Chapter 40

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No one's POV:

By morning Bonnie had calmed down and was talking again, it wasn't much but she would nod and make small sounds to let you know she was still aware. Her dad went home a little after she came back to the Cullen's, he unfortunately got called out because of something. He kissed his daughter's forehead and said goodbye then said goodbye to everyone else. Though he did want to question why one of the 'directors of the college' is here with his daughter, but he didn't want to upset her or make things worse than they are. He was going to ask about it as some point though, that he vowed to himself.

Marcus made small talk with the family and tried to get along better with the Cullen kids even if Rosalie and Jasper kept death glaring him. He didn't know it but they were willing for his death as much as they were for a new mate for Bonnie so she wouldn't be sad. Whilst they don't like the man they don't want Bonnie to be alone or hurt if he 'randomly disappears'.

Within the hour Bonnie was gaining more energy and acting more like her usual self again, "Shall we return home?" Marcus softly asks his mate. She nods and leaves the comfort of his arms to say goodbye to her family. That's when Bonnie felt a pull, similar to the one with Marcus and it led to Jasper. "Ah, it seems we won't be completely separating here." Carlisle almost instantly knew what his old friend meant. "They have a sibling soul bond." Marcus nods, "He's coming with us then I suppose."

Alice makes a strangled sound and tries to grab Jasper's arm, "You can't do this jasper!" He frowns and walks over to one of his soul sister, "We are not mates, we married out of love over a hundred years ago but you continuously berate Bonnie and side with Edward and that woman. I'm done, we're done." 

"You are not leaving me because of her!" Alice yells and tries to grab onto his arm but he quickly pulls away and speeds off to his room. "I don't wanna leave her either..." Rosalie whines quietly but loud enough for Emmett to hear. "Well why don't we all just go? I mean, they won't force us to live off of human blood if we really don't want to, we'll be close to Bonnie, get to be in Italy and other vampires, get to meet royalty and also tease a queen on a daily basis. I don't see a problem?" Rosalie rolls her eyes and speeds off to also go pack. "I mean...they all wish to go and Edward and Bella are only causing problems as of recently. What's that expression again? Something about a bad egg? The point is, we did what we could but they won't listen. It's not wrong to kick people out of a coven if they could cause major problems-" "you have no need to explain Esme. I get what you mean. I suppose we should also start packing." They then speed off the their rooms and begin to pack using vampire super speed.

"So is no one going to actually ask if they could move in or?" "Don't be like that Marcus! I know you'd accept me and my coven back into the Volturi if or when the times arises!" Carlisle yells from his room. Marcus sighs and sits back on the couch with Bonnie in his lap, who simply laughs at his 'pain'. "I'll call them this time." She says patting his chest and grabbing her phone.

"Ah, little Bonnie to what do I owe this pleasure?" Aro laughs from the other side of the phone, "well, I have a soul-sibling bond with Jasper and I think I'm forming two more with Rose and Emmy but I don't really know how bonds work- the point is everyone is coming with us. Well minus Alice and Edward and my sister. Alice is on their side...." Bonnie very quietly whispers the last part, it was so quiet Aro almost missed what she had said. "I understand little one. I will see you by midnight or perhaps earlier?" Bonnie hums and Marcus steals her phone for a second, "she might also be forming parental soul bonds with Carlisle and Esme so you best treat your in-laws nicely." Aro scoffs from the other side of the phone, "since when did they become my in-laws or your in-laws?" "Hush." With that Marcus ends the call and the rest of the willing Cullens come down the stairs with their luggage.

"Let us depart to the airport then."

—in Italy—

The queens practically smothered Bonnie as soon as they entered the castle along with Charolette who kept checking Bonnie over and asking if she was okay. It was quite a touching reunion considering it had barely been two days and they were acting like it had been a hundred years. Even the two other kings welcomed her back, Aro gave Bonnie a curt hug and Caius pat her head before turning on his heel and speeding down the hall. "He would never admit it but he thinks fondly of you. Much like a father would their child." Aro chuckles almost mischievously.

Carlisle 'ahem's and Aro turns to him with his usual Cheshire Cat smile. "My dear friend! It has been far too long." They hug and pat each other's backs as they catch up on the past few years. They may have talked over the phone and they had the short visit a few months back but that wasn't the proper time to catch up. Now is the proper time, considering the Cullens are basically moving in. "Why don't you join me in the throne room, we have a few more trials to finish off then we can properly talk." Carlisle says goodbye to his family and kisses his mate goodbye before following Aro down the hallway that leads towards the throne room.

All of a sudden Alec, Jane and Demetri appear out of thin air. "We will show you to your respective rooms. If you will follow us" Emmett and Rosalie went with Demetri, Jasper went with Jane and Esme went with Alec.

"Why don't you go to the nest and relax with Kris and little Anne whilst I finish up with the last couple trials?" Marcus asks kissing his mate's cheek then forehead. "see you in a few hours!" Bonnie says before giving one last kiss to Marcus on the tip of his nose before she sped off down to their nest to relax with her children.

A/n: Hey everyone! This isn't goodbye or anything of the sorts but my updates might be slower than usual. I've got this schedule prepared for me so I can properly study for my exams which means less time for writing. The updates will probably come out late in the evenings or on weekends because of this. It's just until the end of June and by that point I should be close to finishing. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and will wait on my slow ass for the next chapters!

Word count: 1212

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