Chapter 45

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No one's POV:

By the end of the week Bonnie wished to crawl into a hole with some of the looks she keeps getting from Charolette and Rose. Rose looked pissed whenever Bonnie and Marcus were together but was an absolute sweetheart when he wasn't there. Charolette on the other hand just kept smirking and giving her thumbs up. On a happier note, Charlie has woken up from the venom and he is thoroughly enjoying his life as a newborn. He quickly found refuge within the guard and even though many of them are centuries older than him- he found them lacking. They could fight and could kill a vampire but they haven't dealt with modern people or modern vampires that much within the past hundred years, so they're kinda stuck in the past.

So Charlie set to work telling them about new types of crimes, how to track even the sneakiest 'criminals' and much more. When Charlie and Bonnie met again they felt complete, the parental bond snapped into place and they hugged it out for a solid hour before going back to doing their own things.

At the same time a bond snaps in place with the kids and Charlie; it was a grandparent family bond. An uncommon one but a welcomed bond within the growing vampire family.


One day when the entire coven were relaxing an ominous letter arrived, it was for Carlisle and he looked increasingly more mad as he read the paper. By the end he threw it down on the table and growled softly. "This is why I left that fool." No one really understood what he meant until Aro read out the letter. Turns out Edward got Bella pregnant and they don't know what to do; they're asking for the family to return and help with the birth. He even tried guilt tripping Rosalie with the whole 'I know you wanted a kid so here's your chance at a niece!' but none of them were interested. They knew the outcome- a half born child. "To think he hasn't turned her yet~" Caius hums with a bit too much amusement laced in his voice. "Brother let us not cause a war. Things will sort themselves out and if they don't then we will intervene as planned." Aro says raising a hand to silence his soul brother.

Bonnie was too busy helping Anne with her drawing so all she was was bits and pieces. "What about lettuce and war?" Everyone could help but laugh a little or smile at her confusion. Even Kris couldn't help but smile and shake his head at his mom. "Edward and Bella are causing problems as per usual, nothing crazy mom." He says before going back to styling Rose's hair with Esme's guidance. Bonnie hums and continues to help her daughter with her beautiful art piece. "What if you make the leaves flow out like it's the neck fluff?" Anne looks at her drawing then adds in a few small tear drop shapes around the neck and tail of the ferret drawing then grins. Like mother like daughter.

"I suppose I should write a letter reminding them that we have left and have no intentions to return. I will not put my coven in danger for a fool." Carlisle sighs as he grabs some paper and a pen.


'To Edward Mason,

I said this the day I left; you are no longer my son and I am no longer your family. You have put this coven in danger time and time again without a single care for the consequences. We have no intention to leave the Volturi or Bonnie for your own selfish reasons.

For once in your life fix your own mistakes and if you don't then you have caused your wife to die; it will be on you not me, not Bonnie, it will be entirely your fault for not listening to us or the Volturi's warnings.

I hope I don't see you anytime soon,

Carlisle Cullen'


It was a short letter but it was straight to the point and Carlisle knew that using the last name 'Mason' would hurt Edward. After folding the letter and placing it in the envelope the large family go back to their mundane tasks. Talking, drawing, playing- you get the idea. All in all it was a nice day off for all of them.


Edward's POV:

HOW COULD THEY?! They would let Bella die to stay with Bonnie and the Volturi rather than help us?! I couldn't help but growl and flip the table in anger. "what's wrong?" I hear Bella weakly say from the couch. "They won't be coming back to help with the birth, we'll have to do it ourselves." Bella's eyes widen slightly and her eyes become glossy with tears.

"It's fine! We can do this!" Alice cheers as she walks into the room, "I can already see you as a vampire." Hearings her say that takes a weight of my shoulders but I'm still nervous for our future. If it wasn't for Bonnie we wouldn't be in this mess, the family would of never left and they wouldn't of hated Bella.  I can't believe I once called Bonnie my sister- she ruined everything....

A/n: sorry for the short chapter and how long it took to get it out! This was mainly to show Charlie and how he's doing but also to show off Edwards growing hate for Bonnie. Idk how long it's gonna take for the next chapters to come out cuz it's two weeks until my actual GCSEs and then 5 and a half weeks of exams. I will try to get them all out before the end of July though, cuz my birthday lol. Anyways hoped you enjoyed as per usual!

(Not my drawing! I just found it on Pinterest and thought that Anne would draw cute stuff like her mom)

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(Not my drawing! I just found it on Pinterest and thought that Anne would draw cute stuff like her mom)

Word count: 989

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