Chapter 12

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Bonnie's POV:

Things eventually calmed down a little and I kind of got used to Marcus being around, I mean he's a nice guy and all but I will always worry. I've just bathed with the help of Rose and dressed in my room. I hear a soft knock on my door, "You can come in." I say staring at the bookshelf. I could tell it was Marcus because the room filled with the smell of old books and roses. "Can we talk about the bond for a bit?" I take my eyes off the bookshelf and reposition myself so I'm sat cross legged beside him. "I understand this is a lot to take in but do you wish to be turned soon or later? And would you mind if you came to live in Volterra with me and my brothers." I felt taken aback by his questions, I don't necessarily mind becoming a vampire. I would be stronger, faster and I couldn't die cause I would be dead so I wouldn't need to fear it or anything for that matter. "I don't mind when I'm turned though I think I would rather be turned when I do live with you because I don't think I could ever hunt an animal. I like them too much." He nods and pauses to think before asking his next question, "can I turn you?" I nod, he's my mate so I wouldn't mind I guess. "But what about my dad?" "There a few things, we could fake your death" I instantly shut that one down, he's lost me once and I'm not putting him through it again. "You could say an Italian college has scouted you and if you go you also have a position in a university there. You'd stay on campus so you won't have to worry about money. Or you could say your going on holiday. Which do you prefer?" I think my options over carefully, the most believable would be the college and university one, I do have decent grades but are they enough to be scouted.

I nod and hop off the bed, "how quickly can you forge those documents?" I ask turning back around to face him. "They would be ready by the time you wake up tomorrow " I nod and leave the room to go talk to the Cullen's. Carlisle is sat on the couch talking with Aro, I jump over the back of the couch and edge myself between them both. "I'm gonna live with them." Carlisle seems a little shocked whilst Aro just nods. "Are you sure?" I nod. "Yeah, I'd be even safer and even further away from anyone who would want to hurt me and I don't think I'd be able to survive the new born stage if I'm surrounded by people constantly. He nods understandingly and hugs me close. "When will you go?" I count on a couple of my fingers, eventually holding up three. "Three? Weeks or days?" "Days. Earliest, latest a week maybe." He looks down a little sad. "I wouldn't worry my friend, you can always visit us if you wish to do so. We won't be hiding her away." He looks up with a small smile and pats my head, "that's true."

The day continues whilst Marcus and I continue to talk about ourselves, getting to know one another. Through the entire thing I choose to not talk about last summer even if it means ignoring his questions and talking about something else purposely. I feel bad about it but I'm just not ready to talk about it just yet. I'll talk about it when I'm turned. I'll be less frightened by his reaction or I'll know how to calm him down.

"Bonnie, food!" Mom calls from the bottom of the stairs. I detach myself from Marcus and remove my very comfortable self from my comfort blanket then make my way down the stairs. "What's for dinner? It smells heavenly down here." Mom does a small curtsy and smiles, "one word: nuggs." I gasp dramatically and hug her waist. "You didn't!" "Oh but I did" she points over to the counter where there's a plate of Dino nuggies and some fries. I cheer until I get a closer look....vegetables?! I look at mom in horror. "How could you do this to me?" By this point I had a small crowed around the area I was in, Carlisle, Aro, caius, Marcus and Jazzy were all watching this interactions. "You're still human you have to eat healthy! Vegetables stents that bad." I stomp my foot and huff. "But they're gross!" Mom sighs and walks over to my plate. "How about this, cucumber and peppers. That's it. No other vegetables." I pause for a moment to think then hold out my hand for Mom to shake. "Pleasure doing business Mom." She rolls her eyes playfully and takes away the carrots and other vegetables on the plate. She kindly passes me some ketchup and I take a seat on the counter. I run my hands together evilly as I look down at my unsuspecting victims, I pick one up and take a bite removing the dino's head. The dipping the body in some ketchup and acting like I've just killed an actual dinosaur. Okay so I tend to play with my food a bit.

The rest of the night I spend on the couch sat between Marcus' legs whilst playing mario cart with Emmy and Jazzy. The room became darker and darker until the sun was gone completely. I as Emmy and Jazzy argue about which character is better. I yawn and cover my mouth trying to hide it, I what to hang out with everyone a bit longer. "I think it's time for you to go to bed."  Carlisle says from behind me, I gasp and look at him grumpily. "No!" I cross my arms and turn away from him. "Maybe it is best for you to sleep." I look up at Marcus with a face that's both shocked and disgusted. "I thought you were on my side!" He chuckles softly, his laugh sends a cool shiver down my spine leaving me speechless. "I can stay beside you until you fall asleep" I nod and hop off the couch taking his hand In mine, "let's go." I say goodnight to everyone and walk upstairs and into the bathroom. I take out my toothbrush and put the toothpaste on, two minutes later I'm out and walking into my room with Marcus behind me.

I take off my shirt and look for a vest without thinking, Marcus softly gasps and I turn around covering myself with my shirt. "Sorry, forgot you were in the room with me..." he shakes his head, "don't worry about that but piccolo what is that on your back?" I hold my arm and look to the ground because it suddenly became very interesting. "It happened a year ago, don't worry about it." He looks as if he wants to ask about it but he stops himself. He turns around and I continue to change, once I'm done I tap him back to let him know I'm done. We climb in bed and he holds me close. "Goodnight piccolo." He kisses my forehead and I lean into his chest making myself very comfortable. I have never fallen asleep quicker in my life.

Word count: 1238

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