3:6 Danger

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Part Three: The Impossible

Chapter Six: Danger

I stood very still. They knew. How did they know? I tried several times to speak. Failed each time to make my voice work. So instead, I took the time to study these two, to see what their reactions were. I could feel the tension behind me, both my parents seemingly unsure of how to take this information. I glanced at Ronnie and Cali, both looking confused. Right, I'd never explained the war to them. I'll have to do that later.

The studying would have to wait. Mrs. Brisby reached out for my hand as another contraction hit, and I sucked my breath in at the strength she had. She looked so fragile there, yet held my hand in a death grip. I think I blacked out for a moment, but next thing I knew there was a baby in the woman's arms. He wailed and cried, his face blotched red. I gasped and smiled.

"He's beautiful, Mrs. Brisby." I leaned forward and stroked his hand, which the babe grabbed a hold of. He squinted at me and calmed down, and I smiled.

"Thank you." Mrs. Brisby was breathless as she cradled her son, tears in her eyes. She blinked and followed his gaze. "He likes you." She sounded astonished and amazed.

You have no idea. I wiped a tear off my own cheek and smiled wider. "I guess I have a way with babies."

The little bit of awe halted when the nurse came rushing in, a panicked looked on her face. "They're here! We need to get him to safety!"

In just a few minutes, the babe was diapered and wrapped in a blanket. He was crying again, and it took everything I had to not go to him, to comfort baby Cauden as he was hastily prepared for departure.

"There's only one place he'll be safe. Please, you must take him to Kodomo!" Mrs. Brisby was talking to the nurse, trying to soothe little Cauden. My hearts each skipped a beat when I heard her mention the planet I had grown up on.

I went straight to them and nodded. "Kodomo is a very good choice. I grew up there, it's the safest place for children." I blushed when I saw their curious gazes, and I swear I could feel their judgements. Cauden's parents' and the nurse's. "Long story. But the point is, Mrs. Brisby is right. It's safest." When the nurse still didn't agree, I turned to Mum exasperated.

"Mrs. Brisby, why don't we let Adrian hold your son while we discuss this. We don't want him to get stressed at so young an age." Mum smiled and stepped forward. A minute later, she handed baby Cauden to me, smiling gently. "Let Ronnie and Cali see him. But stay in the room."

I nodded, holding him close. He had quieted down as soon as he saw me, yawning. I smiled and carried him to where my friends stood. "Meet baby Cauden!" They leaned close and pulled the blanket away from his face.

"He's so cute!" Cali grinned and stroked his face a bit, enthralled.

"He looks like a potato with arms an legs." Ronnie chuckled and poked his cheek.

"Be nice!" I scolded him, grinning. "He's a cute potato."

My dad leaned in over my shoulder and held out his sonic screwdriver, scanning little Cauden. "Two hearts. So, how...."

"How did he have just one?" I finished his question. Huh. Then what.....

"Give up the child and surrender!" The voice was loud, almost mechanical. My dad stiffened and pulled me back, stepping in front of me.

"You stay with me. You do not leave this room. Do you understand, Adrian?" His tone was serious, which scared me. He was only serious when he knew something bad was about to happen. "Adrian, you stay here, no matter what happens."

I nodded, then stopped when I realized he couldn't see me. "Y-yea. I- I'll stay." My voice trembled, and little Cauden started to fuss. I looked down and smiled, bouncing him just the slightest. He calmed down, and I sighed in relief.

Mum stayed near Mrs. Brisby, and dad and Mr. Brisby stood between the rest of us and the man that stood in the doorway. Calico and Ronnie were now standing on either side of me.

The man in the doorway looked almost normal, if it wasn't for the strange horns on his head. They stood several inches tall, not unlike a devil's horns. His skin was tan, like he liked to be in the sun a lot, and his hair was pure white. From where I stood, I could see his cold gaze scanning the room with glowing red eyes. He wore a military looking uniform, with a dangerous looking weapon trained on all of us. "Surrender the child and you shall not be harmed." His voice sounded strange, like a recorded track. I tightened my hold on little Cauden, my hearts speeding up. As I stared at him, the man's expression changed. His red eyes shifted to me, and he looked curious. "Another. Two hearts. Excellent." He grinned, showing pointed teeth. "We shall take both."

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