2:5 Traveling

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Part Two: Where Are the Children?

Chapter Five: Traveling

I yawned and stretched, as much as I could with someone's arms around me. I opened my eyes and smiled, seeing Cauden's sleeping face. I gently traced my fingers on his jaw. He looked so peaceful, so relaxed. I pushed myself up and kissed him on his nose.

He mumbled something, but I couldn't hear so I leaned closer. "Huh?"

"I said, you missed." He opened his eyes and grinned, leaning up and kissing my lips. "Morning, Love."

I laid back down and snuggled closer. "Good morning." I sighed and ran my fingers on his cheek. "We have to get up. My dad will figure out that I lied if I'm not out there early." I started wiggling to get up, but his arms tightened. "Cauden, my dad will kidnap you and leave you on a faraway planet, with nothing but your socks."

"Alright. I'll let you go, if you pay me first." He pouted.

"Pay you?" I smirked. He nodded and tapped his cheek, holding it out. I wiggled forward and kissed him, missing his cheek and going straight for his lips. Then while he was distracted, I pulled away and sat up, taking the blanket with me. "Can I wear your Skid Row tee?"

"Yea." I felt the bed move and then his arms wrapped around my waist.

I leaned forward and grabbed up my jeans, putting them on as far as I could. "Cauden, I need to get dressed." I smiled and glanced back at him.

"Do you?" He kissed my shoulder.

"Yes. I wasn't kidding when I said my dad would leave you on a distant planet. A cold planet, with literally nothing but your socks." I managed to finally wiggle enough to slip my jeans up and button them. "Your shirt's in your dresser?"

He sighed and I heard him get up. "Yea. Third drawer."

I went to the dresser and pulled on the tee. It came down to my knees, almost. I grinned and turned around, licking my lips. Watching Cauden pull on a pair of jeans was almost as good as...

"Adrian! Your dad's asking for you!" I heard from outside the bedroom door, and I hurriedly grabbed my jacket and boots.

"I'm coming!" I left the room and almost ran right into Cali. "Morning!" I grinned and hugged her.

"Morning! You should... fix your hair." She smirked and lifted a lock of my hair up.

"Right. Tell dad I'm in the bathroom." I spun and headed back in the room.

"Where will you actually be?" She called out, sounding far too amused.

"In the bathroom!" I rushed past Cauden, who held out my hairbrush, a smirk on his face. I stuck my tongue out and went into the bathroom, pulling the brush through my hair.

After a few minutes of rushing around and taming my hair, I was finally in the kitchen, eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. I had pulled my boots on on the stairway, and my jacket was draped on the chair I sat on. Cauden leaned against the counter behind me, eating a poptart. Cali and Kourtland sat at the table, chatting with Ronnie. My dad was leaning against the wall behind them, watching me eat.

"Dad, I'm eating as fast as I can." I finished the bowl, drank the milk, and stood. "Alright, Let's go!"

My dad clapped his hands and turned, leading us all to the familiar blue police box. I barely had time to grab my jacket. "Right. Wait. I'm taking all of you?" He spun around room face us, raising an eyebrow.

"Yea dad! They can help!" I shook my head and spun him around. "We don't have time to argue, there's kids in danger!"

"Right right. Alright, come on!" He unlocked the door and we went inside. "Last human in, shut the door!"

I took a deep breath and looked around, taking in the sight. I missed the TARDIS, and I felt like I'd come home. "Oh, I've missed you, girl!" I went to the console and smiled. "I'm home!" The room brightened and got warmer, and my smile widened. "I missed you too!"

"Yes, she wouldn't let me go too far from the solar system." My dad shook his head and started switching switches, pushing buttons and pulling levers. "Hold on!"

The TARDIS started shaking and making that so familiar sound. I gripped the edge of the console and laughed, staring at the glowing column in the middle. "What's going on?" Ronnie yelled out, holding onto the rail by the stairs for dear life.

"We're traveling! Just hold on!" I laughed again, enjoying the ride.

There was a bump and a shudder, and I almost fell to the floor. I pulled myself upright and ran to the screen. "Where did you take us?" I glanced back and saw my friends and Cauden were all on the floor.

"Ah! We are..." dad started, but I threw my arm out.

"Wait! I want to see!" I grinned at him and ran to the door, Cauden, Cali, Kourtland and Ronnie right behind me.

I opened the door and stepped into a big room. The ceiling was high and painted a pale blue. The walls had murals of a few different landscapes from a few different planets. The floor was a simple wooden tile, rugs and play mats scattered around. The windows were closed, and I could hear the howls of a storm. Bookshelves lined the bottom half of the walls, and a few toy chest sat in a few different areas. The room was currently empty, the lights low. Even as dark as it was right that moment, I'd recognize this room anywhere.

"Adrian..." I glanced back and reached for Cauden's hand, squeezing it.

"Yea. We're back. Geronimo." I took a deep breath and led the group out of the TARDIS, and into the common room of the orphanage I grew up in.

We were on Kodomo.

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