Chapter 36

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When we get home I speed over to the nest and essentially crash, as much as you can with two children in your arms. The boy laid beside me, cuddling into my side, whilst Anne slept peacefully on my chest with a clump of my shirt in her little fist.

It didn't take long for Marcus to join us in the nest but he didn't have the child in hand. He sat down beside me with a sigh, "The child bonded with Athenodora.." I chuckled at him. "I wouldn't worry too much, afterall.. We have these two rascals to deal with." The young boy grunts almost sounding as if he was insulted. "Here, hold her for a minute?" Marky nods and carefully holds Anne in his arms, he held her as if she was the finest china and would brake at the slightest touch. How cute. I kiss his cheek, "now don't be too mad the little babe chose Athendora as their mother, you know how bonds work and how not all of them are made intentionally. The little one must've felt something to bond with her." He nods solemnly then kisses Anne's head. I pick up the slightly grumpy child attached to my side.

"I never did get your name. I'm Bonnie." He huffs and wriggles from my grip until he's laying on top of me. "Kris" He mumbles out, I hum and run my fingers through his hair. Considering the conditions down there (the basement) his hair is well kept. "Where are we?" He asks, sounding even more anxious then me when I first got here. "We're in Italy, in a place called Volterra where the vampire coven called the Volturi rule. Do you know who they are?" He shakes his head, "Well like every coven you've got your leader or in our case leaders then your coven mates so that's no different. But the cool part is the rulers are kings and queens, they govern all vampires and set rules so humans don't find out about us. Now some people are quite silly and some are grumpy but we're all a big family even if we don't show it to outsiders." Kris hums and curls up on himself so he's barely the size of my torso.

"A-are there punishments?" "Only for really really bad vampires. Why?" He hesitates for a moment before lifting his shirt slightly to show a nasty burn mark on his hip that flowed all the way to his chest. "I was bad. I tried to feed without permission." I go to trace my hand against the scar but I quickly stop myself when I see him tense. "Don't worry, you'll be fed more than enough here so you won't have to worry about food. As long as you don't attack a human in this city without cause you'll do just fine." He nods but still seemed hesitant. I sit up and take my shirt off, odd I know but I have a reason. I'm not sure why but not all my scars healed when I became a vampire, my most noticeable one is the burn mark on my back.

"Look. I had a bad past just like you did." I turn around to show the faded marking that took up a good section of my back. A set of warm hands touch my lower back and trace along some of the more prominent parts. "Where you bad?" I shake my head hoping he saw. "No, the person who did this to me was bad, very bad. Just like the people who did that to you. No child should be harmed like that, I expect as much from humans but not from vampires who are hundreds of years old." I turn around and put my shirt back on, looking over at Marky his eyes were glued on my figure but was trying to seem more interested in our new born. I hug Kris and flop back onto the bed contently.

A couple weeks pass and everyone gets used to the kids, Kris looks a tiny bit older whilst the new borns look just over a year old. Anne loves cuddles and adores her bottle feeds whilst Kris prefers cookies and learning though he does love hugs. Most kids do. I sigh and look out the window, it was just over three months ago that I was human and in Forks with dad and the Cullens. Speak of the devil- my phone began ringing.

"OMG ROSIE!" I squeal as soon as it connects, the blonde vampire had the same exact reaction back. "It's been sooooo long since you last called~" I groan, missing my pseudo family. She chuckles and so do a few others in the background, "things quickly got busy after you left. Bella and Edward are now engaged and the wedding is going to take place in a few days, I know they won't particularly be happy to see you there but everyone else will." I hum and look over to my mate who's playing with the kids. "I think we'll be able to make it. It'll just be Marky and me though, the kings can't keep leaving like this." Rose chuckles, "I'm sure they can't. Anyways how's life treating you?" I sigh, "Honestly, everything is going so well. Oh before I forget, the Volturi took out a coven a couple weeks back."

"What did they do to be completely taken out?" "Immortal children and what not." I say trying to not go into too much detail about what happened on my end. On the other end of the phone Emmy yells 'Why don't we go make a baby?!' to Rose, she scoffed and handed the phone to someone. "Hey Bon Bon" I gasp, I haven't heard much from Jazzy in so long. So many things happened four months ago that I didn't get to ask him all the questions I wanted to or... "I missed you.." I choked out a pathetic sob. Jazzy hums, "I miss you too little one, things are so different without you. It's a good thing you'll be here in a few days then hmm?" I nod although he can't see me, "yeah...I'll see you soon." Without thinking I end the call and walk over to Marky and sit in his lap, holding onto his shirt as I dry heaved into his chest.

Why did speaking to them affect me so much after so long? I don't understand why I'm reacting like this over a single phone call. I called Rose a couple months ago before things got busy and everything was fine then. "What changed?" I mumble. Marky kissed my forehead and then my cheek but didn't answer, I didn't mind though, he simply played with the kids whilst I stayed in his lap for awhile.

When we put Kris and Anne to bed for the night Marky finally told me what was different after the call. "Bonds change, it's most noticeable after becoming a vampire. The bonds with anyone else can snap or strengthen, you're bonds with the Cullen family have strengthened a lot since you became a vampire. It's a good thing you'll be going to the wedding in a few days because I don't know how much longer you'll be able to go without seeing them." I look at him confused, what did that mean? "Well...the easiest way to explain it is it's something like our bonds. When we were apart and you felt the mating pull it hurt and a similar pain occurs with familial bonds. That's one reason why we stay in these covens." I hum and nod.

Im even more excited now to go to the wedding to see my family, even if it means running into those jerks I'll get to see mama, Da, dad, Emmy, Jazzy, Alice and Rose! I smile and hide my face into my mate's chest, Marky chuckles and strokes my hair back whilst his other hand is lazily stroking circles into the small of my back.

(I think I forgot to show their new bed so here ya go)

(It's on the ground so I'm theory it's should be harder to brake

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(It's on the ground so I'm theory it's should be harder to brake...)

Word count: 1373

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