Chapter 25

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No one's POV:

Those two days felt like hell for Marcus, not knowing if his mate was strong enough to pull through to change or not. Wether she'll take longer than the usual two days to become a vampire. He felt as if the hours dragged on just to make his life harder for the two days.

Back home in the small rainy Town of Forks, Alice has just finished a sudden vision. She's panicking as she can barely see her future anymore, the family knows Bonnie has been turned after an eventful call with Aro. But Alice is scared Bonnie may not have long left, she keeps appearing and disappearing in her visions. Just what is going on in Volterra, Italy?

Meanwhile the court is down a member and the two souls brothers are as tense as ever now one of them is missing. Although Marcus rarely involves himself in the court apart from the usual 'guilty' or 'not guilty' but it still seems odd that he isn't beside them. Even the two kings can tell it's going to feel like a millennia before their soul brother returns to the court with them. To continue their usual banter between each case and the awkward silence when he doesn't always laugh.

——Two days later——

Bonnie's POV:

The air around me feels clear and I can see every bit of dust floating in the room, the brightness from the windows feels so blinding, the books on the bookshelf have never been so clear from such a long distance. I sit up- much faster than I expected to. Looking around some more, the room hasn't changed a bit but everything feels different, it's hard to explain. "Marky?" I whisper hoping he's still in the room with me, a loud clank from the bathroom followed by some thrashing about tells me he's still here. Marky runs out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and his wet hair dripping on his shoulders. Has he-? Has he always looked this good?

A bright smile fills his usually solemn face and he rushes over to me giving me a tight hug, I obviously hug him back. In return a few groans escape his lips, I part and look at him confused. "Piccolo- you are rather strong at the moment." I nod, making an 'o' shape with my mouth. "Don't worry the new born stage will be over in 6 months my dear." I nod and place my hand to my throat. It suddenly burns and I feel very thirsty. "In the mean time let's get you something to eat. Thankfully you woke up just in time to feed." I hum and take my hand in Marky's, we exit the room and we are met with the witch twins. I smile happily and almost bounce up and down. "Welcome to the Volturi, my queen." I quietly squeal and hug Jane then walk back to Marky.

All four of us continue to walk down the stone halls until we hit a set of familiar doors, much like Marky's room doors but black instead of the oak brown. Two guards open the door for us and we walk in. The two kings smile, which looks almost sinister from the two of them, and welcome us in. Beside them are two unbelievably beautiful vampire ladies, are they the queens? "Ah, young Bonnie! Welcome! You are just in time for our weekly feeding." Marky sits on his throne and I stand beside him like the other queens. As I do so, a group of tourists filter into the throne room. The queens whisper something to the two kings and Marky beckons me closer, "which one's blood calls to you?" I sniff around as subtly as possible, a strong scent fills my nose and heartbeats fill my ears. One in particular calls to me, a woman in her mid-forties with large sunglasses and a dress that doesn't suit her.

Marky follows my eyes and sees the woman, all three kings warn their guards to stay away from those three people. Aro stands and opens his arms, "Ah, welcome! I am sorry to tell you but this is where the tour ends. Bon appétit." Everyone charges towards a human. I latched myself onto the woman's side and neck, digging my heels into her waist whilst my arms into her shoulders then finally I bite into her neck. Don't get me wrong I felt bad for taking her life but I was so hungry and she tasted soo good.. By the time I finish draining her everyone else seems to have finished and Marky comes over to me. He takes out a handkerchief from a pocket and wipes my mouth, "that was very good piccolo. We just need to not make a big mess." I nod but huff, who's he to tell me I'm a messy eater.

We bicker between ourselves about how I'm not messy, until two women come up to us. I remember them from the thrones a second ago, they are the other two queens. One had black hair whilst the other was blonde, both of course had red eyes. Both equally beautiful but having their own traits. "I'm sulpicia, Aro's mate." "I'm Athenodora. Caius is my mate." I nod and straighten up my clothes, which I just realised I have not changed. How embarrassing! "I- I'm Bonnie. I'm Marky- Marcus' mate." I messed up. Crap. The two queens look at each other then coo at me, I don't really understand what's going on right now. The black haired lady, Sulpicia, picks me up and hugs me, then I'm passed over to Athenodora who also hugs me tightly. I end up staying sat on her arm and they fuss me. "Ladies, may I have my mate back?" Marky sounds desperate, am I being snatched from him? I giggle without knowing and the three of them look at me. "What's so funny little one?" Sulpicia asks, I giggle a tiny bit more before answering. "Marky said you guys would love me and snatch me away from him whenever you could. I just realised I'm being snatched." For some reason I couldn't help but giggle. Marky's face lit up and the queens both looked happy seeing me smile.

The two other kings join us not long after, "what's so funny?" Aro asks with his usual Cheshire Cat grin. "Marcus told this cutie here we'd snatch her away from him and that's just what we've done." Sulpicia says leaning her back onto him, his smile softens and he rubs her shoulder. Wow, they're very lovey dovey. Did not expect that. Athenodora chimes in, gushing to Caius about how adorable I am. I feel loved but at the same time very much patronised. I have mixed emotions about this...

The kings and queens continue to talk for what feels like forever, I also felt very tired but I couldn't sleep. "Wait!" All five of them freeze, "am I never going to sleep again?!" They all not simultaneously and I groan. "My precious sleep" I cry out, now I'm going to have to be awake for all hours of the day and do something that looks productive? I did not sign up for this! Wait did I sign up for any of this in the first place?....yeah I don't think I did....

A/n: I'm not gonna lie- I'm on my last few brain cells rn. Turns out GCSE's or at least the mocks are stressful when you can't focus for 5 seconds in class. And I got sick then got sent home because my teacher has 'never seen me this quiet before'. I'm fine btw. Enjoy whatever tf this is and pray for me- I might fuck up my exams and cry.

Word count: 1305

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