2:1 Shouldn't There be Kids?

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Part Two: Where Are the Children?

Chapter One: Shouldn't There be Kids?

I sighed as I laid on the couch, fiddling with my sonic screwdriver. It had been three-and-a-half weeks since my dad had forced me on this... vacation. Not that I was complaining. This had given me an opportunity to get to know my friends better. To get closer to Cauden. Who was currently at work.

I decided to go for a walk, just to get some air and enjoy the little town I was in. I went to the bedroom and grabbed my favourite jacket, the black leather with all the zippers. I pulled my combat boots on and headed out the door, leaving a note in case Cauden came home before he saw me.

It was gray and cloudy out, the air held a certain chill. It felt nice, the cool breeze on my heated skin. I was just getting over a human cold, my fever had broke the day before.

"Hey Adrian! Feeling better?" The neighbor waved from the porch next door.

"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Rooks!" I smiled at the elderly neighbor and continued on my way. I'd been here for only a few weeks, but the residents already knew me. Most of them were kind.

I walked towards the library, having Cauden's library card in my pocket. He had returned the book I finished yesterday, and I was in need of another.

I got halfway there when I ran into someone. Literally, I smacked right into a human, and almost fell. Strong arms caught hold of me, steadying me. "Whoa! Adrian, what are you doing outside?"

I opened my eyes to stare right into Cauden's brown orbs. "I need a new book to read." I blinked at him and smiled.

"You're just getting over a cold. You could get sick again!" He placed the back of his hand on my forehead, feeling for a fever I suppose.

"I'm not sick anymore." I pulled out much sonic and set it to scan. I scanned myself and showed him the results. "See? I'm alright. Plus I wasn't planning on staying out for long." I pouted, knowing he was going into protective mode.

He sighed and cupped my face in his hands. I noticed he seemed to like doing that. He looked me over, probably looking for any signs that I was still sick. "I'll go with you, then." He kissed my forehead and took my hand.

"Okay!" I grinned and we started for the library again. "How was work?" I looked up at him.

"It was alright. Long day." He smiled at me as we came to the front doors of the library. He pulled the door open and held it for me.

"Why thank you, good sir!" I giggled and went in, stopping and waiting for him to take my hand again.

He did take my hand, and he pulled me to a stop. "What book were you planning on looking for?"

"I dunno. Maybe something on history..." I had been reading up on human's interpretation of Earth's history, comparing it to what I knew. "I read American history last time. I'm thinkin' British history this time..." as I was rambling on like an idiot, Cauden was pulling me along towards the back of the building, where the history section was. I noticed this, and started looking through the books that were shelved.

"You really like your history, huh?" He chuckled and leaned close, looking at the books I was scanning.

"Yea. I like to see how much human's got wrong. Nine times out of ten, my dad was involved." I caught sight of a certain book on the top shelf and reached up. That's how I figured out that I was much too short.

"Here. This one?" Cauden moved so that he was directly behind me, and reached up for the book I wanted.

"Yea." I was breathless. I could feel the heat from his body radiating off him, his other hand was on my shoulder. He pulled the book down, and I turned around. He didn't move back, but handed me the book. "Thanks." I could feel the heat in my cheeks as the backs of his fingers brushed my hair away.

He leaned in close, his face a centimetre away. My breath caught, and I clutched the book to my chest. His fingers caressed my face, and then tangled in my hair as he closed in. He whispered, "Adrian..."

"Yes?" Was my breathless answer. His lips touched mine, and I completely forgot where we were. My eyes closed of their own accord, and I put the book on the shelf behind me before wrapping my arms around his neck. Our lips moved in sync, and I gasped when he bit my lip.

His hands moved to my waist, pulling me as close as he could as he slipped his tongue between my lips. My cheeks reddened, and I ran my fingers through his hair.

I heard a click and an "Aww!" and we pulled away to see Calico and Kourtland standing in the aisle. Kourtland was snickering and Cali was grinning, her phone in her hand. I blushed harder and buried my face in Cauden's chest.

"Bloody hell, guys!" I mumbled, and I felt more than heard Cauden chuckle. I groaned and smacked his chest once, avoiding looking at the others.

"You two are so cute!" Cali snickered, and I pulled away to glare at her. It turned into more of a pout, and she giggled. Which made me smile.

I turned in Cauden's arms and picked up the book I wanted to read, and we all made our way to the front counter. Cauden kept his arm around me, holding me close to him. I tried to get to the library card in my pocket, but he wouldn't move. "Which pocket is it in?" He grinned down at me.

I sighed, defeated. "It's in the right, back pocket of my jeans..." I blushed as he slid his hand down into my back pocket, the palm of his hand cupping my arse. I shivered and grit my teeth,and he chuckled at me.

He handed the card to the librarian, and we were on our way out in no time. We passed the elementary school, and I noticed it was eerily quiet. Cali noticed too, because she pulled out her phone. "What time is it?"

Kourtland threw her a funny look and pulled his phone out. "3:36p.m. Why?"

"Shouldn't there be kids running around?"

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