Chapter 21

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Bonnie's POV:

I slept a solid 8 hours that night, when I tell you I felt refresh the next day. I wake up again in Marcus' cool arms with my face nuzzled into his chest. "Mornin'" he whispers in his 'morning voice', damn. Ok. "Morning Marky..." I feel him freeze up, was the nickname that bad? "Can you say that again piccolo?" "Marky?" He hums and pulls me close, kissing my forehead. It felt nice being hugged like this. "What an adorable nickname you've given me my piccolo." He softly hums which makes me smile widely and nod. "Why don't you go get ready for the big day?" Marky suggests, I sit up and kiss his forehead before rushing out of the room and into the bathroom. I call for Rose and sit on the closed toilet seat as I think about my future, I'll be a vampire... with Marcus and Aro and Caius and Jane and Rose, I'll be with everyone I care about. A future without fearing my inevitable death or fearing being found and hurt again. I'll be strong, I will be able to protect myself and all my loved ones. I hum happily as Rose enters with a bright smile on her face.

"What's got you so happy?" She asks as she starts filling the tub with water, I shrug. "Just thinking about being able to stay with the people I care about forever and having the ability to protect them." Her smile falters for a moment. "You know how I feel about you being changed if you have a choice...but I guess it would be alright? Honestly, I still have mixed feelings about this but technically the Volturi is full of guards and quite safe from rouges so I can't say you won't be safe." She huffs as she stops the water and I hop in. I understand how she feels after I heard about everyone's background. I gently place my hand on her arm as she leans against the edge of the tub and smile, "sisters forever?" She nods, her glossy eyes threatening to shed tears although they'll never fall. "Sisters forever, my little Baby girl." We continue to talk about the future together whilst I bathe, as per usual she helps me with my hair and I wash my own body. I hop out then get engulfed by a warm fluffy towel thanks to a certain worry wort, they all think I'll get sick if they don't keep me warm...technically they're not wrong. At the same time their not right though.

We make our way into my room, the bed is now made and Marky is nowhere to be seen. He probably went downstairs. I shrug and get dressed with a little bit of Rose's guidance. Somehow I convinced her to let me wear a super baggy hoodie even though we both know the Volturi are kinda strict with dress codes, I am wearing a pair of black jeans though. The hoodie is really cool though! It has this white fire pattern with a goblin or maybe oni on it, the point is it looks cool. I look into the mirror and hum happily at my outfit, at the same time I didn't know if I wanted to have my hair cut again or not cause it's grown like a weed! Meh, I'll leave it for now. It's still short enough for my liking. I nod towards Rose, she opens my bedroom door and we walk downstairs together. Just like I though, Marky is with Da and his brothers, the boys are playing Mario cart, mom and Alice are talking in the kitchen.

"Morning my dear." Mom says with a bright smile as she walks over and picks me up, engulfing me in a nice hug. "Morning mom.." I say softly as I fest my head comfortable on her shoulder. "You sleep well?" I nod and hum. "Want some pancakes? We have Nutella and your favourite mix of sugar and cinnamon." My head shoots of her shoulder and I nod furiously. "Calm down! At this rate you'll drool on her!" Emmy cackles from the couch. Did he really just turn around to make that joke. I roll my eyes and turn back to the more pressing matter. Pancakes! Mom sets the plate of warm pancakes in front of me, I douse it in a fair bit of chocolate and cinnamon sugar then basically wolf my meal down. Let's just say I was very full after finishing three or four pancakes full of sugar. Rose took the plates off of me as I took them to the sink and sent me to the boys, I huffed in slight annoyance. I wanted to clean them. Without putting up much of a fight, I walk over to the boys and climb onto the couch beside Jazzy. I sighed and watched them play, it wasn't a bad kind of sigh but a satisfied one, Jazzy could probably tell that. That also means he could probably feel the twinge of nervousness that was eating away at the back of my mind. He nudges my shoulder and smiles, I rest my head on his shoulder and watch them play.

We sit there for awhile doing nothing I particular. Eventually I get picked up off the couch from behind and by my armpits. It was Da, I wrap my arms around his neck and nestle myself into him to get comfy. "You ready?" I shrug, "ready as I'll ever be, I guess." He strokes back my hair and kisses my forehead, " We  can always visit each other. " I nod and wait for him to stop walking. Outside there's two cars with tinted windows and a couple bags beside them. They look an awful lot like my bags. "Rose and Alice packed for you." I look at him in horror, they packet my bag for me? I should've done that! I huff and decide to not fight this battle and let myself get placed in the car. I say my goodbyes to my Family, the car door closes and I lay back onto the seat of the car. The door beside me opens and closes and a familiar sigh fills my ears. "Are you ready for your new life piccolo?" Marky asks, I nod and rest my head on his shoulder. The car engine starts up and soft music starts playing as Demetri drives, Jane and Alec are probably in the other car with Aro and Caius.

It was a short drive to the airport, then we hop out the car and walk onto a runway with what I'm going to assume is the Volturi's Private jet. By the time we get on the jet Aro and Caius were already on board and talking with one another about something. A couple minutes later the jet's engine roared to life and it took off the runway. I held on tight to the arm rest and shut my eyes, I have never flown before so I was kinda scared. Aro's usual chuckle snaps me out of panicking, "You are quite safe my dear, I can promise you that." I nod and slowly let my sweaty palms retract from the armrest and found their way into my lap. Most of the ride was silent but there were moments where we all talked about something or we joked about something. All in all it was a fun experience for my first flight. I wonder what Italy is like?

 I wonder what Italy is like?

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(Hair- idk bout anyone else but my hair grows like a goddamn weed)

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(Hair- idk bout anyone else but my hair grows like a goddamn weed)

Word count: 1272

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