Chapter 29

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No one's POV:

When Bonnie walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel, Marcus felt something carnal resurface. Then when she put on one of his shirts over a pair of very short shorts he felt as if God was testing his patience. The sight before him was simply delectable, who could resist her? As Bonnie made her way over to the bed and climbed in beside him, wrapping a leg over his waist, he felt his patience becoming thinner and thinner by the second. "Piccolo, could you remove your leg from my waist." He asks, biting down on his lip in an attempt to calm himself. "Why?" Her voice sounded so angelic right now. "You see...uh how do I explain this? Not long after the bond is complete we start a process most vampires call nesting. We make a place where we feel safe and comfortable and scent the area, we become attached to it in some way. And no one is allowed in the room apart from the bonded pair unless they've allowed it. In some cases..Things get a little bit heated during the process." If Bonnie could blush she would be, this would become a special place for them and they will..again..

She climbs onto the bed then onto Marcus, not caring for the dent in the bed they had made earlier that day. "Again?" She whispers with a hint of nervousness and desire in her voice. "Only if you want to Piccolo." She nods and leans closer, placing a chaste kiss on his lips whilst her hands wander to the tent forming in his pants. "Alright.." He flips her over onto the bed, her back arching beautifully so her ass meets his crotch. Marcus let's out a soft groan as Bonnie subconsciously begins grinding into him, he grips her hips, small cracks forming on her sides. Not that she minded. They both hurriedly undressed themselves and reattached themselves to each other.

Her legs around his waist, his arms around her leg and lower back, her arms around his neck, his mouth kissing her chest. Both of them were enamoured with one another, maybe bonding and nesting all in one day gave them a rush they couldn't explain but they loved every second of it. Her moans and his gruff groans filled the soundproofed room, bodies slamming into one another, a pleasure neither could even begin to describe. "Fuck! M-mark-!" Even though she doesn't need to breathe, the way his member hit her g-spot perfectly and kept ramming into it made her unable to even moan his name properly. She gripped onto his shoulders tight, more small cracks appear and almost instantly heal, the rougher he fucked her into the bed the longer it took for those cracks to heal.

Bonnie could feel herself close, that knot of pleasure filling up in her abdomen and her blank mind told her just how close she was to cumming all over him, covering his dick with lots of slick knowing just how much more that would turn him on. "!" Marcus bit his bottom lip and huffed as his hips sped up, both of them chasing pleasure in one another. That knot that built up snapped and instinctively she bit into Marcus' neck, the both of them riding out their orgasm for as long as possible.

Bonnie snaps out of it though when Marcus let's out a soft groan and touches his neck. "Oh my god! I am so sorry!" She covered her mouth shocked, where she had bitten was a now half healed scar. "Why isn't it healing?" She asked panicked and trying to help. He chuckles and wraps his arms around her to calm her down, "vampire have venom, venom hurts other vampires. But in this case it isn't out of anger but of lust so it's called being marked. I can do the same for you if you like?" Bonnie froze in place for a good five minutes before turning away and nodding her head. Marcus cuddles up to her, his arms snaked around her waist, he kisses her neck once before gently biting into her shoulder and leaving behind a similar looking scar.

The two of them continue the cycle of cuddling, sex, talking and joking for another day before they leave their nest and rejoin the kings and queens in the throne room. The both of them sit down casually whilst the two kings smirk and the two queens quietly giggle. They knew what happened. "Stop staring brother." Marcus huffed, rubbing his eyes and the bridge of his nose softly. "How do you order beds?" Everyone in the room froze then turned their heads towards the throwns where the usually solemn and depressed king sat. Where the depressed king asked for a new bed after two days of not being in court and the two of them smelling like one another. Now the whole castle knew what happened. "I think I'm gonna...I'm just gonna um go walk somewhere.."

Bonnie shot up and zoomed out of the room, Marcus glared at his soul brothers then sighed. "Don't worry, we'll bring her back." Sulpicia pats his shoulder and follows the youngest vampire with Athenodora hot on her heels.

The two comfort the embarrassed new born and suggest they do something to take their minds off of things. " we don't eat. Maybe art? Or...let's go shopping!" "I have clothes though?" The queens sigh and shake their heads, "you can never have too many clothes darling. Now! Let's get ready to shop!"

-After telling the kings their going out-

Even though there weren't many people out Bonnie could feel her hunger returning, but quickly shook her head and ignored it. 'Just a couple more days...couple more days till feeding.' She told herself mentally.

When they got to the shop the queens chose her some dresses Bonnie would be comfortable in but would on wear on a special occasion, then some shirts and other bits and pieces. By the end of their shopping rampage it was dusk, the sun was going down and revealed all it's beautiful tints of orange and pink as it set over the town. The three of them began walking back to the castle with bags in their arms, chatting away like there's no tomorrow. When Bonnie catches drift of something that smells absolutely divine. Within an instant Bonnie was gone from the queens sides, bags abandoned on the concrete beside them. They looked at each other then followed her scent as best the could.

The queens found her in an alley way with red glazed eyes, she was trying to cry. Blood dripped from her mouth and not to far away from her shaking body was a man's corpse. "I- I I'm sorry! I didn't- I was so" "thirsty?" Bonnie nods and the brunette queen sighs knowingly. "It can happen, we saw how strong your restraint was but didn't even think that you could be hungry. We are sorry my dear." She takes out a tissue and wipes Bonnie's mouth, making sure to get rid of all traces of blood, then picked her up. One hand full of bags, the other holding Bonnie who was heaving but couldn't cry.

When they got back to the castle and things were explained Bonnie calmed down and listened to the people around her. No one was mad at her, rather themselves for forgetting she is only a newborn rather than someone who has been a vampire for years.

-two days later-

News arrives of Victoria's army and that it's causing more trouble than it should. Threatening their secrecy from humans. The Volturi have to step in. "This will be your first duty as queen, do not fret because Jane, Alec and I will be coming along." Sulpicia says, combing through Bonnie's hair whilst Athenodora sat in a chair with a book secretly listening in. "All we have to do is make sure either Edward is dead or Victoria is and the army is gone."

A/n: I am so tired rn that I feel high? You know when your tired and you face in and out- idk how to feel about this but a day and a half without sleep is interesting to say the least. Enjoy your holidays and what not! Out of context- I should be getting my results for my MRI before Christmas! I've been waiting for this for nearly a year. Hopefully another chapter will be out before Christmas!

Word count: 1434

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