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Okay this is gonna be fairly quick and straight to the point.

I have my mocks coming up within two weeks and they are doing to last two or just over two weeks. Essentially until my Christmas break I will be revising and doing tests.

This unfortunately means I have to focus my very unfocused brain for like a month, which also sadly means that 'His little mate' will be going on a short break.

I may still write during that time but I'm not gonna lie, half of it probably won't make sense and I'll be stressing about everything else so figuring out how the English language works after like over 15 exams in two (and a half maybe) weeks. No thanks.

Love you all and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

I don't mind but if you guys want I can remove this page after my exams are done and replace it with the chapter or I can just leave it here for you guys to take pity on my dumbass.

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