Chapter 44

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Marcus' POV:

The moment my beautiful mate walked into the ballroom, I was awestruck. She is more than I could ever ask for and now I have the honour of marrying her. Aro's words sounded muffled as I stared into her crimson eyes, I almost missed my cue. "I do." I say. I could feel my dead heart skip a beat as she also said I do.

After that I unfortunately had to play the waiting game, everyone in the ballroom wanted to speak with their new queen to be. It was very late into the night by the time I managed to steal my wife away from them. I dragged her back to our nest, not even bothering to hide my smile. As soon as we got to the oak doors I picked her up, Bonnie let out an adorable shocked little squeaked when I did. Then I walked into our room and placed her on top of the bed before climbing on top of her. I grip my tie in a rushed attempt to pull it off. Bonnie giggles at me, "Slow down. We have all night and all week to do whatever we want~" she then proceeds to help my take off my suit jacket and unbutton my shirt. God I love her.

Bonnie's POV:

I was thankfully able to calm Marky down a little bit before he decided he wanted to rip off my wedding dress like he did to my clothing last time. It wasn't hard to see that both of us were quite riled up, this was mainly my fault for avoiding him all evening as a joke. I think that just made him frustrated but in a good way.

I got off the bed and had Marky help me undo the ribbon at the back of my dress, the entire time he kissed my shoulders and neck. "No bra?" He asks me breathlessly, I hum "The dress had wiring inside so I didn't need to wear one." He grins and lifts me up again then gently lays me down on our bed, continuing to kiss any body part he could manage. I can't help but giggle as his hair brushes against the inside of my thigh. Marky looks up at me with a sly grin before nipping the inside of my thigh and trailing his tongue up. He quickly removes my underwear and continues to make his way up.

The second his tongue rolled over my little bundle of nerves, my entire body jolted slightly, taking in my reaction Marky makes small circles around my bundle of nerves with his tongue. At the same time, something brushes up against my entrance. He slips in two fingers straight away, not giving me a chance to get used to his movements before he begins scissoring my insides and meticulously pressing my g-spot. I grip the bedsheets and bite down on my lip in an attempt to focus and will myself to not cum.

A hand reaches up and holds my jaw gently. I open my eyes, not even knowing I had closed them, and see Marky looking up at me. He isn't stopping his movements either which just makes it all the more attractive. He presses his thumb to my lips and forces my mouth open gently, for him to slide his fingers in and out of my mouth in almost the same rhythm as he is with my lower lips. I whined as I felt the loss of warmth from my bundle of nerves, "Don't bite down on your pretty lips; I like the sounds you make when I eat you out." I couldn't talk with his fingers still inside my mouth so my reply was a whiny moan.

Marky took off the rest of his clothes before climbing back on top of me. "You have no clue how good it feels to call you both my wife and mate." He growls, I hum softly in return. "I think I do~" I flip him over and straddle his waist, he looks up at me as if I'm some masterpiece that he wants to ruin. He grips my hips to try and guide me on top of him properly. Marky wanted to start gentle, he always does, but I'm not exactly in the mood for gentle right now. I slam my hips down on top of his cock, only giving myself a brief moment to adjust before rising my hips again. The shock on my husband's face was absolutely divine, but he quickly got into it and began to move his hips up to meet mine.

As much as Marky loves to see me ride him I could see how he itched to be on top again, so I let him flip me over onto my stomach. He places one hand on my waist and the other on my shoulder and seethes himself back inside me. I gripped onto the bedsheets again to try and ground myself a little as my mate continues to ravage my insides. Though he doesn't forget my pleasure, he removes his hands and repositions us a little. Now we're on our side and he's holding my leg whilst his other hand, or more specifically two fingers are pressed against my clit as he works my bundle of nerves with the same efficiency as before. I somehow latch onto a pillow and hold it close, ripping it at the seams as I could feel myself tip over the edge and ride my high. If the shaking and rough sounding groan behind me is anything to go by Marky is also riding his high.

Our room was filled with small pants and huffs as we have a minute to recollect ourselves. Marky flips me onto my stomach again and lines himself up to my entrance, "We have all night and all week remember?" God I hate him (blasphemy!)

No one's POV:

Whilst they were on their honey moon and they did promise to be alone together all week, Bonnie's dad had to be turned and she wanted to say goodbye. So when he dad was awake the next day they said their goodbyes and hugged before the good doctor bit him. Charlie said she could turn him but she just couldn't bring herself to hurt her own dad. After he passed out from the venom she kissed his forehead and went back to the nest with her husband right behind her.

It was for the best that they changed Charlie during their honeymoon because as soon as they got back to their nest Marcus started teasing Bonnie again. They were so distracted with pleasuring one another that the next four days became a blur of pleasure and bodies.

By the time their honeymoon had ended Marcus had scratches covering most of his upper back and waist along with two new bite marks on his shoulders. Bonnie had multiple new bite marks on the other hand, two on the inside of each thigh, one on her shoulder and another on her waist. Safe to say that covering those are going to be much harder for Bonnie. On another note it's safe to say only the bedsheets got destroyed this time and the bed isn't broken, I wish I would say the same about their desk.

A/n: bet you didn't think you were gonna get an update so soon huh. Also I wrote the majority of this chapter whilst half my family, including my grandparents, were in the room. I think I just went god mode tbh, like we were talking about GCSEs and A levels then I'm sat there talking and writing this monstrosity. Lol anyways, hope you enjoyed! There should only be about four or five chapters left (cause I've planned this shit for once)

Word count: 1318

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