5:5 Jenny

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Part Five: This Life

Chapter Five: Jenny

~Adrian's POV~

I sat up with a gasp, reaching for my arm. I looked over and saw Captain Jack pulling away a needle and syringe. "Sorry kid. It's just a little bit of adrenaline."

"Right," I nodded, feeling the hormone pump through my veins. I swung my feet over the side of the bed in the med bay and shook my head. Memories swam around, and I shot up and ran out to the console room. "Where's Cauden?"

My dad spun towards me, looking a bit shocked. And guilty. "The Daleks still have him. We're on our way to get him now," I nodded, digging into my pocket for a hairtie. "I want you and the humans to stay here, and Jack and I will get them, alright?"

"What! Dad, you can't make me stay here when he's out there!" I went to him and grabbed his jacket sleeve. "I'm not a little kid anymore!" then my mind flickered to the little kid I had gotten attatched to while I was human, and I frowned. "Where's Dean?"

Dad looked a bit relieved at the change of topic. "Ronnie took him to the galley."

I nodded and turned and ran to the galley, stopping in the doorway. Dean sat in a booster seat at the table, eating a sandwich. Ronnie leaned against the table next to him, watching him eat. I licked my lips and stepped into the room, and Ronnie's gaze snapped to mine.

"Adrian!" he rushed over and wrapped his arms around me. "The Doctor said you had exhausted yourself. Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Are you?" I smiled and hugged him back.

"Yea," he nodded, then pushed away to smile at me.

"Mummy! Look, I gots a sammich!" Dean called, and I went to him.

"Is it tastey?" I smiled at him, running my fingers through his blonde hair. He nodded and took a bite, grinning while he chewed. I chewed my lip as I watched him, trying to think of what we're all going to do. I noticed a girl walk in then, her long black hair in a ponytail. "Oh my god. Are you okay? I know all this stuff can be a bit overwhelming," I waved my hand arround.

She nodded, smiling a bit. "I'm okay."

"Adrian you're up! Oh my god!" I was tackled from behind, and I held onto the arms that wrapped around me.

"Yes, Cali. I'm up. Can't keep me down for long, I am a Pond after all," I grinned and turned to give her a proper hug. I heard sniffling, and I pulled away to look at her. She was crying, properly crying. I frowned and held her closer. "I'm sorry."

She shook her head and pulled away, wiping her face. "'s okay. I was just worried. I'm glad you're okay," she smiled a little.

I went to Dean and cleaned him up, then lifted him down to the floor. I knelt in front of him and held his hands in mine. "Hey, listen to mummy a minute, okay? There's something we gotta do, and I want you to stay here til we get back," he pouted, but nodded.

I stood up and started out of the galley to head to my room, but Ronnie grabbed my arm. "Adrian," I sighed and turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "I'm going with you. Jesse and Alex said they'd stay and watch Dean. Kourt, Cali and I are going with you."

"Thank you." I nodded at Alexandria, then continued to my room. Once there, I changed into a pair of stretchy black jeans, a skin tight jade green t-shirt, and a pair of combat boots. I made sure my hair was secure, then went to the console room. Ronnie, Cali and Kourtland filed in after me, all dressed in similar clothing to mine. "Dad, we're going too."

"Adrian-" he started to argue back, but Captain Jack put his hand on dad's shoulder.

"Doc, we need all the help we can get," he glanced at my friends and me.

"We'll be fine." I smirked, then went down the stairs and rummaged around in a compartment I had stocked up awhile ago. I pulled out two sonic blasters and a bigger gun, all three with special affects I had added on myself. Both sonic blasters could disintegrate most things if on the right setting, and the big gun was silent as well as deadly. I pulled out the last thing I had finished, a small leather bag that could be hooked onto a belt. I handed the blasters to the guys and the bag to Cali. "In the bag are electric grenades. They attatch to the victim and emit ten thousand volts of electricity."

"Adrian, what-" dad stood stunned, and I grinned.

"Mum made sure to teach me to use these. I figured one day there would be a time they would be needed." I shrugged and hefted my gun onto my shoulder. "Lets go save my boyfriend."

Dad and Jack piloted the TARDIS with skill, and we landed with a shudder. I showed my friends how to use their weapons and then we all filed out. Cauden ran to my side and kissed my cheek, and I took in the site in front of me. Three Daleks lay in ruins, a blonde girl standing with a gun similar to mine in her arms. "Hey sis! Nice gun."

"What?" blinked, confused. Sis?

"Right, um, Adrian. This is- this is Jenny. Your older sister. I uh, I thought she had...but she hadn't, apparently, and she seems to have killed three Daleks," dad rambled, sounding quite angry at the end.

"They tried to kill me!" she pouted. "I gave them a chance to surrender, but they were all-"


"Yea, that." she spun to face the Dalek, and I aimed and shot it to smithereens when the thing tried to advance. She turned back and nodded, smiling. "Nice shot."


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