Chapter 16

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Bonnie's POV:

I roll over into a cold yet comfortable surface and nuzzle into it, a soft chuckle escapes from the surface. "Are you awake piccolo?" I shake my head into Marcus' chest, "I see, still asleep?" I nod and he chuckles again. After a minute of back and forth between the two of us I open my eyes only to find myself captivated in his red eyes. His complexion, eyes, personality, everything suits him perfectly and although it might take awhile to admit it, he is rather attractive. It didn't matter that the room was dimly lit and I could barely see, you'd have to be blind to not marvel at him. Does becoming a vampire make you pretty? My mind goes on a rant about the Cullen family's beauty then the Volturi then my mate's, I was only snapped out of it when the bedroom door is burst open and Rose walks in.

She completely ignores Marcus and walks over to my side of the bed then sits, gently stroking my short hair and moving it away from my forehead a bit. "Dinner's ready. It's pasta bake" Rose hums, knowing my love for all things pasta. I sit up and do grabby arms, though she huffs I don't think she's annoyed with me because she picks me up anyways and takes me downstairs. Mom puts a bowl of very tasty looking pasta down on the counter, "you sleep well?" I nod and stretch to get rid of all my sleepiness. "Feel safe in his arms." I mumble, thank god for their enhanced senses otherwise I don't think she would've heard me. Rose places me on the counter whilst mom hands me a fork, I thank her and dig into my delicious meal. It took me much less time to eat my small portion of food thankusual, what can I say I'm a gannett for all things pasta.

The rest of the night was me talking with the boys and playing games with them or when I wanted to take a break I spoke with the kings about something. "Hey Caius?" He hums not looking up from his book, "did you really paint that painting in DA's study of the four of you?" He closes his book with a smirk on his face. "I did. Why?" I hold up my hand asking him to wait whilst I run up the stairs to grab one of the drawings I brought back from school. I race back down the stairs carefully holding onto my artwork like it was my baby, then I slid to a stop thrusting the art work in front of Caius. "A raccoon?" I nod and watch as his eyes carefully follow each line of the drawing. "I don't do realism often but I was really really happy with this!" He nods placing it down onto the table then beckons me over. "How about when we get to the castle I'll show you some of mine?" He grins, I nod frantically now really excited to see his artwork. "It's good." From a vampire who has had probably hundreds of years of experience it felt pretty good to hear him say that. "Wanna have it?" He looks up at me slightly shocked but quickly hides his expression, "are you quite sure?" I nod, "if it's something a really talented vampire who has had god knows how many years of practice then yeah! I'm proud to have drawn it and that you like it." Caius looks back down at the drawing and smiles fondly at it.

Probably about 10 minutes or so later I yawn and waddle into the kitchen where mom and da are flirting. I stare at them till they finally look at me. "W-what's wrong sweetie?" Mom asks a little shocked, I was probably zoning at by that point. "Hot choco?" I ask, she smiles and nods, grabbing the powered chocolate from the cupboard whilst I climb on the counter to get a cup of sorts. I get picked up and lowered back onto the ground by Da, he chuckles and shakes his head handing me what looks like an adult sippy cup? Okay maybe not adult but it was a sippy cup and it was cute, didn't really match my aesthetic but it had cats ears and whiskers. It made me happy so I went with it. I gave the cup to mom and she made me some hot chocolate whilst I jeep telling da dad jokes. "Please continue to tell these whilst I'm gone." I giggle, he nods and smiles with a mischievous glint in his golden eyes, mom hands me my cup back and I hug her waist. "Thanks!" "No problem." She smiles back down to me, I waddle back over to the couch and wiggle my way between Jazzy and Marcus. I lean my back against Marcus and place my legs on Jazzy, I look at both of them to make sure it was okay and when they nodded I relaxed a bit and drank my hot choco. My entire body loosened up as I continued to drink the smooth warm liquid. "What you got there Bon Bon?" Jazzy asks, I nuzzle into Marcus' side breathing in his calming scent and smile. "Hot choco." He smiles and we continue with a little bit of small talk here and there until I eventually fall asleep again.

Marcus' POV:

My little Bonnie continued to talk with the Cullen boy until she began to slur her words, then he left her be until she eventually fell asleep. She dropped her arm down off the side of the couch with her cup in hand, thankfully it was empty so no spillage. I picked her up and brought her back up to bed after saying good night to my souls brothers and the Cullen's. I gently lay her on her bed and cover the both of us with her comfort blanket. I close my eyes even though I know nothing of sleep, or at least I haven't for the past few thousand years.

I keep her close in my arms until I hear a gentle knocking on the door. The dim light creeps into half the room and Carlisle's head peeks through the door. He quietly gestures for me to come closer to him, begrudgingly I separate myself from my adorable mate and walk outside of the room closing the door behind me. "What do you need at this time of night Carlisle?" I growl, hating the fact I'm away from Bonnie. "I know you want to go back in and cuddle with her but I need to tell you something. Her sister seems to have a shield so she may have some form of power. Also I don't know how well she'd deal with the trials so easing her into it would be a good idea." I nod, with how she is currently waiting to do some of her duties can wait. There are two other queens who can help her anyways. I think they'll get along anyway. We continue to talk for another minute or two, even though I'm not far from her I'm antsy to get back in bed with her. "You can always visit old fri-" I was cut off by a heart wrenching scream, it was Bonnie. Carlisle and I rush into her room only to find her hiding under her blanket and sobbing, mumbling something incoherent. I pick up her bundle of fluff and rock her gently to try and calm her. She stopped sobbing but continued mumbling something. Eventually she showed her face but instantly buried it in my neck. "He was here...In my r-room..." Carlisle and I were taken aback, who was here? And how did no one notice? "Who was here piccolo?" I ask softly as I rub circles on her back, "T-the bad m-man.." Carlisle's face darkens and he stands up leaving the room without another word. It took me a moment before it clicked.

Word count: 1346

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