Chapter 5

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Bella's POV:

I wake up and grab a towel to shower. Once done I get dressed and ready for school. I grab my backpack, a slice of toast and hop in the run down truck Jacob and his dad gave me yesterday. It's a shame he doesn't go to the same school as me. I start the engine and drive to school, it was boring drive. I get there and all eyes are on me, seems being the new girl has its perks.

I walk into the office and see the receptionist, "Hi I'm new. My names Bella swan." She nods and hands me my schedule. "Seems we have another Swan." She calls to the other lady's a few seem intrigued but a couple shy away. "Poor girl. Well if your lucky she'll be in for a whole day today and you might be able to see her." I nod and walk to my locker. What an odd thing to say, 'she'll be in for a whole day' it's school why wouldn't she? I start walking to class when someone taps my shoulder. "You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Uh anything you need, a tour guide, lunch date, a shoulder to cry on?" I think he was joking around but I still didn't know how to react. "Uh..I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type." He continues to go on about the headline feature which I kindly ask not to be put in. "I've got to go I've got PE." I walk away and go into the changing room.

For some reason I wasn't allowed to sit out of playing volley ball and smacked someone in the head. That was an embarrassing conversation and the girl called Jessica, I think her name was, did not seem to like me near him. I shrug and continue to play.

Without realising it gets to lunch and I ended up sitting with Jessica and her posse, I was quite bored until a group of kids walk in and the cafeteria goes quiet. "Who are they?" The girls turn their heads and smile. "The Cullens." One of them answers. "They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down from Alaska like a few years ago." Jessica says, the other one pitches back in. "They kind of keep to themselves." As if ready for gossip Jessica leans in and says, "yeah, cause they're all together. Like together together. The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're like a thing. I'm not sure if that's even legal." Her and the other girl go on a rant for a second debating of its weird or not. I personally don't care right now. "And, okay, the little dark haired girl is Alice. She's really weird, and she's with Jasper, the blonde one... who looks like he's in pain. Dr. Cullen is like this foster dad/matchmaker." "Maybe he'll adopt me." I notice one other guy follows behind the group and walks in last to the cafeteria. "Who's he?" I ask wondering why he isn't with the others. "That's Edward Cullen. Totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently no ones good enough for him." She says with the kind of tone that radiates jealousy. "You got rejected didn't you?" She goes quiet and we continue to eat.

A couple minutes later Rosalie leaves the cafeteria for a few minutes and returns with a girl with a buzz cut and looks to be 5'3, she wore baggy clothes and held her hand. "Who's that?" Jessica scratches the back of her neck and one of the boys does an awkward whistle. "That's bonnie Swan, the only person they hang out with apart from themselves and your sister. She got kidnapped last summer holiday since then she's had all sorts of episodes, panic attacks and stuff like that. No one knows exactly what happened but she has a huge burn scar over her back and some kids even say she got raped." The girl smacks her arm and shakes her head, "come on we don't talk about it. Plus look." She nods her head towards the Cullen table and all of them are looking at her angrily. "Guess the heard you."

Bonnie's POV:

I had to go to the toilet so everyone went ahead of me to put down their stuff and get some food. Rose was kind enough to come back for me when I was done. When we got to the cafeteria all eyes were on us and I was nervous, but kept a brave face on with Rose. I wanted to make everyone proud of me so I'm trying not to react to stuff. I give everyone a hug then stay hung around Jazzy's neck. "Bon Bon you have to eat!" Alice huffs, I shake my head and try to hide behind Jazzy. Instead Emmy picks me up and places me on Rose's lap, "traitor." I grumble, Alice passes me a packet of foxes party rings and I happily eat them. Then Rose tries to give me half a ham sandwich, I take a couple bites but then I was done and shook my head. "If you eat the apple you don't have to eat anything else." I nod and start nibbling on the apple put in front of me. "What lesson next?" I say between bites. "I think you and Emmett have a free period." I nod and continue to eat my apple. The bell rings and I say goodbye to everyone except Emmy. We end up in the library for a bit, he's not much of a reader but always seems very interested in what I'm reading.

School finishes and I'm walking out with the Cullen's as I usually do when someone grabs my arm from behind me, instinctively I pull my arm away and hide. I peer out a couple seconds later and see Bella, she hasn't changed a bit. "Hey Bella." I say awkwardly from behind Eddy, "you gonna introduce me to your friends?" I nod, "Eddy, Emmy, Jazzy, Rose, Alice" I say in order from where I'm standing, she nods and looks at all of them. "I'm gonna go to the diner with dad you coming?" I shake my head. "Uh uh I said that you guys should bond for a little bit, I'll be hanging out at the Cullen's place for a bit." She nods and walks off to a rusty truck, it reminds me of the one that Jacob and his dad have. Which reminds me that I should visit them soon! I tug Eddy's shirt, "can you drop me off at the Rez after we hang out for a bit?" He looks a little upset but agrees, I hug his waist and run after everyone else who have made it to their cars already. "Come on slow poke!" I tell to him.

We all hang out until about 5 then Eddy drops me off to the Rez like he promised. I hugged him and said goodbye, then I ran up and knocked on Jacob's door. "Bonnie! It's been awhile!" Jacob says, he instantly picks me up and brings me in. "I know! So I thought we could catch up!" He nods and sits me on the couch, "so how are things?" He asks looking at the ground. "Things are getting better, I've stayed three full school days and I'm crying less though I still feel like crying when everyone stares at me." I Scooch over to him and put my head on him. "I miss us hanging out." He nods and rests his head on mine. A couple minutes later I hear the familiar sound of wheels, I shoot up  and put my knees on the couch whilst I held onto the top of it. "Uncle Billy!" I said happily, he smiled and wheeled into the room with us. "Hey bonnie, where you been?" I start rambling on out what's been happening and without me realising it's already become sunset. I sigh knowing I'd have to go home, "Why don't you stay for a bit? We're having a campfire tonight, everyone will be there." I look at Billy expectantly and he nods, "yay! We have to tell dad though. Don't need to worry him. Oh and is he going to bring me home?" Jacob shakes his head, "don't worry I got you, I'll also call your dad." I hug his waist and start to put on my boots.

The campfire was lots of fun and they spoke about lots of cool stories revolving around their ancestors and wolves. I even got to meet some new people! "Hi I'm Bonnie!" I hold out my hand to the guy with short black hair and a slight scowl. He looked like he needed to be cheered up. "Sam." He shakes my hand, "are you angry?" I ask him, he chuckles and says "no. Why do you think I'm angry?" I point to my forehead "you keep furrowing your brows like this" I imitate how he looked and he burst out laughing. I looked around confused as a couple others began laughing. "I'll take note of that and try not to do that in the future. Anyways why are you here, you're not from the Rez?" I play with my hands and look down, I felt as if maybe I shouldn't be here anymore. "I- well Jacob and uncle Billy said it was okay. Am I not meant to be here?" I was choking up and about to cry, Sam looked surprised and began to panic. Suddenly I was picked up off the ground and I was in Jacob's arms. He began walking away and checked if I was okay, "he didn't do anything did he?" I shake my head and he sighs. "It's best to stay away from him and his gang." He says with distaste, I tilt my head confused. Sam was a little gruff but he obviously doesn't know how to deal with people much younger than himself so I don't see the issue. Though I don't say anything and just nod.

"Now why don't we get you home?" We walk back into his house, I grab my backpack and say bye to everyone. Jacob is already on his motorcycle and waiting for me, he passes me a helmet and I hop on behind him, holding his waist tight. We got home super quickly! We say our goodbyes and I walk in the house. "Dad? I'm home" a hand raises from the couch and I see dad in front of the Tv, "hey baby. How was your day?" I told him all about my day and when I went to the Rez. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Why don't you get ready for bed, you sister is already in her room so I wouldn't worry too much." I nod and run upstairs, I brush my teeth and use the finger
Lock to enter my room. I close my door feeling safe. "Ahem." I hear from behind me, it was Alice! "Oh no how long have you been waiting?!" I gasp, she chuckles and pats the bed suggesting I sit. "Not for long but why do you smell like wet dog?" I shrug and she spritzed me with a bit of perfume. "That's a bit better, anyways your sister seems..." "she's a good person! I think she's changed so I'll probably be fine." Alice nods, kisses my forehead and I start to doze off. "Nighty" I mumble, I hear a faint "good night" from Alice and I fall asleep.

Alice's POV:

I stayed with Bon Bon all night like we usually do and I did not like how Bella was acting on the other side. She had tried a few times to get in and when she gave up she began throwing things about in her room. She only settled down around 1 am. I have to tell everyone else this, I don't think our little Bonnie is safe with her sister. Changed or not I do not like her attitude.

Word count: 2029

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