As much as I want to hit my imbecile of a brother I had my precious bundle of joy in my arms. When she got here I could feel the joy radiating off of her when she found all of us where safe and well but it quickly changed to confusion and sadness when Edward spoke up. None of us a currently in a good place with him, any time we bring up Bonnie he practically has a fit and keeps trying to make us turn on her. In reality it's only making us hate him more. He's seen Bella try to kill Bonnie and now he's sayings it's all for attention? What a joke.

I gently push Bonnie's head into my shoulder so she won't see everyone fighting and rock from side to side in an attempt to calm her. Although we cannot cry and have no need to breathe, a new born is just getting used to these things. Bonnie cannot cry but her eyes will glaze over and go red, on the other hand because her body is still adjusting to becoming a vampire some of her bodily functions are still weakly working: like her lungs. Bonnie is gripping onto my shirt with an iron first whilst heaving into my shoulder trying to ground herself. "You're're alright..shh shh." I nod towards the Volturi that came along and my family before walking up the stairs and into my room, away from all the loud noises and fighting.

"Darlin' can you look at me?" She nods into my shoulder and lifts her head, eyes glazed red from tears that will never fall, venom in place of saliva where she's been heaving. I gently wipe her mouth, "Can you tell me what you can see? How about 3 things you can see, hmm?" I try to encourage her to talk and ground herself with me. "You." I nod, "good that's one" "bed." I nod again, "one more to go." It takes a moment longer but she quietly says, "'amp.." I nod again, giving her a reassuring smile. "That's perfect!" The smile in return I got from Bonnie was well worth it, it may have been small but you could tell she was just the slightest bit happy from being praised after being so panicked. "Can you tell me what upset you so much?" She looked at the bed then at me. "Edward mean..he tried to attack! We're famiwy!" I nod and gently nudge her to place her head back on my shoulder. She lays her head on me and I stroke her hair back.

A short while later Rosalie, Emmett and one of the guards walk in. "How's she doing?" Rosalie asks as she sits on the bed beside us with Emmett quickly joining her side. "She's calming down, seems she's gotten stronger for the few weeks she's been away. We've only ever seen her this upset, what once? At prom?" My siblings agree and the guard walks over, kneeling in front of Bonnie. "Bonnie?" Our little new born peeks out from my shoulder and gives her guard a warm smile, "hey...are you okay?" Bonnie nods and holds out a hand, Jane I think her name was, looked at us awkwardly for a moment before getting the idea and reaching out her hand in return. Bonnie places her small hands inside Jane's and plays with her hand. "How are we going to tell her mate what happened?" Jane stood up and pulled out a phone. "We will talk right now, we are only here for the night and Marcus wanted us to check in after things were all over anyways."

"This is going to go down well..." Emmett jokes. Not the time.

-Meanwhile within the castle-

"HE DID WHAT?!" To say Marcus was upset would be the understatement of the century, he was fuming. "The youngest Cullen boy went to attack our queen whilst she was confronting him about his rude behaviour. She is currently not in a good state of mind." The king paused, what did 'not a good state of mind' mean? Has she had a bad panic attack and has gone mute or..? "You'll understand when we get back to the castle. We are about head to the plane and come home." Marcus hums then hangs up.

"Maybe that Cullen boy does have a death wish after all." Aro muses. The entire castle now knowing something happened to one of the king's mate's and their new queen is in some way unwell. Every vampire and human feared the wrath of their usually solemn king the entire time until the young queen returned.

 Every vampire and human feared the wrath of their usually solemn king the entire time until the young queen returned

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(The outfit the queens helped pick to make her look intimidating (they failed lol))

A/n: HELLO MY GREMLINS! Merry Christmas! I got some pretty cool stuff! And now I have money (°▽°) gehehehe. Anyways hope you enjoy your Christmas and the rest of the year! Imma be busy the next couple days cleaning up and I get to go on a shopping trip with my friends with the money we got from Christmas.

Word count: 1315

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