Chapter 24

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Bonnie's POV:

After a quick bath and a change of clothes, the witch twins leave and I'm cuddling into Marky's side. I sigh contently, "do you think the queens will like me?" He hums, "I think they'll love you. Honestly I think they'll steal you from me a lot my dear." I giggle at him, it was obvious that I would be stolen from him a lot. We stay in bed with our legs tangled together until lunchtime, or at least until my stomach rumbles and I hide my face in embarrassment. "That sounded rather angry." Marky chuckles, I laugh and place my hand on my stomach. "I don't know if I'll be able to stomach anything.." Marky hums in acknowledgement, "I think something light will do just fine- and don't worry about finishing it or wasting any. Understand piccolo?" I nod as Marky climbs out of bed and picks me up, he holds my back and butt so I don't fall so to help I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, leaving my head to rest on his shoulders.

It always felt nice being in his arms, maybe it was the size difference or maybe it was the fact we're mates? Meh. Too much effort to think. I'm hungry- but I'm still kinda nauseous....I don't have enough brain cells to deal with this.

I huff and nuzzle my head into the crook of Marky's shoulder, he simply places a hand on my head and strokes my hair back to comfort me. He knew just how to comfort me. I need to figure out how to do the same! Not the time, brainstorm later. Marky stops for a second before opening some familiar doors and the smell of freshly baked bread fills my nose song with some sort of soup and cookies and- too many smells. I cover my mouth and nose trying not to gag or react in any way.

Marcus' POV:

"Make something light for your queen to eat. She is not feeling the best currently." I command the head chef, he's been here for awhile so he's used to it. I don't need to worry about some new chef fainting on the spot for seeing me.

"Understood my king. Does she eat proper meals or eat light usually?" Woods replied, he continues to get more and more fearless as the days go on. For such a young head chef he sure does have a good back bone. Best to change him before he gets too old I suppose...right! Not the time.

"She doesn't eat properly, I don't think she has for over a year. It's rare for her to eat more than one decent meal a day, maybe one full meal and a half meal. Why?" The young chef sighs. "Her body isn't used to breaking down proper food yet she ate a decent sized meal yesterday. Of course she wouldn't feel well." "That would explain part of the vomiting.." I mumble, still loud enough for him to hear apparently. "She threw up?" I nod and he runs his fingers through his hair- not the most hygienic. He puts his cap back on and washes his hands. "I'm not going to lie to you my king, it's slightly concerning that her body is rejecting food. I don't know how she's going to feel about this but I used to feed applesauce to my younger sister when she was sick as a kid and it worked. I say this because children, especially young children, have weak stomachs when sick. If her body rejects normal food, our best bet is trying things that work with the young-ins." I could hear Bonnie grumbling on my shoulder about something smelling off.

I nod towards the head chef and he continues to make something light for my mate. I kiss the side of Bonnie's head to get her to look at me, "what's wrong my sweet piccolo?" She barely lifts her head off my shoulder whilst grumbling about how there are so many sickly smelling foods in here. Nothing smelt off to me? Just a lot of human food. "I'm going to step out for a moment." I say to wood (he's the head chef btw if you didn't get it yet), he gives a thumbs up and continues with apples and bananas?

"What's wrong?" She covers her ears and squeezes her eyes shut whilst mumbling some incoherent words whilst trying to wriggle out of my grip. I place her on the ground and watch as she curls herself into the fetal position. "Am I so weak I can't even stomach normal food anymore?" I sit down beside her and she rests her head on my shoulder. "You are not weak. You are simply a little under the weather from moving so suddenly." She nods and sighs again, I close my eyes and listen to her calm-ish heartbeat. "when will you turn me?" She mumbles, I open my eyes at her, "whenever you wish my dear." "Today." She snaps, I nod and pick her up. I walk into the kitchen and take the meal back to our room.

Bonnie eats the fruit quickly and lays back happily, clearly full and sleepy. "Piccolo. I need you to wake up my dear." She nods and grumbles something incoherent. I stand up and open my door for a second and call the witch twins, within the next two seconds they are in front of me confused. "I'll be turning her now. I need you here Alec in case the pain is too much for her to bear. Inform my brothers for me, I'll stay beside her for the two days." They nod and walk into my chambers behind me. "Ready?" I ask Bonnie just to double check, she nods "ready." I lean down to her neck and bite down, my venom filled her veins and she begins screaming out in pain. I sit beside her as she clutched my arm screaming my name, "do it." I say looking away from her. Next thing I know, the room is silent and the witch siblings leave to inform my brothers. This is going to be two long days.

Word count: 1044

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