Chatper 2

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Bonnie's POV:

I wake up feeling cold so I cuddle up into a hard pillow. Wait hard pillow? what? I open my eyes to find Jazzy reading a book, I gently shove my head between his arm so it's around me. "Morning Bon Bon. You feel better?" I nod and yawn. He pats my hair down and looks at me tenderly, "how about you sleep some more, it's only been 4 hours." I shake my head, "4 hours is enough. I can just drink some coffee or have an-" "you are not having an energy drink." I turn to the door and see Rose "why not!" She walks over and sits on the bed. "Because when your hyper you become overwhelmed by everything." I raise a brow, "last time Carlisle was at work and you couldn't find him so you started crying and said he was avoiding you because you called him a dummy earlier that day." I close my mouth and hide under the covers embarrassed. "I don't remember this happening..." I mumble. Rose scoops me up and brings me downstairs, I give up resisting and rest my head on her shoulder. "I can walk you know?" "I know but it's nice to carry you. After all you have such a small body it must take forever to get places." I huff at her and cross my arms. "Does not! I'm a similar height to Alice!" She nods and sets me down on the counter, "yes but she always wears heels and you don't like heels do you?" I shake my head thinking about all the times I've fallen over trying to walk in heels which eventually made me give up on wearing them. "You hungry?" I shake my head, "I feel like being sick more than anything." She places her hand on my forehead and looks at me worryingly, "do you feel warm? Feverish?" I shake my head and move her hand to my cheek instead. "I'm fine I just feel bad about yesterday. I made a fuss three times! Shouldn't you be annoyed or something?"

Jasper and Edward come skidding into the room, they even crashed into each other. "Don't say such things! We hang about with you because we like you!" "We don't find you annoying! Your adorable and if anyone says otherwise they must have a problem with their eyes!" I sat there wide eyed. I did not expect them to be so upset by me saying that. I nod not wanting them to continue, I don't deserve praises like that anyways. Whilst I mindlessly sit there thinking about random things I touch my hair. It's grown out a lot, it's now by my shoulders. I shiver at the thought and look at Rose. "Can we cut my hair short again? I'm still not comfortable with it being this long-"

—-random flashback 😩—-

He grabs my hair and pushes my face into the bed, "I don't think you've learnt you're lesson yet have you?" He doesn't give me a chance to answer him before I hear the sound of his belt clinking. I shake my head violently in an attempt to beg him to stop. He ignores my pleas and the belt was thrown across the room, he's not going to hit me? Wait no no nonononono. I try to wriggle out of his grip but he holds my hips in place with one hand and grabs the back of my neck with the other. "You're going to learn who you belong to right here and now." He yells at me, the next thing I hear is the sound of his zipper being undone. I plead for him to stop but ignores me, he pulls down my trousers and...

I don't know how long he was at it or when I lost consciousness but by the time I woke up he was buckling his belt back up and threw a towel on me then he left. I sat up but winced in pain and laid down on my side, my body was bruised and sore. I felt so dirty. I grabbed the towel and scrubbed my body till my skin became red, I hated him and myself in that moment. That was the last time I saw him until a few days later when he comes back.

—-Flashback end—-

I was being shaken by Eddy and he was yelling at me to get a grip, without realising I was crying in his arms. When I calm down a bit and look up from his shirt the entire family has gathered and have the same look on their face. "I'm fine guys!" Jazzy picks me up and hugs my tight then Eddy steals me from him and hugs me even tighter! He places me down after a minute, "I was just lost in my thoughts, I'm fine really." It takes them awhile but eventually they all calm down. "Can I change clothes? I feel gross? Can we also shave my hair while we're at it?" Esme nods and holds out her hand for me to take which I happily do. We walk upstairs and into a room I haven't been in before, I think it was Carlisle and Esme's room. She has me sit on a stool in front of a mirror and leaves the room for a minute. She then comes back with a shaver, "can you hold still for me? I don't want to accidentally nick you." I nod and keep as still as I can whilst she shaves my hair off. By the end it's short on the sides and I have a bit of my front hair left. I loved it! I turn and hug Esme, "Thanks! I love it!" She smiles. "I'm glad you do, now why don't you go find Alice of Rose to help you with the bath?" I nod, hug her one last time then run out the room to show of my new look.

"Guys!" The boys start clapping and the girls all hug me and tell me how pretty it looks. I tug on Rose's shirt and she leans down for me, "can you help me with the bath?" I whisper, she nods and brings me up to a big bathroom. "You feel up to it?" I stare at the bath for a moment then nod. "I can do this!" She fills the bath with about an inch or two of warm water and I slowly place myself in, every few seconds taking a deep breathe to calm myself down. I start washing my body when I start to feel uncomfortable and start roughly scrubbing at my skin to get rid of the yucky feeling I felt. Rose quickly snatches the sponge from me and looks at the damage I've done. "Oh my god Bonnie!" It didn't look too bad to me but maybe it looks worse by another person's viewpoint. She calls in Alice and Esme, they both come running in but by that point I was sat on the floor with a towel draped over me.

Esme bends down and hugs me, "why'd you hurt yourself?" I shrug, "felt gross." She didn't ask anymore questions and has Alice follow us to the room to help me decide what to wear.  Thankfully she lets me wear some black joggers and a simple oversized hoodie. I race downstairs and jump onto the couch beside Jazzy then nuzzle up to him. "Your dad will be here soon to pick you up. You okay to go home?" I hug his arm and nod, "knowing you guys one of you will sneak into my room later anyways so I feel safe to sleep! So I'll see one of you tonight anyways." He nods as if to say 'fair point' and goes back to reading his book. 5 minutes later there's a knock on the door and my dad comes walking in a couple seconds later. I wave from the couch, "Hi dad!" He walks over and kisses my head. "Hey baby girl. How you feeling?" "Yucky?" He nods and takes my hand, I hop up from the couch and walk to the front door. I pause to put on my shoes then I grab dads hand again and we leave. "Bye bye!" There's a chorus of 'bye's from all the cullens and I hop in the car.

We get home and dad goes straight for the couch, I sit beside him and we watch the game.  "How was school?" "For the hour or so I was there it was decent." He nods and goes back to watching the game. "Dad what's wrong?" I ask, he's not usually this quiet and his brows are furrowed. "Your sister is coming to live here. I know she doesn't know what happened and she's not always the nicest but her mom and step dad are touring about for a bit and has to stay somewhere. She'll be here in two days." I look at him speechless, I wish he would've told me this sooner. Bella not being nice was an understatement, she was always jealous of my happy attitude attracting lots of attention and just didn't like how popular I was. I mean now she won't hate me as much because I have a smaller group of friends now. I nod slowly and make my way up the stairs. "You hungry?" I pause at the base of the stairs and shake my head, "I'm good." He nods and goes back to watching the game. Neither of us knew how to feel about the situation but he knew he couldn't turn Bella away. I close my bedroom door and flop onto my bed with a big sigh.

Awhile later my bedroom window creeks open and Emmy bear makes his way in. I make grabby hands and he instantly comes to lay beside me. "Remember now I said about my sister?" He nods, "yeah the one who always cause trouble." I nod. "She didn't cause trouble exactly but she just wanted..." "what you had?" I couldn't argue with what he said and just nod, "well she'll be staying for awhile and she'll be here in two days." Emmy lifts up my chin so I look at him, "are you okay with this?" I look away not wanting to answer, I felt bad because she was my sister and I was scared she'd take away my friends again. Honestly I don't know what I'd do without the cullens. "I- I mean yeah, she's my sister..." Emmy bear sighs and covers us both with the sheets, "sleep. We can talk more about this tomorrow." I yawn and nod, "night Emmy bear." "Good night Bon Bon."

(Hair style now)

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(Hair style now)

Word count: 1793

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