Chapter 23

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Quick A/n: can someone please tell me if I have mentioned Bonnie's eye colour before? I've looked through but I might have missed it. Plz help TwT

Marcus' POV:

Usually during trials I am very patient and work well with my soul brothers but today I just couldn't concentrate. Being away from my piccolo felt like hell, she was alone (not really but yk) and I left her in a castle full of red eyed vampires. What if she gets killed or... my mind was going in circles. "-ther, Brother." A slightly frustrated looking Aro snaps me out of my thoughts. "Yes..?" He points to the nomad who is currently being trailed, "right..yes..guilty.." this continued into the early hours of the morning, but by that point I could feel my undead heart racing to be back beside my mate. To see her adorable face and that smile, the look of pure confusion, her blush when you fluster her...

By this point I think my brothers had had enough of me, "Go! Lord help that poor lass if he ever leaves for over a week, he'll smother the poor thing!" Caius joked. I signed and exited the throne room and very hastily made my way back to my chambers to see my cute little mate.

But the closer I got to my chambers the worse the feeling in my stomach became, it was a sensation I had long forgotten: nausea and fear. This made me speed through the castle halls faster than before, when I got to the oak doors the feeling intensified. My room is soundproofed for a many reasons that I don't think need to be mentioned, the fact is, I can't hear anything or anyone. I shakily place my hand on the metal handle and open the door, a strong smell fills my nose and I stepped back for a second. Vomit? "Just what in heavens name is going on?" I demand rather than ask Alec who's stood outside a closed door, the one that led to my bathroom.

"The madam....she was sleeping then she shot up in a cold sweat and ran to the bathroom." The boy admitted, looking down and guilty as if it were his fault. Was it his fault? I was about to ask more about what was going on when I heard another gagging sound followed by liquid falling into the toilet (hopefully) which was then followed by coughing and sobbing. "Piccolo?" I gently call out as I open the door. My poor little Bonnie was crouched down beside the toilet, her legs limp, her arms lazily hanging around the toilet seat her head resting between them. Jane was sat beside her rubbing small circles into her back whilst comforting her, though she becomes quiet when I enter. "M..mar-" As she called for me her eyes widened, what little that was in her stomach soon fell into the toilet.

Jane leaves us and stands outside with her brother, to give us some privacy. I take her place by gently stroking my mate's back and stroking her hair. Bonnie quickly grabs some toilet roll and wipes her mouth, then throwing into the toilet and flushing. "Are you alright my dear?" I ask, my hand on her forehead trying to check her temperature. She felt warm but was it too warm? She sighed and leaned back against the wall, her body roughly slamming into the bricks, making no effort to slow herself. She groaned when her back made contact with the brick but otherwise made no noise. "My sweet piccolo, I wish to help you but I cannot do so if you do not tell me what is wrong." I say, gently placing a hand on her cheek and looking into those seemingly dull blue eyes(?)

She took a moment before saying anything, "me and the witch siblings were having fun but I got tired so I went to sleep, the both of them protecting me. But..they can't protect me from my mind, no one can. I dreamt of him and al the things he did to me...he made me feel dirty- a worthless thing, something that only existed for him to toy with. Then from all of that what did I get? Lots of anxiety. I woke up panting and crying, then the next thing I know I felt sick so I ran here. I-"

TW: R4P3!! You can skip a bit if you don't like it, I'll say when it's over just in case.

Bonnie's POV:


It was the first time I woke up in the unfamiliar place 'Where am I?' 'What's going on?' My mind was a mess but I knew I had to try and escape. After what felt like hours I gave up, the windows were far too thick for me to smash, the door had multiple locks and I could only break the one. I was in a corner crying when a man in his thirties walks into the room with a smug look on his face and some water in his hands. He crouched down beside me and grabbed my face roughly, turning my head from side to side, "what a pretty little thing you are- it would be a waste to simply kill you..." He hummed to himself as if I couldn't hear him. Kill me? What?

My eyes darted to the partially open door and made a brake for it: bad idea. He grabbed me by my hair and slammed my head into the cold, dirty wooden floor. He used one of those plastic tie things to keep my hands behind my back so I couldn't escape him, then he picked me up by my hair and dragged me over to the bed. He threw me against the floor, my back slamming into the bed frame and mattress. He placed his hands either side of my face, then moved one down to my mouth. Opening my mouth slowly and gently- he was savouring the fear on my face. I tried to get away! I really did! But for a skinny looking man he was quite strong..

I kicked and bit his hand until he struck my face, freezing me in my tracks for a moment. He took his chance to unbuckle his belt and slide himself into my open mouth. He snapped his hips into me violently making me gag and choke on him, when I snapped out of it I bit down on him. Only for him to take himself out of my throat and slap me a lot more until I was quiet. I can't remember if I went quiet because I was too scared to fight back or if it was because I was starting to lose consciousness.

When I wake up my face stung a lot and there was a weird aftertaste in my mouth. I didn't like it one bit but the man had taken the water away from me before I got the chance to drink it. After awhile of just laying on the bed trying to think of a creative way to escape, it finally hit me what that taste was. I covered my mouth in an attempt not to throw up on the bed. In a way I succeeded because I didn't throw up on the crappy bed but rather the floor.


Just remembering what happened made me gag again, I forced myself up from the ground and back to the toilet bowl again. To empty what very little of my stomach content was left. I may hate myself for what happened and I still feel disgusted but I'm not scared, Marcus never left my side and comforted me throughout my entire vomiting session. I felt bad because I know vampires have enhanced senses and I bet I stunk and badly. Flushing one last time and flopping back to the wall I sigh, "I feel a lot better now." Marky nodded but he didn't seem too convinced. A moment later he tries braking the awkward silence between us, "who dyed your hair piccolo?" "Alec. We had lots of fun yesterday." He softly chuckled and nodded "I can tell, but maybe that was a little too much excitement. How about we spend some of the day in bed together then if, and only if, you do feel better we can go do something. Maybe you could meet the other two queens or we could leave it for another day?" I contemplate whilst staring into those dark eyes until I finally nod. He picks me up and places me on the bed then sits beside me. "Umm maybe I should bathe first. I kinda threw up a second ago and haven't showered yet."

As if on cue, Jane sped over and brought me back into the bathroom. She turned on the bath and ran the water. The two of us got to know each other some more and talked about what the Volturi is like, the queens, the kings. Everything. Until bath time was over and it became cuddle time.

 Until bath time was over and it became cuddle time

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(The shirt she wore with some booty shorts. pJ's)

Word count: 1532

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