Chapter 22

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A/n: HAHAHAHA I'm alive! This chapter is late cause
A) I had writers block
B) I put dishes away with an attitude and I didn't do the dishwasher for one night so I became a disappointment
C)I got my stuff taken off me for getting low test results and also cause of B

Real quick! I want her to have a special little power but idk what to do!
Maybe just Heterochromia? Like only one eye changes colour? Or teleportation? Fire? Forming animal tattoos that she can bring to life? Have shadow pets? Idk please help me TwT
I am open to suggestions but skip to the bottom to check out another idea I kinda like- if you want to that is.

Anyways, enough of me- enjoy the chapter!

Bonnie's POV:

When we land it's already nightfall and I could feel my eyes begin to close more frequently, I look up to Marky who sees me struggling to stay awake. He sighs softly and kisses my forehead, "As much as I'd love to bring you to our room we have been away from the court far too long. Many vampires have committed a many sins during this time. I'm sorry my piccolo, I'll make it up to you tomorrow." I nod, in truth I was sad we weren't going to cuddle the first night I got here but I was too tired to really process stuff. The three kings stand up, Marky takes my hand and leads me into the car with him, again it's another short car ride to this grand old looking castle thingy. As soon as we entered the gates a lot of red eyes were on me. I felt small in comparison to all these tall, beautiful, pale creatures, my heart was pounding and they could probably tell. As much as I wanted to clutch onto Marky's clothes I didn't want to slow him down or ruin his image, so I began fiddling with my fingers.

I was so focused on my hand I didn't see the wall I was about to walk into, thankfully I was caught just in time by Marky. He sighed and quickly checked me over before picking me up and placing me in Jane's arms. "I'll see you tomorrow my piccolo." I nod and clutch onto Jane's robe, I wasn't ready to leave his side just yet! I'm in a whole new country and my partner just left me, in a castle full of vampires who like human blood. Don't get me wrong, love Jane and Alec but they don't give me the same comfort Marcus does...Is it because we're mates? I sigh and rest my head on Jane's shoulder as she takes a different turn than my mate, Alec is right behind her, both talk to me on the way there. Making sure no one tries to harm me when we pass by.

Alec passes us and opens a set of old oak doors revealing a beautiful room. It was huge to say the least, maybe three times the size of my old room. It kind of reminded me of a gothic aesthetic, it wasn't creepy, it looked really cool and honestly matched my image of Marky. Looking around some more he has a whole section that's been turned into a library! It had tons of books and from the looks of things there's a second floor with even more books! I wonder what kind he likes to read? Not the time! I shake my head to ignore all the annoying thoughts only to find myself on the black duvet of the bed. I looked up to a slightly worried looking Jane, she kneels down to my level and cups my cheek. "The kings have called for a meeting, I have to go but Alec will stay with you. Okay?" I nod and she smiles, it was kinda creepy and awkward but you could tell she meant well. Jane stands back up and walks out of the room, closing the large oak doors behind her. "Wanna do something fun?" Alec says with a mischievous grin on his face and an evil glint in those red eyes.

Alec's POV:

It was plain as day that our new queen was upset she had to leave King Marcus' side, it probably pained him more to leave her alone. She only knew a couple guards including myself. My sister and I brought her to Master's chambers as we were told to, sister even set her in Master's bed. As she did we could hear the three kings gathering everyone to the hall, probably to talk about their new queen, sadly sister has to go. But! I get to stay behind and comfort my queen. "Wanna do something fun?" I ask, she nods instantly. I look around the room for something fun to do, then I get a brilliant idea. "How do you feel about dying your hair?" She places a hand on her head and girls around a piece of hair. "Yeah!" I hold up finger up asking her to wait one moment, I zoom round the castle to find our (my sister's mainly) stash of hair dye. Once back I place all the options out on the bed. We take our time going through them and end up going with two colours. We go to the bathroom and apply the dye, thanks to madams light hair colour it makes adding darker colours easier. I do half black and the other half red, madam already looks much happier and much more excited than before.

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