Chapter 18

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I say my final goodbyes to my mate and the rest of the family as Emmy carries me out to his car with Rose just behind the both of us. Emmy sits in the back with me whilst Rose drives the car, Emmy talks to me about all sorts of things. Probably to get my mind off of things. We get to school and Emmy carries me in. I don't know why they like carrying me around everywhere but at this rate I'll forget how to walk! Thankfully I have my first lesson with him otherwise I think he'd join whatever class I was in. We were reading Romeo and Juliet again for the tenth million time, but this time was different. I was sat next to the biggest man child I know. "Know can anyone tell me what he means when he says 'naked sword'?" Without missing a beat Emmy shoots his arm up and the teacher scoff, "yes mr. Cullen. What does it mean." He says as if knowing how this'll go. I could see his grin forming as he yelled, "his dick!" The entire class erupted into laughter and he got sent out, somehow that translated to him picking me up and taking me with? I- okay?

He walked until we got to the principals office and he sat down outside with me on his lap. We didn't really get to talk about much because the vice-principal told him to go in, she nearly separated us until she saw my puppy dog eyes and gave up. That or she didn't want to deal with me.... Anyway, he walked into the principal's office with me on his hip. Our principal is a young- ish lady, I'd say late 20' to early 30's. "To what do I owe this pleasure Emmett- and Bonnie?" She looks at me confused, I give her a small wave as he sits down. "To be fair, Mr. Robson was asking questions about the start of Romeo and Juliet." He whistles as if he was innocent, I couldn't help but giggle at this. "Romeo and Juliet huh? Let me guess....knowing you it was something immature, meaning it was sexual. He asked what 'naked sword' meant?" She deadpanned. Damn she's good! Emmy starts cackling and I couldn't help but start laughing as well. The principal looks at me and raises a brow, "he shouted the bad word!" I whisper yell to her whilst Emmy is to busy laughing. Obviously he heard me and glared at me, "traitor!" I shrug and stick my tongue out. "You tell me off if I say a bad word!" He was about to say something but pauses and before he could counter the Principal clears her throat. "Ahem! Yes, the koala on your hip has a point." She jokes, the joke made me smile but maybe she was referring to me looking tired? No? Focus! "No foul language on school grounds please. You need to set an example." "For who?" The principal looks between me and Emmy, his mouth opens slightly as he says 'oh'. I don't know if I should be offended or not by this. "Yes we don't need anyone running around swearing left, right and centre. Okay? I'll let you off with a warning for today but next time this happens you will be in detention young man. Am I clear?" She asks raising a brow, Emmy nods. "Crystal." He stands up and I rest my head on his shoulder, the principal waves me goodbye and I wave back.

We get to my next lesson because we missed an entire lesson because Emmy decided to make a dirty joke in class with the strictest teacher in school. He places me in the arms of his girlfriend, gives her a kiss and pats my head then leaves. Rose and Alice walk into the locker rooms with me in her arms. "Again? When is he going to learn?" Alice rolls her eyes after learning how eventful my morning was. "Never?" I huff, the girls start giggling and agree. We all change for PE but I didn't really feel like it, thankfully it was badminton and we didn't have enough courts for everyone to be on all the time. So we got to sit out for half the lesson till we swapped. It was duos, sadly Rose got out into a different group than us but because of that she refused to do it. Instead she watched me and Alice play whilst being the referee.

We played peacefully for about 15 minutes before disaster struck, okay being slightly dramatic again, we were playing on one of the girls accidentally(?) hit me dead centre in the head. It really hurt! The girl hit it harder than I thought she did so when I got hit I stumbled back in shock. I wasn't really hurt, just a small bump and she apologised but Rose and Alice made sure I didn't play for the rest of the lesson. Rose went all mama bear and wouldn't let anyone near me, she was super overprotective and kept checking me over for any other injuries. Just a small bump and very light grazing on my hands from falling on my bum. "I told you I was fine!" I sigh, Rose places her hands either side of my face and moves my head around until she lands on the bump. "Oh, Marcus is going to kill us then that poor girl." I roll my eyes playfully, "then why don't we get an ice pack?" She nods and picks me up, the teacher doesn't even bat his eyes when we leave and make our way to the nurses office. We go in and are given an ice pack. Rose places it on my forehead and I hiss at the cold feeling. "Come on! The bump will go down if we do this." She huffs and tries placing the ice pack on me again. I move my head out the way and huff. "T's cold!" She looks at me as if to say 'duh' and places it on my forehead making sure to keep it on this time.

We get back to the changing room and there's only a couple people left, we change and Rose places the ice pack back on my forehead then Alice picks me up and brings me into the cafeteria with them. "You guys do know I can walk? I feel like we've have this conversation before......" "we have. We just like carrying you, you're our little baby. Unless you really hate it- deal with it my dear." Alice says jokingly as I get placed on Jazzy's lap and everyone starts talking. I huff again and accept my fate, to be carried around my entire life, and rest my head on Jazzy's shoulder. "Tired darlin'?" Jazzy's accent became thicker when he whispered that, I look up at him and see his eyes are a lot darker than this morning. "Mhm." I hum whilst nodding my head, he nods gently rubbing my back and humming a calm tune. I don't really question it and feel my eye kids become heavy, I yawn and nuzzle my head into his neck. I'm suddenly snatched from him and I whine at the loss of contact, "I know baby but that's not Jazzy." I rub my eyes to see a very angry looking Jazzy, I've never seen him so upset before.

"That's my Jazzy!" I whine trying to detach myself from Eddy. The cafeteria is empty now I look around, are we missing lesson? Oh everyone has gone home! It's a half day today. Jazzy tries to take me from Eddy but everyone forms a circle around me. Until I finally have enough and manage to detach myself from Eddy and walk over to Jazzy. I waddle up to him and hug his waist, he pats my head then picks me up. Placing me on his waist and swaying gently, which makes me yawn. "He's not hurting her?" Rose says in disbelief. I mentally roll my eyes. "What's going on Jazzy?" He chuckles and shakes his head, "Not Jazzy darlin'. The names Major." I tilt my head, "Major?" He nods and smiles fondly. "Cool." I shrug not really caring if he is a different person or has a different person in his head. What do you call it? Multiple personalities or is it BPD? I give up and nuzzle back into his shoulder, I can always ask about it later.

From that point everything became a blur meaning I probably fell asleep. When I woke up again, I was in my bed with Marcus hugging me from behind. I yawn and stretch, rolling over to face him. "How... long was I out for?" I ask slightly slurring my words, "2 hours 26 minutes." Oddly specific but okay. We talk quietly for a couple minutes about what happened today, until the bedroom door bursts open and Alice comes skipping in. "Come on! Time to get that prom dress!" I groan as she separates me from Marcus, "can I say no?" "Nope!" She says popping the 'p'. "Let's get this over with. I can already hear my bed calling for my return." She rolls her eyes and brings me downstairs, she passes me a pair of ankle boots. Rose is already outside waiting for us, my shock was when I saw mom walking out the door with the car keys. "I'm coming too." She says as if reading my confused mind. I sit in the back with Rose whilst Alice rabbits on about dresses and other things I can't remember.

This is gonna be one very long and either boring or interesting afternoon. Boring: I hate every second of it and don't find anything good. Interesting: I find something I like and/or the girls start arguing about a dress and I get to sit back and watch it play out.

Word count: 1664

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