4:2 Making Plans

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Part Four: Birthday Surprises

Chapter Two: Making Plans

~Third person POV~

River Song flipped switches and pushed levers, making sure the breaks were off. She was taking the nurse and baby Cauden to Kodomo. Once they landed, she turned to the nurse.

"This is the best place for him." She smiled, watching as the nurse pulled out a dropper filled with a slightly glowing purple liquid.

"This will make him seem human until the right time comes along." The young nurse fed the baby the liquid, and cringed when the boy started screaming. "He'll be alright. It's a bit of a painful process."

River watched in concern until the baby quieted down. Then she took the baby and exited the TARDIS. She found the headmistress quickly and got Cauden settled. "You'll see me again in a few years." She smiled sadly before she left, headed back to where the others waited. She planned to talk the Doctor into taking them all shopping. Her daughter's birthday was in four days, after all.

~Adrian's POV~

I sat in the little cafe with my friends and my parents, sipping a hot cup of peppermint tea. Everybody had commented positively on my new look, and I had changed my clothes as soon as I had the chance. Now I wore a mint green Sundress and white vans. I had a panda hoodie draped over my seat.

Dad had taken us to a planet full of shopping malls, and given my friends, Cauden and me all credits to spend. I was leaning on my mum, who kept checking me over to make sure I was really alright. I was enjoying the attention, honestly.

"I told you to be careful. Between you and your father, I'm going to gray way too early." Mum shook her head, her arm around my shoulders. I smiled, leaning my head on her shoulder. "Thank heavens you're part Timelord..."

"Oh mum, you don't have to worry so much, you know." I looked up at her and she smiled.

"So what's the plan then?" Ronnie folded his hands on the table and leaned forward, and I snatched up a chocolate from a plate in the middle.

"River and I will be taking Adrian with us awhile, while you kids do what you need." My dad smiled at Mum and me before grinning at my friends. "We'll all meet back here when we're finished." Everyone nodded their understanding.

"Everybody have their phones on, and everyone's numbers?" Mum checked her own phone, one dad had given her when he'd given me mine.

"Yea, we've got them." Calico smiled and stood, grabbing Kourtland by his arm and dragging him up. "We'll be off, then!" They left the cafe, Cali grinning and Kourtland smirking.

"Phone and numbers, check!" Ronnie grinned and stood as well, followed by Jesse. He circled around and messed up my hair a bit before they too, left.

Cauden's stood then, and I followed suit. I went to him and hugged him. "Stay out of trouble, okay?" I mumbled.

"I'll try. I'll call you if there is any trouble, alright?" He kissed my head as he squeezed me. I nodded and looked up at him, and he kissed my lips, sweet and gentle like.

"Alright alright, let's get going then." Dad grumped, and I smiled.

"See you later then." I stepped back to find my mum standing, and she put her arm around me.

I glanced at my parents, curious. "So. Where are we going?"

~sorry for the short chapter...

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