Part Three: The Impossible

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Sorrow and despair hung in the air. We had made our way back to the TARDIS, and I stared emotionless at the center console. We had brought Cauden's body back with us, and were headed out into space to perform a funeral of sorts.

I had cried all my tears already, and was all dried up. Calico sat next to me, her arms around me. She was silent as well, having lost a best friend. Kourtland sat next to her, holding her hand. Ronnie sat on my other side, holding my free hand. My dad was driving.

We landed, and the doors opened, and I refused to look up as my dad, Ronnie and Kourtland lifted Cauden from the floor.

"Stop! You are about to make a big mistake!" I looked up and saw my mum, a panicked look across her features.

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