Chapter 7

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Bonnie's POV:

By the time I wake up I'm no longer in the Cullen residence but my own bed. I stretch and yawn, I am so not ready to face the world today. I could feel it was one of those days. The door opens and Alice walks through with a smile, I sigh and hug her resting my head on her shoulder. "What's wrong Bon Bon?" I shrug, "one of those days I guess." She makes a 'hm.' Sound as if to say 'okay'. She always understands me, then again so does the rest of the family.

We walk to the bathroom and I get undressed like usual and bathe. I'm getting a lot better with water but there's always that dreaded feeling with being near or in it. I wrap myself in the big towel and get dressed. Today's outfit choice was black cargo pants with a red shirt, I think trainers would look good with this. I go to walk downstairs when I'm scooped up by a pair of strong arms. "Hey Emmy!" I give my best smile. He nuzzles into me neck for a moment before walking down the stairs. "I can walk you know?" He nods, "yeah but you'd be limping. I think this would be better." I roll my eyes. "Morning everyone!" I get a chorus of 'morning's back. Emmy places me on the couch with Eddy and I lay my head on his shoulder. "You okay bonnie?" He asks whilst placing an arm around me. I shrug. "I feel fine." I kinda feel bad that everyone has to take care of me again. I mean they already help me so much but now they would be carrying me, according to Emmy anyways. "We're here for you." Eddy says as if he read my mind, I smile and let myself relax a bit. "Yeah.." Jazzy passes me a slice of toast with an egg on top as I sit in front of the Tv. "Thanks!" He nods and sits down beside me. We watch the news for a bit because I woke up a little early.

As we're getting the final few things together I hear this,

"The man you all know as the 'county kidnapper' has been released early from prison due to good behaviour. If you don't know him, he kidnapped one girl in each county he visited and raped each one. All the girls are safe now but they are all still traumatised by the man.

John how do you feel about this?" The woman turns to a man sat beside her.

"Well, personally I think people like that should never be released no matter their behaviour as they'll just go back to their old ways. Who knows. The problem is-"

Before he continued anymore I held a hand over my mouth and scampered up the stairs to the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me and threw up my just eaten breakfast into the toilet. I cough whilst doing so making my throat burn more than it already is, once everything I had eaten was out of my stomach and I felt less nauseous I rested my head on the toilet bowl. I don't care if it's gross, I felt gross and weak. A soft knock comes from the door, I flush the toilet, "come in." Jazzy walks in with a weary smile on his face. "Hey.." "hi baby." He sits down beside me and strokes my cheek, "you feel okay?" I shake my head. "He's out of jail! He's free! You heard the guy, he could resort to his old ways. He could-... he could come back for any one of us or all of us!" I cry out wrapping my arms around myself in an attempt to comfort myself. He shakes his head, "we'd never let him take you! Never again..." I shove the top of my head into the centre of his chest and sigh. "I don't feel like going to school. Can we just stay at yours?" He runs his hand through my short hair and smiles, "of course you can." From upstairs you could hear Emmy yell, "you heard her! Rosalie you call the school, Edward you call Esme. We're skipping school!" He cheers. I roll my eyes and chuckle a little. "Before we go I need to brush my teeth again.." Jazzy puts the toilet seat lid down and sets me on it whilst he reaches for my toothbrush. He puts my usual toothpaste on it and passes it to me. I brush my teeth then Jazzy carries me downstairs to the others.

They all give me a sympathetic smile and Rose kisses my forehead as she takes me from Jazzy. "How about we have some cookies or maybe ice cream?" She carries me out of the house as I think, "both?" She nods, "I think that's a good choice." The whole drive there we were talking about things, probably to keep my mind off of 'him'. Rose walks up the stairs and Es- mom, instantly engulfs me in a big hug. "Someone wants some of your famous cookies." Rose says, mom instantly brings me to the kitchen and burn out the ones I remember her making the other day. "They're still pretty fresh but if they're stale do tell me and I'll make a fresh batch." I nod and pick up a cookie, nibbling at the edges then slowly making my through the rest of it. Even though mom thought they would be stale they are perfect, it has the right amount of crunch. Not too soft but not too crunchy. And it has chocolate chips! I loved it. I stopped at the one cookie though, I still felt slightly nauseous and feared I'd throw up again.

Bella's POV:

When I got to school this morning everyone was whispering and gossiping around me. I walk up to Jessica and her posse "whys everyone whispering?" She lets out a small gasp, "you don't know?" I shake my head, "know what?" "Bonnie's kidnapper has been let out of prison and your sister isn't in school cause of it." Eric says, I nod absorbing what I was just told. I scoff, "she's probably crying somewhere." The group laugh awkwardly then start talking again. "Hey where are ten Cullen's?" I ask, "if Bonnie isn't here, the Cullen's won't be. They're stuck at the hip" I clench my jaw, this could've been my chance to get close to them without her but no, she's got to ruin it when she isn't even here.

Through out the entire day everyone was giving me this look of pity, I couldn't tell if it was because the kidnapper was released or because I was actually related to that cry baby. Other than all of that the day was super boring, I did get a fair bit of attention but there was no one to look at. Like none of the guys here are anywhere near any of the Cullen's beauty wise, and probably smarts too. I saw a guy sticking two pencils up his nose and wiggling them about, this place is weird. 
When I get home after school she's not even here, nor are the Cullen's. I groan and fall into my bed. I need to find a way to separate them... Technically, the can't always be with her if she's in the hospital right? This might just work as long as none of the Cullen's are with her. The rest of the afternoon I spend thinking about what I'm going to do. Dads going to be back late cause of some animal hunt so it'll be just us two. I start to think if this is even worth it or if it's a good idea, but I get rid of all those useless thoughts and focus. I'm going to get the boy and I'm going to make sure she doesn't have anyone. I'm the normal one anyways.

I hear the door open and her talking to someone, I creep my head around the door. She was just saying good night. Thank god, this wouldn't work if someone else was here. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen as if I'm going to get myself something to eat, "hey sis. Can we talk." She backs away from me, "umm no I'm kinda busy." "Busy with what?" I snap back. "Homework?" She states but says it like a question. "Come on I just want to talk for a bit. I want to put everything behind us and start a fresh." I say leaning back onto the counter and pulling out a knife from the wooden block on the counter. She cautiously walks forwards and asks, "why now? Why after everything?" I shrug my shoulders, "I realise how silly I've been and that I need to grow up-" as I say that I swing the knife towards her but it doesn't hit her. Someone had grabbed my hand, when I look over to the side of me I see Emmett holding my wrist and to the other side my sorry excuse for a sister is in the arms of Rosalie.

"What do you think your doing?" He asks, each word seething with anger. I don't say anything and drop the knife. Rosalie glares at me as I just stand there. I try to pull my wrist away from him but his grip is too tight and is starting to bruise my hand, "let me go you're hurting me!" I yell. He lets go of my hand still glaring at me. Then he proceeds to walk over to his girlfriend or sister or whatever and check on Bonnie. Without saying another word they leave, my legs give out under me and I fall to the kitchen floor with the knife beside me. My mind starts racing. She wouldn't tell dad right?

 She wouldn't tell dad right?

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(Her outfit)

Word count: 1553

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