Chapter 46

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Bonnie's POV:

Months pass and there's no word from Edward and Bella, not even Alice. It's kinda unnerving not hearing anything from them after the letter they sent. We thought everything sorted itself out until a certain female vampire appears in the court room on my designated day in. "To what do we want owe the pleasure Irena?" Aro says. I was sat on the edge of Marky's throne arm rest confused to why a member of the Denali coven would be in Italy. "The Cullen boy has committed an unforgivable immortal child." She barely manages out, I remember Caius once telling me that Irena lost her mom because she made an immortal child so she held a grudge people who do that. Of course we know it's not an immortal child though.

Aro takes her hand and does his thing before having her leave the throne room. Aro sighs as he sits back onto his throne, "well, they at least turned the Swan girl..." we all nod our heads in agreeance, "Though I believe this is will begin a war and we will need to prepare for a fight if necessary." The room got the hidden message and all nod; the training for the guards just got harder. At least dad will be happy?


"Dad  I think you're a bit too happy to be beating up the guard." He simply shrugs and continues to grin like a madman out of hell. "Remind me to never get on your dads bad side." Marcus whispers in my ear. I laugh and pat his shoulder, "You'll be fine- probably." We snap out of our little conversation when we hear Kris cheering his grandpa on 'in the ring' as he called it. Anne sat on the side-lines with a book in her hands and a very bored look whenever she looks up at the fighting. I roll my eyes playfully and walk over to my daughter, "Why don't we go bake something together instead of watching this?" Anne instantly brightens up and closes her book."Mhm!"

I love my kids don't get me wrong but seriously? I get they grow fast, I get they're not normal vampires but why is my 4 year old son taller than me?! Also Little Anne isn't so little anymore- we're basically the same height! Now I'm going to be the smallest in the entire coven again. Yay.....


"Hey Aro?" He hums and looks away from his book, "What if we bring the kids?" Aro closes the book with an intrigued look. "Hear me out. They think they're the only ones with a half born but what if we prove that's not true- then it'll give you an excuse to create a new law with male vampires sleeping with human females and stuff." Aro grins widely then he picks me up and spins me around whilst laughing. "Oh little Bonnie you are a genius! Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to speak with my brothers and the queens about this." I nod and wave goodbye and he rushes off down the hall.

A few minutes after he leaves Charlotte pops her head in the room, "Wanna go do something we'll regret?" I laugh and grin at her, "Of course I do! Who do you think you're talking to? But is this a dumb thing or a dangerous thing?" "Both?" I weigh out my options and shrug, "I mean sure lets go."

Turns out vampires can get grounded. I'm banned from hanging out with Charolette for a week and I'm no longer allowed in the guard's lounge or the court for a week as well. In our defence we didn't think that Aro would come into the guard's lounge so throwing glitter didn't go down well. Though that pink and purple glitter isn't gonna come out for weeks.

I kinda hope that the glitter will stick until the whole fight thing goes down because I think it'll be funny to see everyone else's reactions to THE Aro, Rita vampire king and ruler of the Volturi covered in pink and purple glitter. That would be a sight!

Word count: 695

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