Chapter 26

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No one's POV:

Things have escalated back in Forks, and the original plot line has begun. Bella found out the Cullen family are vampires and was still completely in love with Edward and for some unknown reason he was starting to fall for the stupid thing. He brought her home to meet the family and to play baseball, a certain group of nomads noticed her scent and the hunt began.

It finished as quickly as it started, well one of them was dead. James, Victoria's mate. The Cullen's went after her but Edward was more concerned about Bella, so they stopped the search and brought her to a hospital. Unaware of the dangers that now lurk around every corner, dangers of a very angry woman, a very sad and lonely mate who has lost her other half.

After returning back to Forks and Bella is in hospital Alice has a vision, Jasper quickly comes to the rescue and stops her from falling. The smile on her face only grew as her vision ended. "She's one of us now!" The family were ecstatic, all of them apart from Edward. He was furious she was no longer human and that she lived with 'those human eating monsters'. The rest of the family ignored him and went back to their everyday lives.

Bonnie's POV:

It was early morning and I was very bored until my phone (which I had forgotten about) rung. "OMG ROSIE!" Both vampires were squealing and grinning from ear to ear just from hearing each others names. "How's life on your end Bon Bon?" I sigh and flop back into the comfy bed, "The queens and kings are super nice but it feels wrong taking someone's life. But the smell of animals don't appeal to me either? And I haven't slept in like four days?" Rose laughs on the other end of the phone, behind her I could also hear a few soft chuckles from the family. Wow, vampire hearing is good. "Also I think I can kinda feel what Marky is feeling?" The phone is snatched off of Rosie and Da's face is in frame. "Did you complete the bond?" I shake my head, "what bond?" "That's for your mate to explain. About the drinking blood part, just ask to drink blood in a cup. They won't love it because their all about the hunt but they will allow it. I'm glad to hear you're doing well my dear." I smile and the phone is snatched again. "Make sure to stay in contact with us! Your future keeps disappearing and reappearing so please be wary!" I nod and the family says goodbye.

"That sounded eventful." Marky comments as he enters the room, I huff although I technically don't eve breathe any more. "I didn't really get to talk with Rosie cause everyone snatched the phone off her, Da asked me something about 'completing the bond' and Alice said something and me disappearing and reappearing?" He nods as he walks over and sits on the bed beside me. "Oh! Da also said you would be fine if I drank from a cup or something. Killing feels wrong..I know how it feels to be hunted by someone stronger than yourself and it's really scary. I know they're dead after but...that could've been me in the past if it wasn't for the Cullens. Don't get me wrong I don't think I could kill an animal or anything but a cup would be preferred?" He nods and smiles softly, "I had a feeling you weren't alright with fresh blood, after what you've been through I don't think a lot of people would. If anyone has anything to say about it they'll have to deal with the Volturi kings themselves, hmm?" He hums, I nod and wrap my arms around his neck.

Without realising I had climbed onto his lap and was nuzzling into his neck, and I was purring? VAMPIRES PURR?! Or is that a me thing? ...." vampires purr?" "You mean like you just did?" His soft smile becomes a small smirk, if I was still human my face would be red! Red I tell you! I nod, unwilling to move my face from his neck. "Yes, mated pairs often purr. Ah..on a more serious note we have to talk about the bond." I sit back a little bit but don't move off his lap. I'm comfy, deal with it. "I don't want to rush you at all! Alright? But the bond between mates is a bit, how do you describe it, iffy? Until the bond is completed but after what that man did to you I think you need some time to mentally prepare yourself before we do anything like that." It took me a good few minutes of staring at his embarrassed expression to finally realise what he was talking about. Oh... (//∇//)

(Just throwing that in there, don't mind me)

"Well..I know you would never hurt me 'n stuff and I think I'd like it." I mumble the last part whilst looking away embarrassed by what I had just said. Marky's chest rises and falls dramatically as if he just took in a huge gulp of air. "Oh the things you do to me my sweet sweet piccolo." I could feel my frozen heart start beating rapidly after he said that. "I- well..hehe." He kisses my forehead, then my cheek then the tip of my nose and finally he places a soft chaste kiss on my lips. It was-..nice, really nice! I wasn't thinking and if I was I would never do this but I well, I kiss him back and maybe kissed him a bit harder back?

He wrapped his arms around my upper and lower back, my arms found themselves around his neck again and we didn't break the kiss. In fact, we deepened the kiss! It became a little..rough. Marky began kissing me gently again then moved his soft kisses to my neck then trailed his tongue back up to my lips, which were then parted. His eyes full of desire and his expression just made him..god I have no words to describe how attractive he is..and what he's currently doing to me. His hands are huge, they cover most my back. He suddenly stops, looking a little worried. "We can stop if this is too much and we can try again some other ti-" I didn't waste a second before kissing him again, sure some bad things were done to me and sure it's scarred me but I will not let some jerk take away my happiness any longer. And god be my witness, I'm going to do what I want. Currently what I want is to get laid!

I place my hands on his thighs and slowly trail my hands up and down trying to get a reaction out of him. I'm just guessing here, is this what guys like? I have no clue what I'm doing. God this is so embarrassing! "Do you want me?" I whisper softly in his ear, my voice full of want. I just hope it doesn't sound like my squeaking or trying too hard. He nods softly and places a hand at the back of my head, I don't flinch but stare into those beautiful black He kisses me roughly our tongues fighting for dominance, his obviously winning. Simultaneously he pushes me back onto the bed, never breaking the kiss. I uncross my legs and wrap them around his waist, as soon as I did I felt something hard against me. When I tell you my stomach just did flips..

A/n: OKAY IMMA LEAVE THIS CHAPTER HERE FOR TODAY. I think that's enough second hand embarrassment for awhile. Word of warning: I have no clue what I'm writing! Like yk when you can imagine something easily but can't find the words? It's like that but I'm also embarrassed at how detailed it might become..

Also I said I wouldn't update till my exams were over but NOTHING CAN KEEP ME AWAY FROM WRITING SMUT MUWAHAHAH. I am so tired from these stupid exams TwT

Goodbye for now!

Word count: 1373

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