Chapter 28

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No one's POV:

Thankfully it didn't take long for Bonnie to calm herself down and for Marcus to tackle her into the sheets again. "I thought I lost you...Never and I mean NEVER do that again...please." He whispers into her shoulder as he takes in her scent, reminding himself she's with him and safe. Bonnie nods and strokes back his soft brown hair, "I'll try my best.
No promises until I've got it under control." They both nod and stay in the sheets hugging one another.

-half an hour later-

Bonnie is now slightly more dressed (underwear, booty shorts and a shirt) and they're still cuddling in bed when the doors slam open again. Both queens coo at the sight before them, then speed over and pick Bonnie up from on top of Marcus. "Hmm?" Bonnie groans slightly confused, "just us bubs." Bonnie nods and nuzzles her head into the queens shoulder. " that who I think it is on your shoulder?" Aro's voice was clearly filled with amusement rather than worry. "Why yes, yes it is. It's our sweet little Bonnie. Seems she calmed down enough to become visible again." His mate hums as she sits down on the arm of the throne.

"Why'd I become invisible?" Bonnie quietly asks the king and queen who are present. "Well, you see some vampires have these powers. I'm not quite sure why we have them myself but they do help. Demetri over there can remember any scent he smells which is useful for tracking, Jane has the ability to make others feel pain. This can help if a trial is going on and someone tries to hurt us." The queen explained, Bonnie hummed in acknowledgement. "Whilst I agree with my wife, I personally think we get these gifts through our past. I don't remember to much about mine but I do know I loved learning about others. It seems demetri was a hunter of sorts (I made this up so don't come at me) and the twins were persecuted for being 'witches'. I believe yours comes from the fear of being found and hurt again, now you can easily hide so you'll never be harmed again." "Woah.."

"This is why my mate was stolen from me? To have a lesson on everyone's trauma?" A tired husky sounding voice asks as he enters the throne room. "Yes Marcus, I stole your mate to teach her. The main idea was to steal her and go shopping or something but we simply had to answer her questions." The brunette queen replies, quite content with his mate in her arms. "Give the poor man his mate back." Sulpicia tsked then gave me back to Marcus. All three kings and queens were now in their throwns and on their mate's laps.

A young woman with red hair enters the court, "you don't seem to be a criminal." Aro hums in amusement, his wife stands up and he walks over to the vampire and grasps her hand tight. "Oh my... It seems the Cullens have killed her mate but not her. Settle it with the youngest as you wish as long as no humans get involved." The woman nods her head and quickly leaves the court. "Da?!" Marky shakes his head, "it seems this is to be the fault of Edward Cullen rather than your second father my piccolo." Eddy is in danger! The family is in danger! I've got to help I need to-

"I can see the cogs turning in your head. Don't...The law we enforce we also have to follow. We cannot get further involved than we already have, it's up to your family of the young Cullen dies or not." Caius hisses. I nod slowly and fiddle with my hands, they suddenly seem very interesting as of right now. "Why don't you call them?" I nod and hop off of Marky, Demetri appears at my side and walks beside me until I get to the oak doors of mine and Marky's room. I walk in and flop onto the bed with an unneeded sigh. Just what was going on back home in Forks?


"Bonnie?!" "Hey Da.." There's a few cheers in the background and one very familiar groan. Bella. "Da can we speak privately?" Shuffling, birds, the sound of leaves crunching. He's in the forest. "What's wrong Bons?" He asks, his voice filled with worry. "Did you kill a female vampire with red hair's mate?" He hums, "I can't say much but something is coming and she is angry at Eddy." Da groans, he doesn't sound happy. "I knew this would happen. Thank you for this information my dear. I've got to go now, please stay safe." "I will Da." With that he hangs up and I lay back on the bed. I have a feeling I know what Eddy did and for who he did it for. This is not going to end well for him, my sister is less than pleasant, towards me at least but what if she acts the same way around others?

I let out a much needed sigh and head for the bathroom, a nice warm, relaxing bath sounds amazing round about now. No bad thoughts, no worries, just me and some good music. I start to run the bath then head back to the bed to pick up my phone. When I come back the tub is a quarter of the way filled, I'll wait till at least half full. Going on my phone to find some good music to put in a new playlist sounds like a good pass time for the moment.

-couple minutes later-

The bath is finished and I've got some nice music ready to play. I undress and hop in the bath, it's been awhile since I've done this myself but I am trusting myself to not panic and just relax. I am a vampire, water can no longer kill me, simply slow me down. Fire is the only problem. Not water, fire. As long as I remind myself that I will be fine. Yeah...
I hop into the bath and start the music, laying in the warm water and not having to think, worry or be scared felt nice.

By the time I hear the bedroom doors open my bath has already gone cold, not that I minded, Marky approaches the bathroom and opens the door. "So this is where you were? You feeling alright piccolo?" I hum and nod. I felt proud of myself for recognising my mate's scent as soon as he entered our room. "Just thinking 'bout when we first met back in Forks." "Oh?" I giggle and continue, "We met and being together felt natural, you instantly got through all my boundaries and cuddled up to me when I was in pain. You never forced me to do anything, it was fun. Then I moved to Italy with you barely a month later, seems a little rushed but you know...Then after the whole food fiasco thing I became a vampire. We completed the bond...OH MY GOD...I SLEPT WITH YOU!" Marky laughs and I huff. "What's so funny?" He covers his mouth and smiles, "The was you got embarrassed a whole six hours after we slept together is adorable. I am not making fun of you my love, I simply think you're adorable." I continue to grumble for a few minutes before getting out of the bath and getting dressed into one of Marky's shirts and a pair of shorts.

A/n: I wanted to get this out sooner but I was procrastinating and just finished my two final days of exams! WOO! Yeah anyways there might be a teeeny tiiny bit of smut next chapter ;)

Word count: 1302

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