Chapter 6

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(Imma just put her outfit here cause this is kinda a long one)

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(Imma just put her outfit here cause this is kinda a long one)

Bonnie's POV:

I wake up to someone pounding on my door, knowing that dad and the Cullen's can all come in using the finger print thing I knew this was Bella. "WAKE UP ALREADY!" I groan and roll over covering my ears, her yelling gets progressively' louder and louder, I start crying and try to block out as much noise as possible. Her yelling comes to a sudden stop when the doorbell rings. She thuds down the stairs and answers the door, I don't know if she said anything to them but they came straight up to my room like they usually do. Jazzy unlocks my door and runs in giving me a big hug, I sit on the edge of my bed whimpering. He gently wipes away the few tears that fell and Rose walks forward taking her place. "Hey baby, wanna get ready?" She asks in a soft voice, I nod and the boys form a barrier whilst Rose walks me to the bathroom. I fill the glass cup that's always in the bathroom with a bit of water and swallow a small pill that's supposed to keep me calm and stop as many episodes as possible then I turn to Rose who has already drawn a bath for me. I undress and hop in the bath, I wash myself and Rose helps me with my shampoo. She carefully pours little pits of water over my head using a sponge and eventually all the shampoo is out of my hair and I can finish getting ready for school. I step out of the bath and wrap my usual big towel around myself. When we leave the bathroom Bella is trying to get through the barricade of boys, I walk into my room and see Alice has set out an outfit for me. As per usual I love the outfit! Another Stripey shirt with a black one on top which said 'sad, lonely and bad at maths.' I mean part of it is true, I am pretty bad at maths. I also had a pear of dark blue jeans that were held up with a thick brown belt, I decided to wear the same boots as yesterday.

The girls declare me ready and the boys follow us down the stairs. Eddy does me a slice of toast whilst I help Alice pack me a decent sized lunch and the others sit down and relax for a bit. Bella soon comes stomping down the stairs in a bad mood, she puts her shoes on and leaves without saying goodbye, slamming the door behind her. I flinched and yelped at the loud sound but calmed down after a couple seconds. Rose put my freshly made lunch in my backpack as I went over to eat my toast. When done I wipe my hands, which were full of crumbs, pick up my backpack and go straight for the red sports car that I know belongs to Rose and Emmy. I hop in the back and wait for everyone else to get in their cars, Rose decided to get in the back with me at some point. I tilt my head and ask, "Are you mad at Emmy? Did he do something?" She nods and crosses her arms, "He said a bad word." I gasp and look at Emmy through the rear view mirror, "In my defence she was being a bit-" "Say one more word and your banned from my room for a week." Rose quickly interrupts him whilst covering my ears so I don't hear the 'bad word', I probably already know it.

We get to school and Bella's truck is here, I mean she does go to the same school as me, we hop out of the car and head to our first class. School went by pretty quickly today, I don't know why but it was just one of those days were time flies. My final lesson was a free period so I was in the quiet corner reading, my eyes became droopy and I ended up falling asleep. I was woken up by someone kicking my boots, I know no one would bother me and the Cullen's wouldn't wake me up like that, leaving only one person. Bella. "So which on are you sleeping with? All of them maybe?" She says in disgust, I sigh and put my book on the table beside me. "None of them and I don't intend to sleep with any of them." She nods and huffs,
"Good I have my eyes on one of them anyways" the final bell rings and she walks off, soon after Jazzy comes to pick me up. We walk back to the car talking about our days, I don't bring up Bella but it seems like they already know she's been near me.

We get to the car park and I meet up with everyone else, I run away from Emmy who was chasing me cause I stuck my tongue out at him. Suddenly Jazzy pulls me back and I see a big car crash into the side of Bella's truck, I gasp and run over. Eddy was there and he stopped the car. Both me and Bella were taken to the hospital for a quick check up just to make sure we're okay. I'm sat down on the bed behind Bella's. Dad runs in with a worried expression plastered on his face. "Bella are you okay? You and I are gonna talk. You all right Bonnie? You hurt?" He says whilst pointing at Tyler. "I'm fine dad calm down." Bella says, dad looks to me and I nod. "All good here! I'm in one piece." The doctor from Tyler leaves, "umm sorry Bella, Bonnie I tried to stop" Bella said it was ok and I just sat there not really wanting to get involved, I don't like arguments. Dad quickly chirps in and says, "no. It sure as hell is not okay." Bella continues to try and defend him whilst I sit there and watch. "You could've been killed. Both of you. You understand that?" "Yes but I wasn't so.." I don't know why she keeps defending him so much, both of us could've been really hurt if it wasn't for Jazzy and Eddy. "You can kiss your license goodbye." Dad says, I could tell he was angry with the boy.

Carlisle comes walking through the doors not even a second later. "I heard the chief's daughters were here." My frown changed to a big smile as he walked over to us. "Dr. Cullen." "Charlie. I've got this one Jackie." He says to the nurse, I wave her goodbye and she leaves whilst he does a quick check up on Bella. "Well, Bella, looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?" "Good." She says, good? How is she not shaken up by it? Maybe she's good at hiding it? He does a chick check where you follow the light or finger thingy to make sure her heads okay. "You might experience some post-traumatic stress or disorientation, but your vitals look good. Now signs of any head trauma. I think you'll be just fine."  Tyler tries to apologise again but dad pulls the curtain between them to keep him quiet. She goes onto saying about Eddy knocking her out of the way and they talk for a bit.

Eventually Carlisle comes over to me with a worried expression. "You okay Bonnie? Did you get hurt anywhere?" He places his hand on my cheek. I shake my head slowly, "I don't think so da." He kneels down and looks me over, suddenly I feel a bit of pain and hiss when I feel the air touch my leg. Da quickly took note of this and looked around to see where I was hurt. He rolled up my jeans a bit, my leg had a giant scrape from the concrete on it and my ankle was turning a weird purple and green colour. "How did I not feel that?" "It must have been from the fear or adrenaline you felt at the time, I would say it's worn off and now your feeling is back to normal." He sighs, "looks like a sprain... I'll grab some plasters and a bandage and I'll be right back." He says with the best smile he could muster. He walks out the room and dad walks up to me. "You sure you're fine?" I nod, "a couple scratches but yeah. I'm good. Like Bella said, it would've been worse if Jazzy and Eddy weren't there. Eddy helped Bella and Jazzy pulled me out of the way but we ended up rolling a bit." He nods and kissed my forehead, "I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I give dad a warm smile. A couple seconds later Da walks back in with the plasters and bandage in hand. "Now I'm going to clean you leg up a bit, it's going to sting so hold onto something if you need to." I grab my backpack which was behind me and pull out nibbles. "Okay!" I say and Da pours something on my leg. It really burns! I bite onto Nibbles ear to hold in my yelp. It wasn't long before he finished and out the plasters on my leg. "Here comes the less fun part." I nod knowing he'll have to touch my ankle some more. Dad is rubbing my back trying to comfort me. The bandage goes on my ankle and I'm told to stay of it for a couple weeks. Da even gave me some crutches, I shake my head "Thanks Da but we both know I'm not good at using them." He chuckles and puts the down. "That's true. Are you going home with your dad?" I look at dad and he shakes his head. "I'm afraid not kiddo. I've got to get back to work, still got some hours left to do." I nod sadly and he kissed my head. "See you later kiddo." I nod and wave dad goodbye.

"Want me to call the kids in? They're all waiting outside for you." I nod, he pats my head and walks out of the room. The hallway was filled with the sound off feet tapping in the tiles, the room door was flung open and a very worried looking Rose runs up to me. "Are you okay?! You hurt anywhere?" She looks me up and down then sees my leg. "Oh baby..." she sits beside me and pulls me into a hug. Jazzy was looking at the ground sadly, I pat the area next to me, "jazzy." He sits down and continues to look at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. "It would've been worse if you didn't get me out of the way. I can live with a couple scratches, I think I would struggle with a broken leg." He nods and looks up at me, his eyes were glossed over and red. I cup his face in my hands and place my forehead against his. "You saved my life. Okay? You kept me safe." He nods and gives me a small smile.

Everyone had their turns talking to me, everyone felt bad they didn't get me out of the way, even Eddy felt a little upset he saved my sister rather than me. But there was a look in his eyes that said he wanted to save her instead. They bring me back to their place and let's just say Esme was not happy. She was distraught. By the time Da got home everyone had calmed down and we were watching a movie, I moved over a bit so he could sit next to me. "You guys never did tell me why your so cold.." I mumble falling asleep.

Word count: 2000

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