Chapter 33

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A/n: IM ALIVE! To put it in simple terms why I haven't updated in like...12? Days is cause my health is shit and stuff. Anyways enjoy so fluff after all that drama. ALSO THANKS FOR 40K!!!


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No one's POV:

The king slowly backed away from the queens and new born vampires. "You'll get her back in an hour or two Marcus, don't worry too much." All three turn to him and he nods whilst continuing to back away. He'll never admit it but the queens are a force to be reckoned with especially when they want their own way, he often loses against them.

"Bonnie?!" Charolette squeals, Bonnie looks up and smiles brightly when she sees the girl who protected her from her sister in front of her. "Oh my gosh, I was not expecting to see you here. Wait, what are you doing here?" The queens chuckle, "That depressed looking vampire who just left is her mate, she's a Volturi queen." Bonnie's focus was now on the queen's hair that flowed down in front of her, as much as she wanted to grab it and play with her hair, she knows it's rude to just grab other peoples hair so instead she opens and closes her hand. The older vampire nods and she gently holds and strokes her hair, "soft..."

"So what's going on?" Charolette asks the two queens, sure she was being a bit 'disrespectful' but they are a bit more used to Bonnie and her attitude towards things. The queens and new guard find themselves in a tea room of sorts, they all sit down and start talking. Sulpicia helps Bonnie by holding the water bottle filled with fresh warm blood so she wouldn't drop it and continued to talk. They both caught each other up on things and both their pasts and futures. "To think she did that at prom and in front of so many people!" Athenodora tuts but her face lights up when Charolette talks about Bonnie standing up for herself. "She did that when we went to Forks yesterday, everything was going so well until the youngest Cullen boy decided he would have a go at attacking his queen."

The room is eerily silent for a few minutes, the queens and new guard thinking about prior events and future ones. Sulpicia sighs and strokes her finger against Bonnie's face, "I'm worried. Knowing the Romanian coven it is likely that their building an army and that it'll lead to war." Bonnie placed the bottle on the table with the subtly of an elephant. "Oops hehe." Bonnie laughed quietly, all three women couldn't help but coo and fuss the adorable creature before them. "Actually that reminds me, have Bonnie and Marcus gotten married or do vampires not do that? On another note, don't you have to have a coronation or something when you become queen?"

The two queens look at each other as if almost shocked, "so many things have happened within the first month of Bonnie being here that things ended up being delayed. Marriage is a thing between vampires and a coronation is needed, but not quite yet. I think our Bonnie might need a little more time before agreeing to marriage or a coronation, she doesn't seem to be too fond of large crowds...oh well we can figure out the small details later. Why don't we go to the garden, you wanna go play Bon Bon?" She smiles and hops off the queens lap ready to race off and find this 'garden' that she didn't even know existed a minute ago.

Charolette picks her up and places her two stuffed toys in her hands. To say looking after her was both calming and an absolute nightmare would just about sum it up. Just like with Marcus she was hyper and really happy, smiling every two seconds and giving gifts to everyone (they were small flower bracelets and everyone loved them) on the other hand a lot of things scared her and she was nervous when doing things until you said it was okay.

-pretty much the next day-

Bonnie seems to be leaving her headspace and acting more adult like or well more 'Adult Bonnie' like. Her thirst was still there but no where near as strong, she wanted cuddles but was more reserved, she dressed in her usual clothes and even appeared in the courtroom mid afternoon after getting over the initial embarrassment of acting so childishly. She was sat on Marcus' lap whilst the kings were talking about something, thinking hard about yesterday's events. The one thing that made her momentarily freeze was a simple phrase 'have Bonnie and Marcus gotten married...' marriage.. She hadn't really thought about it- then again she didn't really see a future without Marcus in it after 2 and a half months with him. Was she moving too fast? Was she getting too attached?

She sighs and slumps against her mate's chest. "What's wrong piccolo?" Marcus asked whilst gently rubbing his thumb on her shoulder. "We've known each other for two and a half months, mated for a month and a half and now I'm thinking I'm moving too fast and I'm clingy?" The last part was more of a question rather than a statement, in truth she didn't know how she felt but something that Bonnie quickly learnt was that trust and honesty was a big thing in the Volturi. That no one will be mean or criticise you for you opinions maybe tell you off if your being rude or laugh if it's something silly but never mean.

All three kings looked at each other then back at the sad vampire in her mate's lap. "Bonnie...look at me?" She looks up at Aro and sniffles a tiny bit. "Most vampires move quickly, especially mates. Bonds like what you have with Marcus or like I have with Sulpicia, are so strong, so powerful you end up moving a little faster than what the human standards would be. Listen little vampire, you spoke to Marcus, you voiced your needs and fears, you listen to him as well. You took your time. There is no problem with the way you feel or act." Bonnie nods and smiles softly, "so...It's okay to be clingy?" All three kings nod, "We believe mates are made perfectly for one another, you are my other half as you are mine." Marcus says sweetly. "Can we have rings then?" Marcus nods and Bonnie let's put a small squeal and nuzzles into his chest.

After talking Bonnie felt all warm and fuzzy inside, it was as she was asleep but awake? Like she was floating on a warm fluffy cloud. It just felt so right.

A phone clicking sound and some cooing snapped her out of whatever state she was in, mostly. "God she is so cute! Deadass hope my mate is as cute as her." Charolette? "Wasn't expecting her to purr.." Marcus? "You've been doing things wrong if she hasn't been purring brother." Caius? Just what is going on? "Purring?" Bonnie says quietly but loud enough to alert the vampires who are fussing over her.

"Vampire purr and they do it when happy, or content or very relaxed or any other time they feel warm inside." Aro explains as simply as he can, "have I purred before?" Marcus and the queens nod. God, well that's embarrassing.. "so everyone knew I purred except for me?" Everyone nodded and laughed.

Word count: 1155

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