2:8 Caught

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Part Two: Where Are the Children?

Chapter Eight: Caught

The Daicions dragged us all the way back to the common room. The children were being grouped together and separated from the adults. I caught sight of Caith, who was also cuffed.

I smiled at her and nodded to her cuffed hands. "What you do?" I smirked, knowing she'd take the joke. I'd gotten my sense of humor from her, after all. "I ran."

She managed a smile and shook her head. "I tried to help the children escape." She was led away, off to the other side, I presume.

I smiled again and winced when I was yanked sideways. "So you're the Doctor's daughter. Pretty little thing, if human's weren't ugly." I looked towards the snarling voice, wincing at the sight before me.

A male Daicion stood in front of us, his skin bare. He wore the uniform of what I assumed was Kardian military, but he had no fur. Minus the few random tufts, here and there. "You had a very bad day, didn't you?" I stared wide eyed, almost feeling bad for him.

"Shut up!" He swung his hand, and my head whipped to the side.

"No!" I glanced up to see Cauden struggling to get free. "Leave her alone!"

"Cauden, I'm okay!" I yelled at him, and he looked over at me, worried. I smiled at him, despite the throbbing in my cheek. "We'll get out of this." He nodded, and I caught a tiny smile before a hand forced me to look at the naked Daicion.

"Enough! You will not be escaping!" He looked angry, and his face was all red and blotchy.

"You should really calm down, anger is doing nothing for your complexion." I blinked. He hit me again, and this time I tasted blood. I composed myself before looking at him again. "Beating me isn't going to get you what you want."

"No, I know that. It's just fun." He sneered at me and then turned away, pacing. "We have the TARDIS, but How do we drive it?" He turned to face me, hands behind his back. "Hmmm?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. My dad won't let me drive. Thinks I'll send us into a back hole or something."

Cauden looked at me, leaning over as much as he could. "I wish you weren't being so calm about this."

I looked at him and smiled. "I'm not calm. I'm so bloody scared, if I had to pee it would be running down my leg."

He chuckled and shook his head. "You're incredible."

I grinned at him again. Then Naked Guy was in my face again. "So your father is the only one who can drive it, then?"

I stared right at him and wrinkled my nose. "You really should consider a mint." SMACK! "Yes. Dad's the only one who can drive her." That hurt. My head throbbed, and spots invaded my vision. I blinked, hoping he wouldn't catch my bluff. My mum could drive her too, but he didn't need to know that. "He's the only one bonded to her." I blinked.

Naked Guy cursed and continued to pace. "Where did he run off to? Hmmm?"

I stayed silent, seriously not knowing the answer to that. He hit me, like I expected, but this time in the ribs. "Oof! I- I dunno... where he went..." I gasped, trying to catch my breath. "We were... lagging behind...." I was doubled over by now, and I closed my eyes while I had the chance. I could feel something drip off my face, and my ribs screamed in agony.

"Please stop hurting her!" Cauden sounded desperate, as if he could feel my pain. I opened one eye to look at him, and watched as he finally wiggled free from the Daicion that held him. His hands were still cuffed, but he managed to bring them to his front and kneel in front of me. He cupped my face in his hands gently and I opened my eyes to look at him. "Adrian, no matter what happens, promise me you'll save the kids!"

I nodded and licked my lips. "Yeah. I promise, I'll save them." My eyes were heavy, but I kept them open. He kissed me quickly before he was yanked away. I glared at Naked Guy. "Why exactly do you need the children, anyway?"

The Daicion sneered again, showing his pointed teeth. "I'm glad you asked. My queen has discovered a new energy that provides nicely for our community. It's only found in the youthfulness of children, though."

I started to work at the cuffs on my wrists, wiggling my hands around. They were pretty loose, considering. "And why do you need my father's TARDIS?" If I could get to my sonic, I could free Cauden as well, and send a wave of sound to throw the Daicions off balance...

"So we can go and take all the children from the beginning of time!" Naked Guy threw his arms out and grinned, twisting his monkey features grotesquely.

One hand free! I reached into my pocket and pulled out... an empty hand! "Bollocks!" I clenched my teeth.

"Looking for this?" Naked Guy waved my sonic in my face, just out of reach. "Interesting toy you have here."

"Come on! Daddy said that that was my last one! Give it back!" I tried to stay cool, but the truth was that without my sonic, I had no plan.

The Daicions laughed, and I wrinkled my nose. I looked around a minute and caught sight of Cauden. He mouthed one word to me: 'run'. So I ran.

"Stop! Or your lover here dies!" I spun around to see two Daicions holding their weapons on Cauden. "Come on back here, now. There's a good girl."

I slowly made my way back, watching them closely. "Alright, I'm on my way. Just leave him alone, okay?" I licked my lips and held my hands up.

As soon as I was close enough, a couple of Daicions pushed me down and recuffed me, making sure they were tight this time. "Good. Now How do I get a hold of your father and leave him a message?"

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