Chapter 10

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Bonnie's POV:

A couple weeks have passed and not much has happened, Bella has tried to get back at me a few times but I was able to defend myself, I've had a couple anxiety attacks and episodes but other than that things have been pretty good. Today's the day I'm getting a clean bill of health, I hope.

School finishes and I rush out of PE with Rose and Alice right behind me. "Stop running you'll fall!" Rose yells, I ignore her and continue to run out the school doors and into the parking lot. "Come on! I wanna go home and get this bandage off so I can run around freely again!" Rose rolls her eyes as she gets in the car with me. "Well Carlisle should be off of work today so you can go fetch him from his office then we can go out and play some baseball. There's a thunderstorm tonight!" I simply nod not really understanding why they'd need to play baseball in a storm. Emmy gets in the car after walking over to us and starts driving home. We get back and I start running up to da's office, I knock a few times in a nice little time. "Come in." I open the door and walk in, "I can see why the house is so energetic now. You want me to make sure your ankle is okay?" I nod a couple times, "I'm healed right? Right?" I ask as he takes of the bandage, he nods and I cheer.

I start pulling his arm to get him out of his chair and downstairs, "apparently you guys are gonna be playing baseball in a thunderstorm tonight." I say not taking my eyes off him, he nods. "Why do you need to play in a thunderstorm?" We exit his office and start waking down the stairs, "the sound of us hitting the ball sounds like thunder. That's how strong we are." "Woah." He nods as if to say 'I know right'. We continue walking with everyone else until Da stops and sighs. "What wrong?" He picks me up and we walk back into the office. "We didn't put your shoes back on." I look down at my bare feet and laugh, "oh yeah. Forgot about those. Could you get me a new pair of socks from my room whilst I find my shoes?" He nods and places me down at the tops of the stairs, we split off at the landing. I walk into Da's office and start looking around for my shoes, eventually, not even 2 minutes later I find them under his desk. I must've been excited and kicked them under. Sounds like something I'd do anyway.

I pick up the shoes and start walking out of the office when I notice a detailed painting above the door. The painting was beautiful, it had Da with three other people I don't recognise, all of them had red eyes. That meant they drank human blood, this must've been when Da was with the volturi. I continue to stare at the painting till my eyes land on a very sad looking man, something about him felt familiar, then something burned in my chest. I fell to the ground screaming in pain, it felt as if I'd just been shot. My screams must have startled the family because they all came running into the room whilst I was on the floor clenching the clothing around my chest.

Carlisle's POV:

I walk into Bonnie's room and manage to find a decent pair of socks that would match the shoes she usually wears. When I walk out a sudden scream echoes through the house, one I very easily recognise as Bonnie's. Without missing a beat I rush into my office expecting to see someone attacking her or something, what I did not expect was for her to be on the floor crying in pain clutching her chest. I analyse what happened as best as I can then but nothing so I follow where her eyes are focused on. The old painting of me whilst I was in the volturi? I took down the painting and Bonnie whined as if I was about to take it away from her, this solidified my thoughts. She's mated to one of my old friends.

I bring the painting closer to her, "Bonnie which one do you feel a pull to?" She weakly points to Marcus. I nod and place the painting down beside her. "Rosalie I need you to carry Bonnie to her room, but don't touch her skin... grab her comfort blanket and cover her in that and place her on her bed. Esme I'm going to need you to find as many pillows as you can to make her feels safe. Boys you'll need to stay away from her until her mate gets here, same applies to the girls after they've finished helping her out." Edwards face drops when he reads my mind, "she can't be!" Emmett looks between the two of us with pure confusion written on his face. I sigh, "she's mated with Marcus. You can all ask questions later. First when he gets here you cannot make fun of him for how he acts, we all know the feeling of when you first find your mate. Be serious, I'm talking to you Emmett." He looks slightly insulted but probably realised I was right. The girls come back in and nod. "Jasper can you try and get her to sleep? The less of this she is conscious for the better. I know I said to stay away but you're the only one who can properly calm her." He nods and leaves the room. Here comes the fun part.

I pick up my phone and call Aro, he has a phone but rarely uses it. "What do you want Carlisle? We're a bit busy right now, something is wrong with Marcus." I sigh knowing exactly what he meant. "Yes well has he told you what the problem is." Aro goes to ask Marcus but he's barely mumbling a couple incoherent words. "Can't understand him. You sound like you know something though." I nod even though he can't see me, "I do. It's the mating pull." "What?!" Aro yells, I pull my ear away from the phone. "Calm down! Look it seems we have his mate with us, the problem is she's feeling the pull too much and we can't move her. You think you could bring him here?" Aro sighs, "I can try. We'll be there by tomorrow afternoon maybe." "See you then." I hang up the phone and go to peek into Bonnie's room. She's asleep on top of Jasper. "What happened to staying away?" I joke. He shrugs, "she fell asleep on me and won't let go." I nod and leave the room. I do not need Marcus to be angry about any more scents being in that room.

(Her outfit)

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(Her outfit)

Word count: 1168

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