Chapter 49 (extra!)

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-17 years later (it's now 2022)-

A loud knocking woke Bonnie up from her 'power nap' as she called it. As you know vampires can't sleep but there is a state between being awake and asleep that some vampires like to take advantage of. This is Bonnie's quiet time and she does not like her quiet time to be interrupted, but alas nothing is ever quiet in a vampire coven with three half vampires and a bunch of young adult immortals (children as Aro called them)

A loud knock on the nest door brought her out of her rest and back to reality. Outside the door she could hear her daughter, "MOOOM Kris ate all the cookies again without sharing and he's been pestering the kitchen staff again." "Never a quiet day", Bonnie mumbles to herself. She pulls herself out of her bed and stomps over to the door and to her kids. "Kris stop terrorising the kitchen staff and stealing all the cookies. Anne, sweetie, I get he's pissed you off but try to stop snitching. No one likes a snitch. Also don't both of you have places to be? Like a royal study session." Anne looks a little guilty for not studying whilst Kris doesn't look the tiniest bit guilty.

"Off you both go" Bonnie says to the both of them. They both run off to the library and Bonnie goes back to her power nap. Or at least tried to. Charolette and rose come running in screaming about some dance they want to do together.

-about half an hour later-

"I'm sorry does that say valussy or balenci-ussy and what do they mean?" Rose explains everything and why we're doing this dance. "So this is supposed to be sexy?" Charolette nods and proceeds to teach Bonnie the dance until she has it to the tea.

"My head will be served on a silver platter before I show this to anyone let alone my mate." Bonnie jokes as they finish yet another sexual dance. "Why though? I must say I am enjoying the view from over here my dear." Marcus' voice sends shivers down Bonnies spine and causes her to let out a panicked squeal. "H-how long have you been there?" Marcus had one of those shit eating grins which told her enough to make her want to crawl into a hole but he just had to take it a step further by Kicking the other two out and spending half the day flirting with Bonnie. The poor girl just wanted to relax!

Just as Marcus was about to make his move, his two children (nearly adults) come bounding into the room. The both of them were yelling about something but neither could quite make out what they were saying. Eventually Kris manages to drag Marcus out of the room and Anne sits on the bed with Bonnie. "What was that all about?" Bonnie asks both jokingly and genuinely confused. Anne simply rolls her eyes and grins, "we're having a party tonight! We've nearly completed our studies and Charolette can up with an amazing idea, so we're having a party! Don't worry we're playing some classics. Like summer of '69, All star, Teenagers and some new ones like temperature, rät and vending machine of love. Trust me you'll love it!"

"Alright! But what should I wear? I don't have any chill party clothes..." Anne looked through her moms closet before running out of the room. A minute later she returns with four dresses that Bonnie could chose from. One was a tight, short black dress. The second was a beautiful forest green dress with two slits on either side. The third was a glittery red dress. The fourth one was another black dress but it was sparkly. Bonnie ended up choosing the first one. Bonnie thought it was pretty but Anne was sure she chose the shortest dress for a different reason.

"Since you grew out your hair a bit...can I braid it?!" Bonnie ended up growing her hair out two years ago because she felt safer and stronger but she was still a bit iffy on people touching her hair. Though she was most comfortable with her mate and children touching her hair. "Sure. But we need to leave soon!" Anne hummed, working as quickly and as carefully as possible to make sure her moms hair us both comfortable and stylish. "All done! Now let's get moving"

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