1:1 The Beginning

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Part One: the Dead Rise

Chapter One: The Beginning

I woke up one day in the hospital. I had no name, no birthday, no identity whatsoever. I remember the nurse brought me a mirror after I told her I didn't even know what colour my eyes were. They're blue, with little hints of silver. My hair is blonde with soft curls, except for my fringe which is more wavy than curly. When I woke up, my hair was almost as long as I was tall. Now, I don't let it get longer than mid-back. My skin was a sickly pale colour, and I looked as if I hadn't eaten in months. I'm still pale, but at least now there's some pink in my cheeks, and my weight is at a healthy number.

I spent two weeks trying to figure things out. I cut my hair, and tried to eat what I could to gain some weight. The doctors said that I had been brought in by an anonymous party, and just left there. That I had been unconscious for nearly a year.

Everyone here called me "child", not knowing my name. Until one day there was a man. He was tall, with floppy brown hair and green eyes that seemed to know everything. He wore a Tweed jacket and a bow-tie, and he stood in my doorway with a delighted grin on his face.

"Wha- who are you?" I blinked and sat down on my bed.

"I am the Doctor, you are Adrian, and I found you!" He swept into the room and grabbed my arm.

"Wait, what? I-" he pulled me out of the room and down the hall to a blue box that hadn't been there before. "Where did that come from? What even is that?" It stuck out in the bright white hallway. A blue wooden box, with 'police public call box' written across the top.

"She's the TARDIS!" He pulled out a key and opened the door, pushing me in. "Time And Relative Dimension In Space!"

"Did you find her, Doctor?" A voice echoed to my ears and I looked around.

"I-it's bigger inside!" I was shocked! There was a whole room here, a lot bigger than the outside of the blue box. There was a large panel full of buttons and levers surrounding this column of light, and stairs and bridges leading farther in.

"Yes yes!" I was pushed farther in and I heard the door slam behind us. "And yes, Amy Pond! I found her!"

"Oh my God! Adrian, you're okay!" I looked over at the woman rushing to me, and had just enough time to establish that she was a red-head before I was practically tackled.

"Um, okay..." I awkwardly patted her back. "But I'm not okay. Who are you people, and why are you kidnapping me? And who's Adrian?"

"You were right. She doesn't remember us..." the woman sounded sad as she pushed away, and looked at me with sad green eyes. Then her face hardened and she spun around to face the man. "Doctor, you fix this! I'll tell River if you don't!"

In this little bit of time, I managed to realize that the woman was Scottish and there was another man now standing nearby. "Fix... what's going on?" The second man looked a little mousy, and he went to put his arm around the woman.

"The Doctor found Adrian, but she really doesn't remember us. Which means she won't remember River."

The second man went silent, and looked at me silently. Then all three of them looked at me, and I crossed my arms and sighed. "Look. Okay, I have no memory, but I'm fine with it, alright? Who are you and why did you kidnap me from the hospital? And please stop lookin' at me with those sad sad eyes!" I scowled and wiggled my toes. I had been pulled so quickly, I was still in my plain white PJ's and barefoot. "And who's River?"

The man in the bow-tie ran his fingers through his hair and walked to me quickly, bending down to my level. He was a couple feet taller than me. "I am so so sorry, Adrian. We didn't kidnap you. I'm your father."

"Huh? My... How..." I blinked and shook my head.

"Yes, for your last seventeen years. Since you were born." The man in the bow-tie placed his hands on my shoulders and squeezed lightly. "Although I've only been looking after you for a couple years..."

"Maybe we should go somewhere... get something to eat." The woman cut in as I was still trying to process what this man had just told me. He was my father?

"Right. Food. Um, first things first, Amy can you take her to the wardrobe and get her some clothes? I'll fly us somewhere with good food." The bow-tie man clapped his hands and spun around, and I just blinked.

"Alright. Adrian? Come on, you need actual clothes..." the redhead gently gripped my wrist and pulled me down a corridor.

After about half an hour, I was standing in front of a mirror in new clothes. I wore a simple red tee that showed off my midsection, a black plaid mini skirt, and a black leather jacket with lots of zippers. A pair of black combat boots encased my feet, and a pair of black fingerless gloves enveloped my hands. A black collar like necklace rested on my neck.

"There. Cute!" She smiled and put her hands on my shoulders. Then she led me back to where the men were. She pulled my hair back to cascade down my back. "All dressed! Where are we at? I'm sure Adrian is hungry."

The 'doctor' character smiled softly before he clapped his hands and turned to the doors. "Right! Come along, lunch awaits!"

We all followed him off the ship and to a quaint little place in a quaint little town. It was chilly, and I was thankful I had the jacket on. I looked around the place once we were inside, and noticed first thing a lot of coca-cola... things everywhere. Two pool tables, a jukebox, and a door that just sat there, by itself. Amy and the other man went to the counter in the back and apparently ordered food.

The man who claimed to be my father sat at a table with a lot of chairs. A man sat at one of the other tables, a scattering of cups, plates and napkins spread around him. He wore a black shirt, and black plaid shorts. His hair was shaggy, brown with blonde highlights, and reached past his ears. Instead of trying to figure out why I felt completely at home following this madman around, I spent my time staring at the man.

"Doctor, How do you plan on fixing this?" Amy sat in a chair next to me and started playing with my hair, probably not even noticing. I decide to let her, mostly because as unsafe as I had felt at the hospital, I felt safe with her.

I would have started listening, but another man walked in and slapped the first one's hand. This one was dark haired and wore ripped skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with some band logo on it. He had the beginnings of a beard. A girl jogged up to them and hugged them both. She had long dark waves and wore very blue jeans and a red plaid shirt.

Then, the door opened and I turned to see a woman with blonde space hair walk in. She smiled and looked around. "Hello sweeties."

The madman next to me sputtered. "Ah, R- River!"

~picture is what I think Adrian looks like...

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