1:3 The Mystery Starts

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Part One: The Dead Rise

Chapter Three: The Mystery Starts

I had finally calmed down after a few more minutes. Ronnie and I sat on the swings for awhile, and were soon joined by Cali, Kourtland, and Cauden.

"Sorry if we seemed rude earlier. These two can be... childish." Kourtland grinned at his friends.

"I am not childish!" Cauden frowned and narrowed his eyes. Then he relaxed. "I prefer the term, immature." He winked at me, and I blinked back. What was all this winking? Did they all have a tick, or something in their eye?

"It's alright. I don't mind." I smiled a little, avoiding their gazes.

"These kids were rude to you?" Ronnie stood uo and glared at them all. I blinked again and stood up, not knowing what to do. "Want me to make sure they leave you alone?"

"Wait, what? I just said..."

"She said it was fine, dude. Calm down." Cauden scowled and crossed his arms. "And who are you calling kids? I'm older than you, Lyons!"

I backed away from the two men, freaking out. As I was walking backwards like a complete idiot, I stumbled over something and landed hard on my arse. "Oof!"

The whole group noticed and was surrounding me in less than two seconds. "Adrian! Are you alright?" Calico offered her hand to help me up.

"Y-yeah. I just... tripped. On something." I placed my hand in hers and she helped me up, dusting me off. I crouched down in front of the object I had tripped over, cocking my head to the side. "What is this?"

It looked like a strange box, with some shapes sticking out. Levers and buttons were wired on. I reached into my pocket for something, but found it empty. "Um, hey, Cali, can you go get the- my dad?"

"Yeah, sure." I barely noticed that he left as I studied this strange contraption.

I carefully moved my hand around it's parameter, looking for anything else strange. Right as I was about to touch it, I heard: "Don't touch it!" I gasped and looked up, seeing the madman with a bow-tie towering above me. He pulled out a strange device, long and slender with a light at the end. He crouched down and aimed the device at the contraption, and a strange sound emitted from it. "Hmm. Interesting."

"What is?" I looked from the device to the Doctor, confused. "And what is that?"

"Sonic screwdriver. And this seems to be emitting a signal somewhere..." he stood up suddenly, pulling me up with him. He held the sonic screwdriver out in front of him and pressed a button. "Come along, Adrian! We'll find where this is coming from..." he took off walking quickly, and I followed along.

I might not have any memory, but I was curious to see what that contraption was.

"Doctor? What kind of signal?" I glanced up to see my mum, Amy and Rory following us, with my new friends behind them.

"A strange one." The Doctor continued down the street and to a house. It was a normal sized house, I supposed. These were the only houses I remembered seeing up close.

"Um, I don't think we can just walk in..." I tried to reason with him, but there was no reasoning with the Doctor.

"Hello? Anybody home?" He at least knocked on the door before going in. I stayed right on his heels. "Well, what are you?"

"What is what?" I came up directly behind him and gripped his jacket as I looked around him. I barely managed to bite back a scream. The only person in the house was a dead girl. She stood in front of us, her skin a sickly blue. Her lips parted and a smoky white substance swirled from her, curling in the air. "Dad, what is that?"

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