Chapter 39

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Sam's POV:

I felt so bad for little Bonnie, she's been through so much and now Billy who she's always seen as her uncle is dead. The worst part is he's been dead for nearly a month and no one told her.

I carried her into the pack house and Emily rushed over with a worried look on her face. "She just found out about Billy.." my imprint covers her mouth to not let the small gasp escape her then offers to carry Bonnie. She sits on the couch with Bonnie cuddled into her. Whilst I know Bonnie is aware with what's going on she seems to be in some sort of odd daze. I did the only thing I knew I could do when it came to cold bloods; I called Carlisle.

"I know it's Bella's wedding but it's about Bonnie."

"Is she alright?"

"I- I don't know...She found out about Billy's death and is in some sort of daze right now. She's not responding to anything we do or say." I felt so lost and unable to help, the best I could do was call Carlisle and keep the new pack members away.

"It sounds like she's disassociating currently, she's basically going through a mental process of disconnecting herself from her thoughts, feelings and memories to ignore the pain she's going through. I personally can't leave right now but would your pack allow her mate to cross the treaty line?" I look over at Emily and Bonnie, Emily nods and I sigh. "Alright, he can come. I'll alert the rest of the pack not to attack." We say our goodbyes then hang up.

"Bonnie's mate is coming over here, do not attack the cold blood. He is only here to help." I say through the pack link. Jacob starts asking a bunch of questions and so do a few others. Mainly the newer pack members who don't know who Bonnie is or why we're allowing a cold blooded over our treaty line. I quickly silenced them and sat down on the couch with Emily. "How'd it go?" I could hear just how worried she was, I'm surprised how attached she has become to the little cold blood. "Not well, she's disassociating. Doesn't seem to be a good thing considering Carlisle is sending her mate over....You see quite happy to look after her- do you want?" Emily looks at me with shock in her eyes. "I- I mean..I don't know..." I smile softly and kiss her forehead, "we can think about this for as long as need be."

Marcus' POV:

I wasn't happy letting my mate leave with that foolish wolf boy and now Carlisle got a call sayings she's disassociating. I nod towards my old friend and speed off into the woods when no one was looking.

It wasn't hard to find Bonnie, I simply had to look for the place that most smelt like wet dog. When I got to the entrance I saw how the alpha and his mate were sat on the couch with Bonnie spread across them. The both of them talking between them and sometimes to Bonnie.

I walk over quietly, the leader doesn't turn around until a floorboard creeks, "relax. I should be the one who's upset considering that's my mate in your arms" The man calms down and I walk around the couch to face them and my mate. "How long had she been like this?" "Since she saw Billy's grave essentially. Does this happen often?" I shake my head at the worried woman, "No, I've only seen her like this twice before but I never saw her at her worst... I'll take her back to the Cullen's." The man hands me my mate and we all stand up and walk to the doors.

"For wolves you're not so bad."

"We're shifters not we're wolves. We can control ourselves and the transformation." The man snaps. I hum and give him a small apology. As I start asking a couple questions more shifters turn up and seem quite upset with me being here. "Hmm seems I must take my leave for now. I do hope our next meeting will be a much nicer one." The leader nods his head and says his goodbyes along with his mate.

I then race back to the Cullen's house, her father and the Cullens minus the Edward boy and his new wife are here. "Why did no one tell her of Billy's death?" I ask trying to keep myself calm. "Bella said she called Bonnie and told her..I believed her...god.." her dad seemed to feel horrible about this. "It's not your fault, it's Bella's. She lied to you." He nods but hides his face in his hands. "I guess we are going to stay the night. I'm going to call my brothers and tell them we will be back a little later than originally planned." I say handing over my mate to Esme and Carlisle.


"Aro?" "Marcus? What is the matter?"

"It seems that foolish waste of space didn't inform our queen of her uncles death. She's currently heart broken and disassociated. We will be back a little later than we had originally planned. Do warn Kris and little Anne for us. Maybe Charolette, that woman is fiercely protective of my mate." I sigh rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Alright brother. I will try to stop the queens and the rest of our coven from storming the place. You'd be surprised how attached they've become. Some are even calling her 'mother' when she's not around and when they think we're not listening. It's quite adorable." I roll my eyes and the amount of amusement in my soul brothers tone and say goodbye. I felt as if there wasn't enough energy in the world to deal with him teasing me as of right this moment.

A/n: I felt so bad for leaving you guys like that after killing off Billy and making Bonnie cry her heart out like that. Have this until the next chapter is out! I don't know how much more I'll be writing but my plan is to get past breaking dawn part 2, so a little more to go! Hope you enjoyed.

Word count: 1052

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