3:4 Omelets

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Part Three: The Impossible

Chapter Four: Omelets

We were finally on our way to figuring out Cauden's mystery. We had stopped back on Earth for a few days to allow Cauden, Calico, Kourtland, and Ronnie time gather their things and to pick up Jesse. Ronnie had begged my dad to allow him to come with us. I was still trying to figure out why Dad was letting so many into the TARDIS. I think it had something to do with Mum being with us.

I sat in the kitchen, reading a book at the table. Cauden walked in, tying an apron on over his Nirvana tee and black ripped jeans. "Want an omelet?"

I glanced up and smiled. "Sounds delicious." I got up and stretched, setting my book down. "We should have all the ingredients here..." The apron he had put on was a classic; a plain white affair with "kiss the cook" in red writing across the front. "Nice apron." I raised an eyebrow and looked up into his eyes.

He grinned, his brown eyes twinkling. "Yea? I thought so too." He smoothed it down the front and then held his arms out to his sides.

I looked him over as we stood there. He really did look the same. Same dark hair, same smile. Same everything. Except now there was a depth to his gaze, something I had noticed in my father's eyes, in my own. A depth that only our kind had.

I reached up and placed my hands on either side of his face. He lowered his own hands down to my waist, his grin softening. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you're okay." I bit my lip.

He tightened his grip on me and pulled me closer, and I moved my hands to his chest. "Adrian, for the hundredth time, I'm alright. I'm standing here, in front of you..." he leaned close, so that our breath mingled together. "Healthy and alive." He kissed me, and my eyes drifted close. The kiss was soft, and I drank in his taste.

I sank into him, sighing. I don't know what it was, but a part of me had died when he did. I didn't think I could've survived. I pulled away a bit and looked him closely in the eyes. "If you ever die again, I will kill you myself."

Cauden smiled and nodded. "I expect no less." He pulled me back in and kissed me deeper, his fingers finding the skin between my jeans and shirt. I shivered, and my arms moved of their own accord, wrapping around his neck. My fingers tangled in his soft hair, and he made a noise close to a growl. His kiss became more than soft, became urgent.

Suddenly, I couldn't get enough. I pressed myself closer, so we were chest to chest, hip to hip. I needed more, and I could feel he did too. He moved his hands up, against my skin, leaving fire behind. I moaned, opening my mouth for him, as he rocked his hips against me slowly. His tongue slipped in, caressing me.

"Ahem..." I gasped and pulled away from Cauden, but only just enough to glance at the doorway. Calico, Kourtland, Ronnie and Jesse stood grouped up just inside the kitchen, grinning. "Um, your parents are on their way here..." Cali giggled.

I felt my cheeks flame up, and I buried my face in Cauden's chest to hide. He chuckled and set his hand on my head, kissing the top of it. "That's alright, Love. Weren't you hungry anyway?" I nodded and stood there a minute before I sat back down and buried my nose in my book once more.

God, why do we keep getting interrupted? I stared at the same page for awhile before I gave up reading. I peeked up at Cauden, who was now mixing the ingredients for our omelets. "Extra cheese?" I asked, my cheeks still bright red.

He glanced back at me and grinned. "Anything for you, Love!" I smiled at him and propped my chin up on my hands, watching him cook.

I let my eyes graze his body, from his converse clad feet, to his perfect arse... okay, that's where I stopped. I licked my bottom lip and bit it.

"Everyone packed?" My dad stepped in, clapping his hands. I tore my gaze away from Cauden's arse and looked up at my parents.

"Oh, Doctor! Let them eat first!" My mum smiled at us all and kissed me on my head. "We're in no real rush."

"Cauden's making omelets." I pointed out, trying to avoid the subject I knew Cali at least wanted to talk about. "With extra cheese."

Mum nodded and studied me a moment. "Uh-huh. We'll talk later, hear me?" I tried to keep a poker face and nodded, looking down at the table.

"Talk? About what?" Dad stopped intensely staring at Cauden to throw Mum and me a confused look.

"Mother-daughter stuff." Mum waved her hand around. "Not your concern. Oh, and I'm driving."

"Like hell you are!" Dad pouted, crossing his arms. Mum threw him a look and he frowned. "Fine. But leave the boringers off."

"That's the brakes, Doctor. You've got to turn off the brakes." Mum crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side.

"Here, food's done!" Cauden passed out omelets to anyone who wanted one, and forks too. He took off the apron and smoothed his shirt out before stabbing into his own meal.

Everyone finished eating in minutes, and soon we were following the Doctor onto the TARDIS. I showed my friends to the room dad said they could use, and Dad and Mum fought over who was driving. Again.

"I'm going to take those boringers out. They are going to disappear!" Dad was yelling, and Mum laughed, as the TARDIS started up and we were traveling through space and time.

"First stop! Cauden's birthday!" My mum called out, and the rest of us cheered.

~A/N~ sorry for the late update, I had word trouble. Aka, writer's block. Fixed it! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, adventure to start soon! XD


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